""" My module for various data analysis tasks.
:REQUIREMENTS: :doc:`numpy`, :doc:`tools` (for :func:`errxy`)
2008-07-25 16:20 IJC: Created.
2009-12-08 11:31 IJC: Updated transit flag in planet objects and
:func:`rveph` function.
2010-02-18 14:06 IJC: Added :func:`medianfilter`
2010-08-03 15:38 IJC: Merged versions.
2010-10-28 11:53 IJMC: Updated documentation strings for Sphinx;
moved pylab import inside individual
2011-04-13 14:29 IJMC: Added keyword functionality to :func:`fmin`
(taken from scipy.optimize).
2011-04-14 09:48 IJMC: Added a few fundamental constants.
2011-04-22 14:48 IJMC: Added :func:`trueanomaly` and
2011-06-21 13:15 IJMC: Added :func:`get_t23` and :func:`get_t14` to
planet objects.
import numpy as np
from numpy import ones, std, sum, mean, median, array, linalg, tile, concatenate, floor, Inf, arange, meshgrid, zeros, sin, cos, tan, arctan, sqrt, exp, nan, max
import pdb
from pylab import find
from scipy import optimize
c = 299792458 # speed of light, m/s
h = 6.626068e-34 # SI units: Planck's constant
k = 1.3806503e-23 # SI units: Boltzmann constant, J/K
G = 6.67300e-11 # SI units: Gravitational constant
sigma = 5.670373e-8 # SI units: Stefan-Boltzmann constant
qe = 1.602176565e-19 # Electron charge, in Coulombs
me = 9.11e-31 # electron mass, in kg
ev = 1.602176565e-19 # electron Volt, in Joules
amu = 1.66053886e-27 # atomic mass unit, in kg
mh = 1.008 * amu # mass of hydrogen atom, in kg
pi = 3.14159265358979
AU = 149597870691.0 # AU in meters
day = 86400.0 # seconds in a Julian Day
rsun = 6.95508e8 # Solar mean radius, in m
msun = 1.9891e30 # solar mass in kg
rearth = 6.378136e6 # Earth's equatorial radius in m; [Allen's]
mearth = 5.9737e24 # in kg; [Allen's]
rjup = 7.1492e7 # Jupiter equatorial radius in m
mjup = 1898.7e24 # Jupiter mass in kg
pc = 3.08568025e16 # parsec in meters
[docs]class planet:
"""Very handy planet object.
Best initialized using :func:`getobj`.
:REQUIREMENTS: Database file `exoplanets.csv` from http://exoplanets.org/
# 2010-03-07 22:21 IJC: Created
# 2011-01-22 17:15 IJMC: Updated format b/c CPS folks keep changing
# their database file format
# 2011-05-19 16:11 IJMC: Updated format b/c CPS folks keep
# changing their database file format -- but
# it's almost worth it to finally have
# stellar radii.
# 2014-11-21 15:31 IJMC: Simplified check on number of keys vs. args.
def __init__(self, *args):
keys = ['name','comp','ncomp','mult','discmeth','firstref','firsturl','date','jsname','etdname','per','uper','t0','ut0','ecc','uecc','ueccd','om','uom','k','uk','msini','umsini','a','ua','orbref','orburl','transit','t14','ut14','tt','utt','ar','uar','uard','i','ui','uid','b','ub','ubd','depth','udepth','udepthd','r','ur','density','udensity','gravity','ugravity','transitref','transiturl','trend','dvdt','udvdt','freeze_ecc','rms','chi2','nobs','star','hd','hr','hipp','sao','gl','othername','sptype','binary','v','bmv','j','h','ks','ra','dec','ra_string','dec_string','rstar', 'urstar', 'urstard', 'rstarref', 'rstarurl','mstar','umstar','umstard','teff','uteff','vsini','uvsini','fe','ufe','logg','ulogg','shk','rhk','par','upar','distance','udistance','lambd', 'ulambd', 'massref','massurl','specref','specurl','distref','disturl','simbadname','nstedid','binaryref', 'binaryurl']
if len(keys)>len(args):
print "Incorrect number of input arguments (%i, but should be %i)" % (len(args), len(keys))
return None
for key,arg in zip(keys, args):
temp = float(arg)+1
isnumber = True
isnumber = False
if isnumber:
exec('self.%s=%s' % (key,arg) )
exec('self.%s="%s"' % (key,arg) )
return None
[docs] def get_t23(self, *args):
"""Compute full transit duration (in days) for a transiting planet.
nan if required fields are missing.
Using Eq. 15 of J. Winn's chapter in S. Seager's book "Exoplanets."
# 2011-06-21 12:53 IJMC: Created
# Get necessary parameters:
per, ra, k, b, inc, ecc, om = self.per, 1./self.ar, sqrt(self.depth), self.b, self.i, self.ecc, self.om
inc *= np.pi/180.
om *= np.pi/180.
ret = 0.
# Check that no parameters are empty:
if per=='' or k=='':
ret = nan
if b=='':
b = (cos(inc)/ra) * (1. - ecc**2) / (1. + ecc * sin(om))
ret = nan
elif ra=='':
ra = (cos(inc)/b) * (1. - ecc**2) / (1. + ecc * sin(om))
ret = nan
elif inc=='':
inc = np.arccos((b * ra) / ((1. - ecc**2) / (1. + ecc * sin(om))))
ret = nan
if np.isnan(ret):
print "Could not compute t_23. Parameters are:"
print "period>>", per
print "r_*/a>>", ra
print "r_p/r_*>>", k
print "impact parameter (b)>>", b
print "inclination>>", inc*180./np.pi, " deg"
print "eccentricity>>", ecc
print "omega>>", om*180./np.pi, " deg"
ret = (per/np.pi) * np.arcsin(ra * np.sqrt((1. - k)**2 - b**2) / np.sin(inc))
return ret
[docs] def get_t14(self, *args):
"""Compute total transit duration (in days) for a transiting planet.
nan if required fields are missing.
Using Eq. 14 of J. Winn's chapter in S. Seager's book "Exoplanets."
# 2011-06-21 12:53 IJMC: Created
# Get necessary parameters:
per, ra, k, b, inc, ecc, om = self.per, 1./self.ar, sqrt(self.depth), self.b, self.i, self.ecc, self.om
inc *= np.pi/180.
om *= np.pi/180.
ret = 0.
# Check that no parameters are empty:
if per=='' or k=='':
ret = nan
if b=='':
b = (cos(inc)/ra) * (1. - ecc**2) / (1. + ecc * sin(om))
ret = nan
elif ra=='':
ra = (cos(inc)/b) * (1. - ecc**2) / (1. + ecc * sin(om))
ret = nan
elif inc=='':
inc = np.arccos((b * ra) / ((1. - ecc**2) / (1. + ecc * sin(om))))
ret = nan
if np.isnan(ret):
print "Could not compute t_14. Parameters are:"
print "period>>", per
print "r_*/a>>", ra
print "r_p/r_*>>", k
print "impact parameter (b)>>", b
print "inclination>>", inc*180./np.pi, " deg"
print "eccentricity>>", ecc
print "omega>>", om*180./np.pi, " deg"
ret = (per/np.pi) * np.arcsin(ra * np.sqrt((1. + k)**2 - b**2) / np.sin(inc))
return ret
[docs] def get_teq(self, ab, f, reterr=False):
"""Compute equilibrium temperature.
ab : scalar, 0 <= ab <= 1
Bond albedo.
f : scalar, 0.25 <= ab <= 2/3.
Recirculation efficiency. A value of 0.25 indicates full
redistribution of incident heat, while 2/3 indicates zero
import analysis
planet = analysis.getobj('HD 189733 b')
planet.get_teq(0.0, 0.25) # zero albedo, full recirculation
S. Seager, "Exoplanets," 2010. Eq. 3.9
# 2012-09-07 16:24 IJMC: Created
return self.teff/np.sqrt(self.ar) * (f * (1. - ab))**0.25
[docs] def rv(self, **kw):
"""Compute radial velocity on a planet object for given Julian Date.
import analysis
p = analysis.getobj('HD 189733 b')
jd = 2400000.
print p.rv(jd)
refer to function `analysis.rv` for full documentation.
SEE ALSO: :func:`analysis.rv`, :func:`analysis.mjd`
return rv(self, **kw)
[docs] def rveph(self, jd):
"""Compute the most recently elapsed RV emphemeris of a given
planet at a given JD. RV ephemeris is defined by the having
radial velocity equal to zero.
refer to :func:`analysis.rv` for full documentation.
SEE ALSO: :func:`analysis.getobj`, :func:`analysis.phase`
return rveph(self, jd)
[docs] def phase(self, hjd):
"""Get phase of an orbiting planet.
refer to function `analysis.getorbitalphase` for full documentation.
SEE ALSO: :func:`analysis.getorbitalphase`, :func:`analysis.mjd`
# 2009-09-28 14:07 IJC: Implemented object-oriented version
return getorbitalphase(self, hjd)
[docs] def writetext(self, filename, **kw):
"""See :func:`analysis.planettext`"""
return planettext(self, filename, **kw)
[docs]def loaddata(filelist, path='', band=1):
"""Load a set of reduced spectra into a single data file.
datalist = ['file1.fits', 'file2.fits']
datapath = '~/data/'
data = loaddata(datalist, path=datapath, band=1)
The input can also be the name of an IRAF-style file list.
# 2008-07-25 16:26 IJC: Created
# 2010-01-20 12:58 IJC: Made function work for IRTF low-res data.
# Replaced 'warn' command with 'print'.
# 2011-04-08 11:42 IJC: Updated; moved inside analysis.py.
# 2011-04-12 09:57 IJC: Fixed misnamed imports
from astropy.io import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
data = array([])
if filelist.__class__==str or isinstance(filelist,np.string_):
filelist = ns.file2list(filelist)
elif filelist.__class__<>list:
print('Input to loaddata must be a python list or string')
return data
num = len(filelist)
# Load one file just to get the dimensions right.
irspec = pyfits.getdata(filelist[0])
ii = 0
for element in filelist:
irspec = pyfits.getdata(element)
if ii==0:
irsh = irspec.shape
data = zeros((num,)+irsh[1::], float)
if len(irsh)>2:
for jj in range(irsh[1]):
data[ii, jj, :] = irspec[band-1, jj, :]
data[ii,:] = irspec[band-1,:]
return data
[docs]def getobj(*args, **kw):
"""Get data for a specified planet.
:INPUTS: (str) -- planet name, e.g. "HD 189733 b"
datafile : str
datafile name
verbose : bool
verbosity flag
p = getobj('55cnce')
p.period ---> 2.81705
The attributes of the returned object are many and varied, and
can be listed using the 'dir' command on the returned object.
This looks up data from the local datafile, which could be out
of date.
SEE ALSO: :func:`rv`"""
# 2008-07-30 16:56 IJC: Created
# 2010-03-07 22:24 IJC: Updated w/new exoplanets.org data table!
# 2010-03-11 10:01 IJC: If planet name not found, return list of
# planet names. Restructured input format.
# 2010-11-01 13:30 IJC: Added "import os"
# 2011-05-19 15:56 IJC: Modified documentation.
import os
if kw.has_key('datafile'):
if kw.has_key('verbose'):
verbose = kw['verbose']
if len(args)==0:
inp = 'noplanetname'
inp = args[0]
if verbose: print "datafile>>" + datafile
f = open(datafile, 'r')
data = f.readlines()
data = data[1::] # remove header line
names = array([line.split(',')[0] for line in data])
foundobj = (names==inp)
if (not foundobj.any()):
if verbose: print "could not find desired planet; returning names of known planets"
return names
planetind = int(find(foundobj))
pinfo = data[planetind].strip().split(',')
myplanet = planet(*pinfo)
return myplanet
[docs]def getorbitalphase(planet, hjd, **kw):
"""Get phase of an orbiting planet.
planet -- a planet from getobj; e.g., getobj('55cnce')
orbital phase -- from 0 to 1.
If planet.transit==True, phase is based on the transit time ephemeris.
If planet.transit==False, phase is based on the RV ephemeris as
computed by function rveph
SEE ALSO: :func:`getobj`, :func:`mjd`, :func:`rveph`
hjd = array(hjd).copy()
if bool(planet.transit)==True:
thiseph = planet.tt
thiseph = planet.rveph(hjd.max())
orbphase = ((hjd - thiseph) ) / planet.per
orbphase -= int(orbphase.mean())
return orbphase
[docs]def mjd(date):
"""Convert Julian Date to Modified Julian Date, or vice versa.
if date>=2400000.5, add 2400000.5
if date<2400000.5, subtract 2400000.5
# 2009-09-24 09:54 IJC: Created
date = array(date, dtype=float, copy=True, subok=True)
offset = 2400000.5
if (date<offset).all():
date += offset
elif (date>=offset).all():
date -= offset
print "Input contains date both below and above %f" % offset
return date
[docs]def rveph(p, jd):
"""Compute the most recently elapsed RV emphemeris of a given
planet at a given JD. RV ephemeris is defined by the having
radial velocity equal to zero.
from analysis import getobj, rveph
jd = 2454693 # date: 2008/08/14
p = getobj('55cnce') # planet: 55 Cnc e
t = rveph(p, jd)
returns t ~
SEE ALSO: :func:`getobj`, :func:`phase`
# 2009-12-08 11:20 IJC: Created. Ref: Beauge et al. 2008 in
# "Extrasolar Planets," R. Dvorak ed.
# 2010-03-12 09:34 IJC: Updated for new planet-style object.
from numpy import cos, arccos, arctan, sqrt, tan, pi, sin, int
if p.__class__<>planet:
raise Exception, "First input must be a 'planet' object."
omega = p.om*pi/180
tau = p.t0
ecc = p.ecc
per = p.per
f = arccos(-ecc * cos(omega)) - omega # true anomaly
u = 2.*arctan(sqrt((1-ecc)/(1+ecc))*tan(f/2.)) # eccentric anomaly
n = 2*pi/per
time0 = tau+ (u-ecc*sin(u))/n
norb = int((time0-jd)/per)
time = time0-norb*per
return time
[docs]def rv(p, jd=None, e=None, reteanom=False, tol=1e-8):
""" Compute unprojected astrocentric RV of a planet for a given JD in m/s.
p : planet object, or 5- or 6-sequence
planet object: see :func:`get_obj`
sequence: [period, t_peri, ecc, a, long_peri, gamma]
(if gamma is omitted, it is set to zero)
(long_peri should be in radians!)
jd : NumPy array
Dates of observation (in same time system as t_peri).
e : NumPy array
Eccentric Anomaly of observations (can be precomputed to
save time)
jd = 2454693 # date: 2008/08/14
p = getobj('55 Cnc e') # planet: 55 Cnc e
vp = rv(p, jd)
returns vp ~ 1.47e5 [m/s]
The result will need to be multiplied by the sine of the
inclination angle (i.e., "sin i"). Positive radial velocities
are directed _AWAY_ from the observer.
To compute the barycentric radial velocity of the host star,
scale the returned values by the mass ratio -m/(m+M).
SEE ALSO: :func:`getobj`, :func:`rvstar`
# 2008-08-13 12:59 IJC: Created with help from Debra Fischer,
# Murray & Dermott, and Beauge et al. 2008 in "Extrasolar
# Planets," R. Dvorak ed.
# 2008-09-25 12:55 IJC: Updated documentation to be more clear.
# 2009-10-01 10:25 IJC: Moved "import" statement within func.
# 2010-03-12 09:13 IJC: Updated w/new planet-type objects
# 2012-10-15 17:20 IJMC: First input can now be a list of
# elements. Added option to pass in
# eccentric anomaly.
jd = array(jd, copy=True, subok=True)
if jd.shape==():
singlevalueinput = True
jd = array([jd])
singlevalueinput = False
if ((jd-2454692) > 5000).any():
raise Exception, "Implausible Julian Date entered."
if hasattr(p, '__iter__'):
if len(p)==5:
per, tau, ecc, a, omega = p
gamma = 0.
per, tau, ecc, a, omega, gamma = p[0:6]
if ecc > 1: # Reset eccentricity directly
ecc = 1. - tol
p[2] = ecc
elif ecc < 0:
ecc = np.abs(ecc)
p[2] = ecc
if p.__class__<>planet:
raise Exception, "First input must be a 'planet' object."
per = p.per
tau = p.t0
ecc = p.ecc
a = p.a
omega = p.om * pi/180.0
raise Exception, "Could not load all desired planet parameters."
if ecc < 0:
ecc = np.abs(ecc)
if ecc > 1:
ecc = 1. - tol
if e is None:
n = 2.*pi/per # mean motion
m = n*(jd - tau) # mean anomaly
e = []
for element in m: # compute eccentric anomaly
def kep(e): return element - e + ecc*sin(e)
e.append(optimize.brentq(kep, element-1, element+1, xtol=tol, disp=False))
#e.append(optimize.newton(kep, 0, tol=tol))
e = array(e, copy=False)
f = 2. * arctan( sqrt((1+ecc)/(1.-ecc)) * tan(e/2.) )
#r = a*(1-ecc*cos(e))
#x = r*cos(f)
#y = r*sin(f)
K = n * a / sqrt(1-ecc**2)
vz = -K * ( cos(f+omega) + ecc*cos(omega) )
vzms = vz * AU/day # convert to m/s
if singlevalueinput:
vzms = vzms[0]
if reteanom:
ret = vzms, e
ret = vzms
return ret
[docs]def rvstar(p, jd=None, e=None, reteanom=False, tol=1e-8):
""" Compute radial velocity of a star which has an orbiting planet.
p : planet object, or 5- or 6-sequence
planet object: see :func:`get_obj`
sequence: [period, t_peri, ecc, K, long_peri, gamma]
(if gamma is omitted, it is set to zero)
jd : NumPy array
Dates of observation (in same time system as t_peri).
e : NumPy array
Eccentric Anomaly of observations (can be precomputed to
save time)
jd = 2454693 # date: 2008/08/14
p = getobj('55 Cnc e') # planet: 55 Cnc e
vp = rv(p, jd)
Positive radial velocities are directed _AWAY_ from the
:SEE_ALSO: :func:`rv`, :func:`getobj`
# 2012-10-15 22:34 IJMC: Created from function 'rv'
jd = array(jd, copy=True, subok=True)
if jd.shape==():
singlevalueinput = True
jd = array([jd])
singlevalueinput = False
if ((jd-2454692) > 5000).any():
raise Exception, "Implausible Julian Date entered."
if hasattr(p, '__iter__'):
if len(p)==5:
per, tau, ecc, k, omega = p
gamma = 0.
per, tau, ecc, k, omega, gamma = p[0:6]
omega *= np.pi/180.
if ecc < 0:
ecc = np.abs(ecc)
p[2] = ecc
elif ecc > 1:
ecc = 1. - tol
p[2] = ecc
if p.__class__<>planet:
raise Exception, "First input must be a 'planet' object."
per = p.per
tau = p.t0
ecc = p.ecc
k = p.k
omega = p.om * pi/180.0
gamma = 0.
raise Exception, "Could not load all desired planet parameters."
if ecc < 0:
ecc = np.abs(ecc)
if ecc > 1:
ecc = 1. - tol
if e is None:
n = 2.*pi/per # mean motion
m = n*(jd - tau) # mean anomaly
e = np.zeros(m.shape)
for ii,element in enumerate(m): # compute eccentric anomaly
def kep(e): return element - e + ecc*sin(e)
e[ii] = optimize.brentq(kep, element-1, element+1, xtol=tol, disp=False)
#e.append(optimize.newton(kep, 0, tol=tol))
# Compute true anomaly:
f = 2. * arctan( sqrt((1+ecc)/(1.-ecc)) * tan(e/2.) )
vrstar = k * (np.cos(f + omega) + ecc*np.cos(omega)) + gamma
if singlevalueinput:
vrstar = vrstar[0]
if reteanom:
ret = vrstar, e
ret = vrstar
return ret
[docs]def dopspec(starspec, planetspec, starrv, planetrv, disp, starphase=[], planetphase=[], wlscale=True):
""" Generate combined time series spectra using planet and star
models, planet and star RV profiles.
D = dopspec(sspec, pspec, sRV, pRV, disp, sphase=[], pphase=[])
sspec, pspec: star, planet spectra; must be on a common
logarithmic wavelength grid
sRV, pRV: star, planet radial velocities in m/s
disp: constant logarithmic dispersion of the wavelength
grid: LAMBDA_i/LAMBDA_(i-1)
sphase, pphase: normalized phase functions of star and planet.
The inputs sspec and pspec will be scaled
by these values for each observation.
wlscale: return relative wavelength scale for new data
NOTE: Input spectra must be linearly spaced in log wavelength and increasing:
that is, they must have [lambda_i / lambda_(i-1)] = disp =
constant > 1
Positive velocities are directed AWAY from the observer."""
#2008-08-19 16:30 IJC: Created
# Options: 1. chop off ends or not? 2. phase function.
# 4. Noise level 5. telluric? 6. hold star RV constant
# Initialize:
starspec = array(starspec ).ravel()
planetspec = array(planetspec).ravel()
starrv = array(starrv ).ravel()
planetrv = array(planetrv ).ravel()
ns = len(starspec)
nr = len(starrv)
starphase = array(starphase ).ravel()
planetphase = array(planetphase).ravel()
if len(starphase)==0:
starphase = ones(nr, float)
if len(planetphase)==0:
planetphase = ones(nr, float)
# Check inputs:
if ns<>len(planetspec):
raise Exception, "Star and planet spectra must be same length."
if nr<>len(planetrv):
raise Exception, "Star and planet RV profiles must be same length."
logdisp = log(disp)
# Calculate wavelength shift limits for each RV point
sshift = ( log(1.0+starrv /c) / logdisp ).round()
pshift = ( log(1.0+planetrv/c) / logdisp ).round()
limlo = int( concatenate((sshift, pshift)).min() )
limhi = int( concatenate((sshift, pshift)).max() )
ns2 = ns + (limhi - limlo)
data = zeros((nr, ns2), float)
# Iterate over RV values, constructing spectra
for ii in range(nr):
data[ii, (sshift[ii]-limlo):(ns+sshift[ii]-limlo)] = \
starphase[ii] * starspec
data[ii, (pshift[ii]-limlo):(ns+pshift[ii]-limlo)] = \
data[ii, (pshift[ii]-limlo):(ns+pshift[ii]-limlo)] + \
planetphase[ii] * planetspec
if wlscale:
data = (data, disp**(arange(ns2) + limlo))
return data
[docs]def loadatran(filename, wl=True, verbose=False):
""" Load ATRAN atmospheric transmission data file.
t = loadatran(filename, wl=True)
filename -- filename of the ATRAN file. This should be an
ASCII array where the second column is
wavelength and the third is the atmospheric
(This can also be a list of filenames!)
wl -- if True (DEFAULT) also return the wavelength scale.
This can take up to twice as long for large files.
if wl==True: returns a 2D array, with columns [lambda, transmission]
if wl==False: returns a 1D Numpy array of the transmission
NOTE: A list of these return values is created if
'filename' is actually an input list."""
# 2008-08-21 09:42 IJC: Created to save myself a bit of time
# 2008-08-25 10:08 IJC: Read in all lines at once; should go
# faster with sufficient memory
# 2008-09-09 13:56 IJC: Only convert the wavelength and flux
# columns(#1 & #2) -- speed up slightly.
if filename.__class__==list:
returnlist = []
for element in filename:
returnlist.append(loadatran(element, wl=wl))
return returnlist
f = open(filename, 'r')
dat = f.readlines()
if verbose:
print dat[0]
print dat[0].split()
print dat[0].split()[1:3]
print dat[0].split()[2]
if wl:
data = array([map(float, line.split()[1:3]) for line in dat])
data = array([float(line.split()[2]) for line in dat])
return data
[docs]def poly2cheby(cin):
"""Convert straight monomial coefficients to chebychev coefficients.
INPUT: poly coefficients (e.g., for use w/polyval)
OUTPUT: chebyt coefficients
SEE ALSO: :func:`gpolyval`; scipy.special.chebyt
# 2009-07-07 09:41 IJC: Created
from scipy.special import poly1d, chebyt
cin = poly1d(cin)
cout = []
ord = cin.order
for ii in range(ord+1):
chebyii = chebyt(ord-ii)
cin -= chebyii*cout[ii]
return cout
[docs]def cheby2poly(cin):
"""Convert chebychev coefficients to 'normal' polyval coefficients .
:INPUT: chebyt coefficients
:OUTPUT: poly coefficients (e.g., for use w/polyval)
:SEE ALSO: :func:`poly2cheby`, :func:`gpolyval`; scipy.special.chebyt
# 2009-10-22 22:19 IJC: Created
from scipy.special import poly1d, chebyt
cin = poly1d(cin)
cout = poly1d(0)
ord = cin.order
for ii in range(ord+1):
cout += chebyt(ii)*cin[ii]
return cout
[docs]def gpolyval(c,x, mode='poly', retp=False):
"""Generic polynomial evaluator.
c (1D array) -- coefficients of polynomial to evaluate,
from highest-order to lowest.
x (1D array) -- pixel values at which to evaluate C
MODE='poly' -- 'poly' uses standard monomial coefficients
as accepted by, e.g., polyval. Other
modes -- 'cheby' (1st kind) and 'legendre'
(P_n) -- convert input 'x' to a normalized
[-1,+1] domain
RETP=False -- Return coefficients as well as evaluated poly.
y -- array of shape X; evaluated polynomial.
(y, p) (if retp=True)
SEE ALSO: :func:`poly2cheby`
# 2009-06-17 15:42 IJC: Created
# 2011-12-29 23:11 IJMC: Fixed normalization of the input 'x' array
# 2014-12-18 22:55 IJMC: poly1d has moved from scipy.special to NumPy
from scipy import special
from numpy import zeros, polyval, concatenate, poly1d
c = array(c).copy()
nc = len(c)
if mode=='poly':
totalcoef = c
ret = polyval(totalcoef, x)
elif mode=='cheby':
x = 2. * (x - 0.5*(x.max() + x.min())) / (x.max() - x.min())
totalcoef = poly1d([0])
for ii in range(nc):
totalcoef += c[ii]*special.chebyt(nc-ii-1)
ret = polyval(totalcoef, x)
elif mode=='legendre':
x = 2. * (x - 0.5*(x.max() + x.min())) / (x.max() - x.min())
totalcoef = poly1d([0])
for ii in range(nc):
totalcoef += c[ii]*special.legendre(nc-ii-1)
ret = polyval(totalcoef, x)
if retp:
return (ret, totalcoef)
return ret
return -1
[docs]def stdr(x, nsigma=3, niter=Inf, finite=True, verbose=False, axis=None):
"""Return the standard deviation of an array after removing outliers.
x -- (array) data set to find std of
nsigma -- (float) number of standard deviations for clipping
niter -- number of iterations.
finite -- if True, remove all non-finite elements (e.g. Inf, NaN)
axis -- (int) axis along which to compute the mean.
from numpy import *
from analysis import stdr
x = concatenate((randn(200),[1000]))
print std(x), stdr(x, nsigma=3)
x = concatenate((x,[nan,inf]))
print std(x), stdr(x, nsigma=3)
SEE ALSO: :func:`meanr`, :func:`medianr`, :func:`removeoutliers`,
# 2010-02-16 14:57 IJC: Created from mear
# 2010-07-01 14:06 IJC: ADded support for higher dimensions
from numpy import array, isfinite, zeros, swapaxes
x = array(x, copy=True)
xshape = x.shape
ndim = len(xshape)
if ndim==0:
return x
if ndim==1 or axis is None:
# "1D" array
x = x.ravel()
if finite:
x = x[isfinite(x)]
x = removeoutliers(x, nsigma, niter=Inf, verbose=verbose)
return x.std()
newshape = list(xshape)
oldDimension = newshape.pop(axis)
ret = zeros(newshape, float)
# Prevent us from taking the action along the axis of primary incidices:
if axis==0:
if axis>1:
nextaxis = axis-1
nextaxis = 0
for ii in range(newshape[0]):
#print 'x.shape>>',x.shape, 'newshape>>',newshape, 'x[ii].shape>>',x[ii].shape, 'ret[ii].shape>>',ret[ii].shape,'ii>>',ii
ret[ii] = stdr(x[ii], nsigma=nsigma,niter=niter,finite=finite,\
verbose=verbose, axis=nextaxis)
return ret
[docs]def meanr(x, nsigma=3, niter=Inf, finite=True, verbose=False,axis=None):
"""Return the mean of an array after removing outliers.
x -- (array) data set to find mean of
nsigma -- (float) number of standard deviations for clipping
niter -- number of iterations.
finite -- if True, remove all non-finite elements (e.g. Inf, NaN)
axis -- (int) axis along which to compute the mean.
from numpy import *
from analysis import meanr
x = concatenate((randn(200),[1000]))
print mean(x), meanr(x, nsigma=3)
x = concatenate((x,[nan,inf]))
print mean(x), meanr(x, nsigma=3)
SEE ALSO: :func:`medianr`, :func:`stdr`, :func:`removeoutliers`,
# 2009-10-01 10:44 IJC: Created
# 2010-07-01 13:52 IJC: Now handles higher dimensions.
from numpy import array, isfinite, zeros, swapaxes
x = array(x, copy=True)
xshape = x.shape
ndim = len(xshape)
if ndim==0:
return x
if ndim==1 or axis is None:
# "1D" array
x = x.ravel()
if finite:
x = x[isfinite(x)]
x = removeoutliers(x, nsigma, niter=Inf, verbose=verbose)
return x.mean()
newshape = list(xshape)
oldDimension = newshape.pop(axis)
ret = zeros(newshape, float)
# Prevent us from taking the mean along the axis of primary incidices:
if axis==0:
if axis>1:
nextaxis = axis-1
nextaxis = 0
for ii in range(newshape[0]):
#print 'x.shape>>',x.shape, 'newshape>>',newshape, 'x[ii].shape>>',x[ii].shape, 'ret[ii].shape>>',ret[ii].shape,'ii>>',ii
ret[ii] = meanr(x[ii], nsigma=nsigma,niter=niter,finite=finite,\
verbose=verbose, axis=nextaxis)
return ret
[docs]def polyfitr(x, y, N, s, fev=100, w=None, diag=False, clip='both', \
verbose=False, plotfit=False, plotall=False, eps=1e-13, catchLinAlgError=False):
"""Matplotlib's polyfit with weights and sigma-clipping rejection.
Do a best fit polynomial of order N of y to x. Points whose fit
residuals exeed s standard deviations are rejected and the fit is
recalculated. Return value is a vector of polynomial
coefficients [pk ... p1 p0].
w: a set of weights for the data; uses CARSMath's weighted polynomial
fitting routine instead of numpy's standard polyfit.
fev: number of function evaluations to call before stopping
'diag'nostic flag: Return the tuple (p, chisq, n_iter)
clip: 'both' -- remove outliers +/- 's' sigma from fit
'above' -- remove outliers 's' sigma above fit
'below' -- remove outliers 's' sigma below fit
catchLinAlgError : bool
If True, don't bomb on LinAlgError; instead, return [0, 0, ... 0].
Iterates so long as n_newrejections>0 AND n_iter<fev.
# 2008-10-01 13:01 IJC: Created & completed
# 2009-10-01 10:23 IJC: 1 year later! Moved "import" statements within func.
# 2009-10-22 14:01 IJC: Added 'clip' options for continuum fitting
# 2009-12-08 15:35 IJC: Automatically clip all non-finite points
# 2010-10-29 09:09 IJC: Moved pylab imports inside this function
# 2012-08-20 16:47 IJMC: Major change: now only reject one point per iteration!
# 2012-08-27 10:44 IJMC: Verbose < 0 now resets to 0
# 2013-05-21 23:15 IJMC: Added catchLinAlgError
from CARSMath import polyfitw
from numpy import polyfit, polyval, isfinite, ones
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
from pylab import plot, legend, title, figure
if verbose < 0:
verbose = 0
xx = array(x, copy=False)
yy = array(y, copy=False)
noweights = (w==None)
if noweights:
ww = ones(xx.shape, float)
ww = array(w, copy=False)
ii = 0
nrej = 1
if noweights:
goodind = isfinite(xx)*isfinite(yy)
goodind = isfinite(xx)*isfinite(yy)*isfinite(ww)
xx2 = xx[goodind]
yy2 = yy[goodind]
ww2 = ww[goodind]
while (ii<fev and (nrej<>0)):
if noweights:
p = polyfit(xx2,yy2,N)
residual = yy2 - polyval(p,xx2)
stdResidual = std(residual)
clipmetric = s * stdResidual
if catchLinAlgError:
p = polyfitw(xx2,yy2, ww2, N)
except LinAlgError:
p = np.zeros(N+1, dtype=float)
p = polyfitw(xx2,yy2, ww2, N)
p = p[::-1] # polyfitw uses reverse coefficient ordering
residual = (yy2 - polyval(p,xx2)) * np.sqrt(ww2)
clipmetric = s
if clip=='both':
worstOffender = abs(residual).max()
if worstOffender <= clipmetric or worstOffender < eps:
ind = ones(residual.shape, dtype=bool)
ind = abs(residual) < worstOffender
elif clip=='above':
worstOffender = residual.max()
if worstOffender <= clipmetric:
ind = ones(residual.shape, dtype=bool)
ind = residual < worstOffender
elif clip=='below':
worstOffender = residual.min()
if worstOffender >= -clipmetric:
ind = ones(residual.shape, dtype=bool)
ind = residual > worstOffender
ind = ones(residual.shape, dtype=bool)
xx2 = xx2[ind]
yy2 = yy2[ind]
if (not noweights):
ww2 = ww2[ind]
ii = ii + 1
nrej = len(residual) - len(xx2)
if plotall:
plot(x,y, '.', xx2,yy2, 'x', x, polyval(p, x), '--')
legend(['data', 'fit data', 'fit'])
title('Iter. #' + str(ii) + ' -- Close all windows to continue....')
if verbose:
print str(len(x)-len(xx2)) + ' points rejected on iteration #' + str(ii)
if (plotfit or plotall):
plot(x,y, '.', xx2,yy2, 'x', x, polyval(p, x), '--')
legend(['data', 'fit data', 'fit'])
title('Close window to continue....')
if diag:
chisq = ( (residual)**2 / yy2 ).sum()
p = (p, chisq, ii)
return p
[docs]def spliner(x, y, k=3, sig=5, s=None, fev=100, w=None, clip='both', \
verbose=False, plotfit=False, plotall=False, diag=False):
"""Matplotlib's polyfit with sigma-clipping rejection.
Do a scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline of order k of y to x.
Points whose fit residuals exeed s standard deviations are
rejected and the fit is recalculated. Returned is a spline object.
Iterates so long as n_newrejections>0 AND n_iter<fev.
err: a set of errors for the data
fev: number of function evaluations to call before stopping
'diag'nostic flag: Return the tuple (p, chisq, n_iter)
clip: 'both' -- remove outliers +/- 's' sigma from fit
'above' -- remove outliers 's' sigma above fit
'below' -- remove outliers 's' sigma below fit
# 2010-07-05 13:51 IJC: Adapted from polyfitr
from numpy import polyfit, polyval, isfinite, ones
from scipy import interpolate
from pylab import plot, legend, title
xx = array(x, copy=True)
yy = array(y, copy=True)
noweights = (w==None)
if noweights:
ww = ones(xx.shape, float)
ww = array(w, copy=True)
#ww = 1./err**2
ii = 0
nrej = 1
goodind = isfinite(xx)*isfinite(yy)*isfinite(ww)
#xx = xx[goodind]
#yy = yy[goodind]
#ww = ww[goodind]
while (ii<fev and (nrej<>0)):
spline = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(xx[goodind],yy[goodind],w=ww[goodind],s=s,k=k)
residual = yy[goodind] - spline(xx[goodind])
stdResidual = std(residual)
#if verbose: print stdResidual
if clip=='both':
ind = abs(residual) <= (sig*stdResidual)
elif clip=='above':
ind = residual < sig*stdResidual
elif clip=='below':
ind = residual > -sig*stdResidual
ind = ones(residual.shape, bool)
goodind *= ind
#xx = xx[ind]
#yy = yy[ind]
#ww = ww[ind]
ii += 1
nrej = len(residual) - len(xx)
if plotall:
plot(x,y, '.', xx[goodind],yy[goodind], 'x', x, spline(x), '--')
legend(['data', 'fit data', 'fit'])
title('Iter. #' + str(ii) + ' -- Close all windows to continue....')
if verbose:
print str(len(x)-len(xx[goodind])) + ' points rejected on iteration #' + str(ii)
if (plotfit or plotall):
plot(x,y, '.', xx[goodind],yy[goodind], 'x', x, spline(x), '--')
legend(['data', 'fit data', 'fit'])
title('Close window to continue....')
if diag:
chisq = ( (residual)**2 / yy )[goodind].sum()
spline = (spline, chisq, ii, goodind)
return spline
[docs]def neworder(N):
"""Generate a random order the integers [0, N-1] inclusive.
#2009-03-03 15:15 IJC: Created
from numpy import random, arange, int
from pylab import find
neworder = arange(N)
#print N
return neworder
[docs]def im2(data1, data2, xlab='', ylab='', tit='', bar=False, newfig=True, \
cl=None, x=[], y=[], fontsize=16):
"""Show two images; title will only be drawn for the top one."""
from pylab import figure, subplot, colorbar, xlabel, ylabel, title, clim
from nsdata import imshow
if newfig: figure()
if clim<>None: clim(cl)
if bar: colorbar()
xlabel(xlab, fontsize=fontsize); ylabel(ylab, fontsize=fontsize)
if clim<>None: clim(cl)
if bar: colorbar()
xlabel(xlab, fontsize=fontsize); ylabel(ylab, fontsize=fontsize)
[docs]def dumbconf(vec, sig, type='central', mid='mean', verbose=False):
Determine two-sided and one-sided confidence limits, using sorting.
vec : sequence
1D Vector of data values, for which confidence levels will be
sig : scalar
Confidence level, 0 < sig < 1. If type='central', we return
the value X for which the range (mid-X, mid+x) encloses a
fraction sig of the data values.
type='central' -- 'upper', 'lower', or 'central' confidence limits
mid='mean' -- compute middle with mean or median
:func:`confmap` for 2D distributions
from numpy import random
from analysis import dumbconf
x = random.randn(10000)
dumbconf(x, 0.683) # ---> 1.0 (one-sigma)
dumbconf(3*x, 0.954) # ---> 6.0 (two-sigma)
dumbconf(x+2, 0.997, type='lower') # ---> -0.74
dumbconf(x+2, 0.997, type='upper') # ---> 4.7
Some typical values for a Normal (Gaussian) distribution:
========= ================
type confidence level
========= ================
one-sigma 0.6826895
2 sigma 0.9544997
3 sigma 0.9973002
4 sigma 0.9999366
5 sigma 0.9999994
========= ================
#2009-03-25 22:47 IJC: A Better way to do it (using bisector technique)
# 2009-03-26 15:37 IJC: Forget bisecting -- just sort.
# 2013-04-25 12:05 IJMC: Return zero if vector input is empty.
# 2013-05-15 07:30 IJMC: Updated documentation.
from numpy import sort, array
vec = array(vec).copy()
sig = array([sig]).ravel()
if vec.size==0: return array([0])
#vec = sort(vec)
N = len(vec)
Ngoal = sig*N
if mid=='mean':
mid = vec.mean()
elif mid=='median':
mid = median(vec)
mid = mid + 0.0
except MidMethodException:
print "mid must be median, mean, or numeric in value!"
return -1
if type =='central':
vec2 = sort(abs(vec-mid))
elif type=='upper':
vec2 = sort(vec)
elif type=='lower':
vec2 = -sort(-vec)
print "Invalid type -- must be central, upper, or lower"
return -1
ret = []
for ii in range(len(sig)):
return ret
[docs]def error_dropoff(data):
""" Calculates the dropoff in measurement uncertainty with increasing
number of samples (a random and uncorrelated set of data should
drop of as 1/sqrt[n] ).
E(0), the first returned element, always returns the uncertainty
in a single measurement (i.e., the standard deviation).
:EXAMPLE: Compute the errors on an array of 3 column vectors
data = randn(1000,3)
e = error_dropoff(data)
plot(e[1], 1./sqrt(e[1]), '-', e[1], e[0], 'x')
legend(['Theoretical [1/sqrt(N)]', 'Computed errors'])
# 2009-05-05 08:58 IJC: Adapted to Python from Matlab.
# 2006/06/06 IJC: Made it work with arrays of column vectors.
# Added the '--nomean' option.
data = array(data).copy()
#interval = max([1 round(extract_from_options('--interval=', 1, options))]);
if len(data)==len(data.ravel()):
data = data.ravel()
data = data.reshape(len(data),1)
nsets = data.shape[1]
npts_vec = arange(data.shape[0]/2)+1.0
errors = zeros((data.shape[0]/2, nsets))
for ii in range(len(npts_vec)):
npts = npts_vec[ii] # number of points we average over
nsamp = floor(data.shape[0]/npts) # number of subsamples
dre = reshape(data[0:nsamp*npts,:], (npts, nsamp, nsets))
error_values = std(dre.mean(1))
errors[ii,:] = error_values
return (errors, npts_vec)
[docs]def binarray(img,ndown, axis=None):
"""downsample a 2D image
Takes a 1D vector or 2D array and reduce resolution by an integer factor
"ndown". This is done by binning the array -- i.e., integrating
over square blocks of pixels of width "ndown"
If keyword "axis" is None, bin over all axes. Otherwise, bin over
the single specified axis.
Note that 'ndown' can also be a sequence: e.g., [2, 1]
# Renamed (and re-commented) by IJC 2007/01/31 from "downsample.m" to
# "binarray.m"
# 2009-05-06 14:15 IJC: Converted from Matlab to Python
# 2009-09-27 14:37 IJC: Added 1D vector support.
# 2010-09-27 16:08 IJC: ADded axis support.
# 2010-10-26 10:55 IJC: Much simpler algorithm for 1D case
# 2011-05-21 19:46 IJMC: Actually got axis support to work (2D
# only). Fixed indexing bug (in x, y meshgrid)
# 2012-09-08 18:50 IJMC: Big change -- 2D mode is now ~20x faster,
# owing to emphasis on array-based
# calculations.
# 2013-03-11 14:43 IJMC: Cast 'ndown' to int.
# 2013-04-04 11:48 IJMC: ndown can now be a sequence!
# 2014-03-13 16:24 IJMC: Now discard partially-filled rows &
# columns in bindown.
# 2014-09-04 11:20 IJMC: Totally overhauled 2D case to use
# array-only manipulations.
# 2014-09-24 23:15 IJMC: Fixed len-2 'ndown' input order.
if ndown==1:
return img
if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
img = np.array(img, copy=False)
if hasattr(ndown, '__iter__') and len(ndown)>1:
ndownx, ndowny = ndown[0:2]
ndown, ndownx, ndowny = int(ndown), int(ndown), int(ndown)
if axis==0:
ndowny = 1
elif axis==1:
ndownx = 1
#if axis is None:
if img.ndim==2:
nrows0, ncols0 = img.shape
nrows = ndownx * np.floor(nrows0/ndownx)
ncols = ndowny * np.floor(ncols0/ndowny)
nel = nrows*ncols/ndownx/ndowny
img2 = img[0:nrows,0:ncols].reshape(nel,ndownx,ndowny).sum(2)
img_ds = img2.reshape(nrows/ndownx,ndownx, ncols/ndowny).sum(1)
elif img.ndim==1:
niter = np.floor(img.size / ndown)
img_ds = img[0:niter*ndown].reshape(niter, ndown).sum(1)
return img_ds
[docs]def fixval(arr, repval, retarr=False):
"""Fix non-finite values in a numpy array, and replace them with repval.
arr -- numpy array, with values to be replaced.
repval -- value to replace non-finite elements with
retarr -- if False, changes values in arr directly (more
efficient). if True, returns a fixed copy of the input array,
which is left unchanged.
fixval(arr, -1)
# 2009-09-02 14:07 IJC: Created
# 2012-12-23 11:49 IJMC: Halved run time.
if retarr:
arr2 = arr.ravel().copy()
arr2 = arr.ravel()
finiteIndex = np.isfinite(arr2)
if not finiteIndex.any():
badIndex = find((1-finiteIndex))
arr2[badIndex] = repval
if retarr:
return arr2.reshape(arr.shape)
[docs]def removeoutliers(data, nsigma, remove='both', center='mean', niter=Inf, retind=False, verbose=False):
"""Strip outliers from a dataset, iterating until converged.
data -- 1D numpy array. data from which to remove outliers.
nsigma -- positive number. limit defining outliers: number of
standard deviations from center of data.
remove -- ('min'|'max'|'both') respectively removes outliers
below, above, or on both sides of the limits set by
center -- ('mean'|'median'|value) -- set central value, or
method to compute it.
niter -- number of iterations before exit; defaults to Inf,
which can occasionally result in empty arrays returned
retind -- (bool) whether to return index of good values as
second part of a 2-tuple.
from numpy import hist, linspace, randn
from analysis import removeoutliers
data = randn(1000)
hbins = linspace(-5,5,50)
d2 = removeoutliers(data, 1.5, niter=1)
hist(data, hbins)
hist(d2, hbins)
# 2009-09-04 13:24 IJC: Created
# 2009-09-24 17:34 IJC: Added 'retind' feature. Tricky, but nice!
# 2009-10-01 10:40 IJC: Added check for stdev==0
# 2009-12-08 15:42 IJC: Added check for isfinite
from numpy import median, ones, isfinite
def getcen(data, method):
"Get central value of a 1D array (helper function)"
if method.__class__==str:
if method=='median':
cen = median(data)
cen = data.mean()
cen = method
return cen
def getgoodindex(data, nsigma, center, stdev, remove):
"Get number of outliers (helper function!)"
if stdev==0:
distance = data*0.0
distance = (data-center)/stdev
if remove=='min':
goodind = distance>-nsigma
elif remove=='max':
goodind = distance<nsigma
goodind = abs(distance)<=nsigma
return goodind
data = data.ravel().copy()
ndat0 = len(data)
ndat = len(data)
goodind = ones(data.shape,bool)
goodind *= isfinite(data)
while ((ndat0<>ndat) or (iter==0)) and (iter<niter) and (ndat>0) :
ndat0 = len(data[goodind])
cen = getcen(data[goodind], center)
stdev = data[goodind].std()
thisgoodind = getgoodindex(data[goodind], nsigma, cen, stdev, remove)
goodind[find(goodind)] = thisgoodind
if verbose:
print "cen>>",cen
print "std>>",stdev
ndat = len(data[goodind])
iter +=1
if verbose:
print ndat0, ndat
if retind:
ret = data[goodind], goodind
ret = data[goodind]
return ret
[docs]def xcorr2_qwik(img0, img1):
Perform quick 2D cross-correlation between two images.
Images must be the same size.
Computed via squashing the images along each dimension and
computing 1D cross-correlations.
# 2009-12-17 10:13 IJC: Created. Based on idea by J. Johnson.
from numpy import zeros, max, min, sum
im00 = img0.sum(0)
im01 = img0.sum(1)
im10 = img1.sum(0)
im11 = img1.sum(1)
n0 = len(im00)
n1 = len(im01)
noffsets0 = 2*n0-1
noffsets1 = 2*n1-1
corr0 = zeros(noffsets0,float)
corr1 = zeros(noffsets1,float)
for ii in range(noffsets0):
firstind0 = max((ii-n0+1,0))
lastind0 = min((n0, ii+1))
firstind1 = max((n0-ii-1,0))
lastind1 = min((2*n0-ii-1,n0))
corr0[ii] = sum(im00[firstind0:lastind0]*im10[firstind1:lastind1])
for jj in range(noffsets1):
firstind0 = max((jj-n0+1,0))
lastind0 = min((n0, jj+1))
firstind1 = max((n0-jj-1,0))
lastind1 = min((2*n0-jj-1,n0))
corr1[jj] = sum(im01[firstind0:lastind0]*im11[firstind1:lastind1])
ret = find([corr0==corr0.max()])-n0+1, find([corr1==corr1.max()])-n0+1
return ret
[docs]def lsq(x, z, w=None, retcov=False, checkvals=True):
"""Do weighted least-squares fitting.
x : sequence
tuple of 1D vectors of equal lengths N, or the transposed
numpy.vstack of this tuple
z : sequence
vector of length N; data to fit to.
w : sequence
Either an N-vector or NxN array of weights (e.g., 1./sigma_z**2)
retcov : bool.
If True, also return covariance matrix.
checkvals : bool
If True, check that all values are finite values. This is
safer, but the array-based indexing slows down the function.
the tuple of (coef, coeferrs, {cov_matrix})"""
# 2010-01-13 18:36 IJC: Created
# 2010-02-08 13:04 IJC: Works for lists or tuples of x
# 2012-06-05 20:04 IJMC: Finessed the initial checking of 'x';
# updated documentation, cleared namespace.
# 2013-01-24 15:48 IJMC: Explicitly cast 'z' as type np.ndarray
# 2014-08-28 09:17 IJMC: Added 'checkvals' option.
# from numpy import vstack, dot, sqrt, isfinite,diag,ones,float, array, ndarray
# from numpy.linalg import pinv
if isinstance(x,tuple) or isinstance(x,list):
Xmat = np.vstack(x).transpose()
elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and x.ndim < 2:
Xmat = x.reshape(len(x),1)
Xmat = np.array(x, copy=False)
z = np.array(z, copy=False)
if w==None:
w = np.diag(np.ones(Xmat.shape[0],float))
w = np.array(w,copy=True)
if w.ndim < 2:
w = np.diag(w)
if checkvals:
goodind = np.isfinite(Xmat.sum(1))*np.isfinite(z)*np.isfinite(np.diag(w))
Wmat = w[goodind][:,goodind]
XtW = np.dot(Xmat[goodind,:].transpose(),Wmat)
fitcoef = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(XtW,Xmat[goodind,:])),XtW), z[goodind])
covmat = (np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(XtW, Xmat[goodind,:])))
Wmat = w
XtW = np.dot(Xmat.transpose(),Wmat)
fitcoef = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(XtW,Xmat)),XtW), z)
covmat = (np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(XtW, Xmat)))
efitcoef = np.sqrt(np.diag(covmat))
if retcov:
return fitcoef, efitcoef, covmat
return fitcoef, efitcoef
[docs]def lsqsp(x, z, w=None, retcov=False):
"""Do weighted least-squares fitting on sparse matrices.
x : sparse matrix, shape N x M
data used in the least-squares fitting, a set of N rows of M
elements each.
z : sequence (shape N) or sparse matrix (shape N x 1)
data to fit to.
w : sequence (shape N) or sparse matrix (shape N x N)
Data weights and/or inverse covariances (e.g., 1./sigma_z**2)
#retcov : bool.
# If True, also return covariance matrix.
the tuple of (coef, coeferrs, {cov_matrix})
SciPy's `sparse` module.
# 2012-09-17 14:57 IJMC: Created from lsq
from scipy import sparse
M, N = x.shape
#x2 = sparse.dia_matrix(x)
if w==None:
w = sparse.dia_matrix((1./np.ones(M), 0), shape=(M, M))
if max(w.shape)==np.prod(w.shape): # w is 1D:
w = sparse.dia_matrix((w, 0), shape=(M, M))
z = sparse.csr_matrix(z)
if z.shape[0]==1:
z = z.transpose()
w = sparse.csr_matrix(w)
XtW = np.dot(x.transpose(), w)
pinv0 = sparse.csr_matrix(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(XtW, x).todense()))
fitcoef = np.array(np.dot(np.dot(pinv0, XtW), z).todense()).squeeze()
covmat = np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(XtW, x).todense())
efitcoef = np.sqrt(covmat)
if retcov:
return fitcoef, efitcoef, covmat
return fitcoef, efitcoef
[docs]def stdfilt2d(data, filtersize, threshold=None,verbose=False):
""" For now, we assume FILTERSIZE is odd, and that DATA is square!
filt = stdfilt2d(data, filtersize)
This is about the slowest way to do it, but it was easy to write.
# 2012-08-07 13:42 IJMC: Created from medianfilter
from numpy import zeros, median, abs, std, isfinite
if not hasattr(filtersize, '__iter__'):
filtersize = [filtersize]
if len(filtersize)<1:
print 'medianfilter2 requires that filtersize be a 1- or 2-element vector'
return -1
elif len(filtersize)==1:
filtersize = [filtersize[0], filtersize[0]]
filtersize = filtersize[0:2]
npix = data.shape[0]
npiy = data.shape[1]
bigsize_x = npix+2*(filtersize[0]-1)
bigsize_y = npiy+2*(filtersize[1]-1)
bigdata = zeros((bigsize_x,bigsize_y),float)
ind = filtersize[0]-1
if ind==0:
bigdata = data
bigdata[ind:(bigsize_x-ind), ind:(bigsize_y-ind)] = data
niter_x = npix + (filtersize[0]-1)
niter_y = npiy + (filtersize[1]-1)
filt = zeros((niter_x,niter_y), float)
for ii in range(niter_x):
for jj in range(niter_y):
if verbose>1:
print "ii,jj>>",ii,jj
if filtersize[0]==1:
indi = 1
indi = filtersize[0]-1
if filtersize[1]==1:
indj = 1
indj = filtersize[1]-1
select = bigdata[ii:(ii+indi),jj:(jj+indj)].ravel()
#select = select[isfinite(select)]
#residualSelection = abs(select - median(select))
doFilter = True
if verbose:
print "doFilter?>>",doFilter
if verbose>1:
print "select>>",select
if doFilter:
newval = ( select ).std()
newval = bigdata[ii,jj]
if verbose>1:
print "newval>>",newval
filt[ii,jj] = newval
#print filt.shape, [(filtersize[0]-1)/2,niter_x-(filtersize[0]-1)/2,(filtersize[0]-1)/2,niter_y-(filtersize[0]-1)/2]
return filt[(filtersize[0]-1)/2:niter_x-(filtersize[0]-1)/2,(filtersize[0]-1)/2:niter_y-(filtersize[0]-1)/2]
[docs]def wmean(a, w, axis=None, reterr=False):
"""wmean(a, w, axis=None)
Perform a weighted mean along the specified axis.
a : sequence or Numpy array
data for which weighted mean is computed
w : sequence or Numpy array
weights of data -- e.g., 1./sigma^2
reterr : bool
If True, return the tuple (mean, err_on_mean), where
err_on_mean is the unbiased estimator of the sample standard
:SEE ALSO: :func:`wstd`
# 2008-07-30 12:44 IJC: Created this from ...
# 2012-02-28 20:31 IJMC: Added a bit of documentation
# 2012-03-07 10:58 IJMC: Added reterr option
newdata = array(a, subok=True, copy=True)
newweights = array(w, subok=True, copy=True)
if axis==None:
newdata = newdata.ravel()
newweights = newweights.ravel()
axis = 0
ash = list(newdata.shape)
wsh = list(newweights.shape)
nsh = list(ash)
nsh[axis] = 1
if ash<>wsh:
warn('Data and weight must be arrays of same shape.')
return []
wsum = newweights.sum(axis=axis).reshape(nsh)
weightedmean = (a * newweights).sum(axis=axis).reshape(nsh) / wsum
if reterr:
# Biased estimator:
#e_weightedmean = sqrt((newweights * (a - weightedmean)**2).sum(axis=axis) / wsum)
# Unbiased estimator:
#e_weightedmean = sqrt((wsum / (wsum**2 - (newweights**2).sum(axis=axis))) * (newweights * (a - weightedmean)**2).sum(axis=axis))
# Standard estimator:
e_weightedmean = np.sqrt(1./newweights.sum(axis=axis))
ret = weightedmean, e_weightedmean
ret = weightedmean
return ret
[docs]def wstd(a, w, axis=None):
"""wstd(a, w, axis=None)
Perform a weighted standard deviation along the specified axis.
If axis=None, then the weighted standard deviation of the entire
array is computed.
Note that this computes the _sample_ standard deviation;
Numpy/Scipy computes the _population_ standard deviation, which is
greater by a factor sqrt(N/N-1). This effect is small for large
:SEE ALSO: :func:`wmean`
Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted_standard_deviation
# 2008-07-30 12:44 IJC: Created this from
newdata = array(a, subok=True, copy=True)
newweights = array(w, subok=True, copy=True)
if axis==None:
newdata = newdata.ravel()
newweights = newweights.ravel()
axis = 0
ash = list(newdata.shape)
wsh = list(newweights.shape)
nsh = list(ash)
nsh[axis] = 1
if ash<>wsh:
warn('Data and weight must be arrays of same shape.')
return []
wsum = newweights.sum(axis=axis).reshape(nsh)
omega = 1.0 * wsum / (wsum**2 - (newweights**2).sum(axis=axis).reshape(nsh))
weightedstd = omega * (newweights * (newdata-wmean(newdata, newweights, axis=axis))**2 ).sum(axis=axis).reshape(nsh)
return sqrt(weightedstd)
[docs]def fmin(func, x0, args=(), kw=dict(), xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4, maxiter=None, maxfun=None,
full_output=0, disp=1, retall=0, callback=None, zdelt = 0.00025, nonzdelt = 0.05,
"""Minimize a function using the downhill simplex algorithm -- now with KEYWORDS.
func : callable func(x,*args)
The objective function to be minimized.
x0 : ndarray
Initial guess.
args : tuple
Extra arguments passed to func, i.e. ``f(x,*args)``.
callback : callable
Called after each iteration, as callback(xk), where xk is the
current parameter vector.
:Returns: (xopt, {fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag})
xopt : ndarray
Parameter that minimizes function.
fopt : float
Value of function at minimum: ``fopt = func(xopt)``.
iter : int
Number of iterations performed.
funcalls : int
Number of function calls made.
warnflag : int
1 : Maximum number of function evaluations made.
2 : Maximum number of iterations reached.
allvecs : list
Solution at each iteration.
*Other Parameters*:
xtol : float
Relative error in xopt acceptable for convergence.
ftol : number
Relative error in func(xopt) acceptable for convergence.
maxiter : int
Maximum number of iterations to perform.
maxfun : number
Maximum number of function evaluations to make [200*len(x0)]
full_output : bool
Set to True if fval and warnflag outputs are desired.
disp : bool
Set to True to print convergence messages.
retall : bool
Set to True to return list of solutions at each iteration.
zdelt : number
Set the initial stepsize for x0[k] equal to zero
nonzdelt : number
Set the initial stepsize for x0[k] nonzero
holdfixed : sequence
Indices of x0 to hold fixed (e.g., [1, 2, 4])
:TBD: gprior : tuple or sequence of tuples
Set a gaussian prior on the indicated parameter, such that
chisq += ((x0[p] - val)/unc_val)**2, where the parameters
are defined by the tuple gprior=(param, val, unc_val)
Uses a Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm to find the minimum of
function of one or more variables.
# 2011-04-13 14:26 IJMC: Adding Keyword option
# 2011-05-11 10:48 IJMC: Added the zdelt and nonzdelt options
# 2011-05-30 15:36 IJMC: Added the holdfixed option
def wrap_function(function, args, **kw):
ncalls = [0]
def function_wrapper(x):
ncalls[0] += 1
return function(x, *args, **kw)
return ncalls, function_wrapper
# Set up holdfixed arrays
if holdfixed is not None:
holdfixed = np.array(holdfixed)
#x0[holdfixed] = x0[holdfixed]
holdsome = True
holdsome = False
#holdfixed = np.zeros(params.size, dtype=bool)
#if holdsome:
# print "holdfixed>>", holdfixed
fcalls, func = wrap_function(func, args, **kw)
x0 = np.asfarray(x0).flatten()
xoriginal = x0.copy()
N = len(x0)
rank = len(x0.shape)
if not -1 < rank < 2:
raise ValueError, "Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence."
if maxiter is None:
maxiter = N * 200
if maxfun is None:
maxfun = N * 200
rho = 1; chi = 2; psi = 0.5; sigma = 0.5;
one2np1 = range(1,N+1)
if rank == 0:
sim = np.zeros((N+1,), dtype=x0.dtype)
sim = np.zeros((N+1,N), dtype=x0.dtype)
fsim = np.zeros((N+1,), float)
sim[0] = x0
if retall:
allvecs = [sim[0]]
#print func.__name__
#print x0
fsim[0] = func(x0)
for k in range(0,N):
y = np.array(x0,copy=True)
if y[k] != 0:
y[k] = (1+nonzdelt)*y[k]
y[k] = zdelt
if holdsome and k in holdfixed:
y[k] = xoriginal[k]
sim[k+1] = y
f = func(y)
fsim[k+1] = f
ind = np.argsort(fsim)
fsim = np.take(fsim,ind,0)
# sort so sim[0,:] has the lowest function value
sim = np.take(sim,ind,0)
iterations = 1
while (fcalls[0] < maxfun and iterations < maxiter):
### IJC Edit to understand fmin!
##print 'xtol>> ' + str(max(np.ravel(abs(sim[1:]-sim[0])))) + ' > ' + str(xtol)
##print 'ftol>> ' + str(max(abs(fsim[0]-fsim[1:]))) + ' > ' + str(ftol)
if (max(np.ravel(abs(sim[1:]-sim[0]))) <= xtol \
and max(abs(fsim[0]-fsim[1:])) <= ftol):
xbar = np.add.reduce(sim[:-1],0) / N
xr = (1+rho)*xbar - rho*sim[-1]
if holdsome:
xr[holdfixed] = xoriginal[holdfixed]
fxr = func(xr)
doshrink = 0
if fxr < fsim[0]:
xe = (1+rho*chi)*xbar - rho*chi*sim[-1]
if holdsome:
xe[holdfixed] = xoriginal[holdfixed]
fxe = func(xe)
if fxe < fxr:
sim[-1] = xe
fsim[-1] = fxe
sim[-1] = xr
fsim[-1] = fxr
else: # fsim[0] <= fxr
if fxr < fsim[-2]:
sim[-1] = xr
fsim[-1] = fxr
else: # fxr >= fsim[-2]
# Perform contraction
if fxr < fsim[-1]:
xc = (1+psi*rho)*xbar - psi*rho*sim[-1]
if holdsome:
xc[holdfixed] = xoriginal[holdfixed]
fxc = func(xc)
if fxc <= fxr:
sim[-1] = xc
fsim[-1] = fxc
# Perform an inside contraction
xcc = (1-psi)*xbar + psi*sim[-1]
if holdsome:
xcc[holdfixed] = xoriginal[holdfixed]
fxcc = func(xcc)
if fxcc < fsim[-1]:
sim[-1] = xcc
fsim[-1] = fxcc
doshrink = 1
if doshrink:
for j in one2np1:
sim[j] = sim[0] + sigma*(sim[j] - sim[0])
if holdsome:
sim[j, holdfixed] = xoriginal[holdfixed]
fsim[j] = func(sim[j])
ind = np.argsort(fsim)
sim = np.take(sim,ind,0)
fsim = np.take(fsim,ind,0)
if callback is not None:
iterations += 1
if retall:
x = sim[0]
fval = min(fsim)
warnflag = 0
if fcalls[0] >= maxfun:
warnflag = 1
if disp:
print "Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
"been exceeded."
elif iterations >= maxiter:
warnflag = 2
if disp:
print "Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded"
if disp:
print "Optimization terminated successfully."
print " Current function value: %f" % fval
print " Iterations: %d" % iterations
print " Function evaluations: %d" % fcalls[0]
if full_output:
retlist = x, fval, iterations, fcalls[0], warnflag
if retall:
retlist += (allvecs,)
retlist = x
if retall:
retlist = (x, allvecs)
return retlist
[docs]def fmin_powell(func, x0, args=(), kw=dict(), xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4, maxiter=None,
maxfun=None, full_output=0, disp=1, retall=0, callback=None,
direc=None, holdfixed=None):
"""Minimize a function using modified Powell's method -- now with KEYWORDS.
func : callable f(x,*args)
Objective function to be minimized.
x0 : ndarray
Initial guess.
args : tuple
Eextra arguments passed to func.
kw : dict
Keyword arguments passed to func.
callback : callable
An optional user-supplied function, called after each
iteration. Called as ``callback(xk)``, where ``xk`` is the
current parameter vector.
direc : ndarray
Initial direction set.
:Returns: (xopt, {fopt, xi, direc, iter, funcalls, warnflag}, {allvecs})
xopt : ndarray
Parameter which minimizes `func`.
fopt : number
Value of function at minimum: ``fopt = func(xopt)``.
direc : ndarray
Current direction set.
iter : int
Number of iterations.
funcalls : int
Number of function calls made.
warnflag : int
Integer warning flag:
1 : Maximum number of function evaluations.
2 : Maximum number of iterations.
allvecs : list
List of solutions at each iteration.
*Other Parameters*:
xtol : float
Line-search error tolerance.
ftol : float
Relative error in ``func(xopt)`` acceptable for convergence.
maxiter : int
Maximum number of iterations to perform.
maxfun : int
Maximum number of function evaluations to make.
full_output : bool
If True, fopt, xi, direc, iter, funcalls, and
warnflag are returned.
disp : bool
If True, print convergence messages.
retall : bool
If True, return a list of the solution at each iteration.
Uses a modification of Powell's method to find the minimum of
a function of N variables.
# 2010-07-01 11:17 IJC: Added keyword option
from scipy import optimize
from numpy import asarray, eye, pi, squeeze
def wrap_function(function, args, **kw):
ncalls = [0]
def function_wrapper(x):
ncalls[0] += 1
return function(x, *args, **kw)
return ncalls, function_wrapper
def _linesearch_powell(func, p, xi, tol=1e-3):
"""Line-search algorithm using fminbound.
Find the minimium of the function ``func(x0+ alpha*direc)``.
def myfunc(alpha):
return func(p + alpha * xi)
alpha_min, fret, iter, num = optimize.brent(myfunc, full_output=1, tol=tol)
xi = alpha_min*xi
return squeeze(fret), p+xi, xi
# Set up holdfixed arrays
if holdfixed is not None:
holdfixed = np.array(holdfixed)
#x0[holdfixed] = x0[holdfixed]
holdsome = True
holdsome = False
#holdfixed = np.zeros(params.size, dtype=bool)
# we need to use a mutable object here that we can update in the
# wrapper function
fcalls, func = wrap_function(func, args, **kw)
x = asarray(x0).flatten()
xoriginal = x.copy()
if retall:
allvecs = [x]
N = len(x)
rank = len(x.shape)
if not -1 < rank < 2:
raise ValueError, "Initial guess must be a scalar or rank-1 sequence."
if maxiter is None:
maxiter = N * 1000
if maxfun is None:
maxfun = N * 1000
if direc is None:
direc = eye(N, dtype=float)
direc = asarray(direc, dtype=float)
fval = squeeze(func(x))
x1 = x.copy()
iter = 0;
ilist = range(N)
while True:
fx = fval
bigind = 0
delta = 0.0
for i in ilist:
direc1 = direc[i]
fx2 = fval
if (not holdsome) or (i not in holdfixed):
fval, x, direc1 = _linesearch_powell(func, x, direc1, tol=xtol*100)
if (fx2 - fval) > delta:
delta = fx2 - fval
bigind = i
iter += 1
if callback is not None:
if retall:
if (2.0*(fx - fval) <= ftol*(abs(fx)+abs(fval))+1e-20): break
if fcalls[0] >= maxfun: break
if iter >= maxiter: break
# Construct the extrapolated point
direc1 = x - x1
x2 = 2*x - x1
if holdsome:
x2[holdfixed] = xoriginal[holdfixed]
x1 = x.copy()
fx2 = squeeze(func(x2))
if (fx > fx2):
t = 2.0*(fx+fx2-2.0*fval)
temp = (fx-fval-delta)
t *= temp*temp
temp = fx-fx2
t -= delta*temp*temp
if t < 0.0:
fval, x, direc1 = _linesearch_powell(func, x, direc1,
if holdsome:
x[holdfixed] = xoriginal[holdfixed]
direc[bigind] = direc[-1]
direc[-1] = direc1
warnflag = 0
if fcalls[0] >= maxfun:
warnflag = 1
if disp:
print "Warning: Maximum number of function evaluations has "\
"been exceeded."
elif iter >= maxiter:
warnflag = 2
if disp:
print "Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded"
if disp:
print "Optimization terminated successfully."
print " Current function value: %f" % fval
print " Iterations: %d" % iter
print " Function evaluations: %d" % fcalls[0]
x = squeeze(x)
if full_output:
retlist = x, fval, direc, iter, fcalls[0], warnflag
if retall:
retlist += (allvecs,)
retlist = x
if retall:
retlist = (x, allvecs)
return retlist
[docs]def gaussian2d(p, x, y):
""" Compute a 2D gaussian distribution at the points x, y.
p : sequence
a four- or five-component array, list, or tuple:
z = [p4 +] p0/(2*pi*p1**2) * exp(-((x-p2)**2+(y-p3)) / (2*p1**2))
p[0] -- Area of the gaussian
p[1] -- one-sigma dispersion
p[2] -- x-central offset
p[3] -- y-central offset
p[4] -- optional constant, vertical offset
x : NumPy array
X-coordinate values at which the above relation will be computed.
y : NumPy array
Y-coordinate values at which the above relation will be computed.
:func:`gaussian` (1D)
#2010-06-08 20:00 IJC: Created
#2013-04-19 23:49 IJMC: Improved documentation, per BACM's request.
x = np.array(x, dtype=float).copy()
y = np.array(y, dtype=float).copy()
p = np.array(p).copy()
if len(p)==4:
p = np.concatenate((p, [0]))
z = p[4] + p[0]/(2*pi*p[1]**2) * np.exp(-((x-p[2])**2 + (y-p[3])**2) / (2*p[1]**2))
return z
[docs]def gaussiannd(mu, cov, x):
""" Compute an N-dimensional gaussian distribution at the position x.
mu is the length-N 1D vector of mean positions
cov is the NxN covariance matrix of the multinormal distribution.
x are the positions at which to compute. If X is 2D (size M x
N), it is taken as M sets of N-point positions.
SEE ALSO: :func:`gaussian`, :func:`gaussian2d`
#2012-05-08 11:36 IJMC: Created
x = np.array(x, dtype=float, copy=False)
mu = np.array(mu, dtype=float, copy=False)
cov = np.array(cov, dtype=float, copy=True)
if x.ndim==1:
nx = x.size
niter = 0
elif x.ndim==2:
niter, nx = x.shape
if cov.size==1:
cov = cov.reshape((1,1))
# Test if cov is square:
# invert
invcov = np.linalg.inv(cov)
# Compute mean vector:
if niter==0:
xmu = (x - mu).reshape(nx, 1)
term1 = ((2*np.pi)**(nx/2.) * np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(cov)))
term2 = np.exp(-0.5 * np.dot(xmu.transpose(), np.dot(invcov, xmu)))
ret = term2 / term1
for ii in range(niter):
xmu = (x[ii] - mu).reshape(nx, 1)
term1 = ((2*np.pi)**(nx/2.) * np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(cov)))
term2 = np.exp(-0.5 * np.dot(xmu.transpose(), np.dot(invcov, xmu)))
ret[ii] = term2 / term1
ret = np.zeros(nx, dtype=float)
return term2 / term1
[docs]def gaussian2d_ellip(p, x, y):
""" Compute a 2D elliptical gaussian distribution at the points x, y.
p is a 5-, 6-, or 7-component sequence, defined as:
p[0] -- Amplitude (Area of the function)
p[1] -- x-dispersion
p[2] -- y-dispersion
p[3] -- x-central offset
p[4] -- y-central offset
p[5] -- optional rotation angle (radians)
p[6] -- optional constant, vertical offset
X, Y are gridded data from :func:`numpy.meshgrid`
First define:
x' = (x - p[3]) cos p[5] - (y - p[4]) sin p[5]
y' = (x - p[3]) sin p[5] + (y - p[4]) cos p[5]
Then calculate:
U = (x' / p[1])**2 + (y' / p[2])**2
z = p[6] + p0/(2*pi*p1*p2) * exp(-U / 2)
SEE ALSO: :func:`gaussian2d`, :func:`lorentzian2d` """
#2012-02-11 18:06 IJMC: Created from IDL GAUSS2DFIT
#2014-08-28 09:43 IJMC: Calculate rotated coords using np.dot, use
# np.array instead of np.vstack -- for speed
# boost.
x = np.array(x)
sh = x.shape
x = x.ravel()
y = np.array(y).ravel()
#p = array(p).copy()
if len(p)==5:
p = np.concatenate((p, [0, 0]))
elif len(p)==6:
p = np.concatenate((p, [0]))
cp, sp = np.cos(p[5]), np.sin(p[5]) # This gives a slight speed boost.
rotationMatrix = np.array([[cp, -sp], \
[sp, cp]])
xp,yp = np.dot(rotationMatrix, np.array((x-p[3],y-p[4])) )
return (p[6] + p[0]/(2*pi*p[1]*p[2]) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((xp / p[1])**2 + (yp / p[2])**2)) ).reshape(sh)
[docs]def lorentzian2d(p, x, y):
""" Compute a 2D Lorentzian distribution at the points x, y.
p is a 5-, 6-, or 7--component sequence:
z = (x-p3) ** 2 / p1 ** 2 + (y-p4) ** 2 / p2 ** 2 [ + (x-p3) * (y-p4) * p5 ]
lorentz = p0 / (1.0 + z) [ + p6]
p[0] -- Amplitude (Area of the function)
p[1] -- x-dispersion
p[2] -- y-dispersion
p[3] -- x-central offset
p[4] -- y-central offset
p[5] -- optional ellipticitity parameter
p[6] -- optional constant, vertical offset
SEE ALSO: :func:`gaussian2d`
#2012-02-04 11:38 IJMC: Created
x = array(x, dtype=float).copy()
y = array(y, dtype=float).copy()
p = array(p).copy()
if len(p)==5:
p = concatenate((p, [0, 0]))
elif len(p)==6:
p = concatenate((p, [0]))
z = ((x - p[3]) / p[1])**2 + ((y - p[4]) / p[2])**2 + p[5] * (x - p[3]) * (y - p[4])
return p[6] + p[0]/(1. + z)
[docs]def egaussian2d(p,x,y,z,w=None):
""" Return the error associated with a 2D gaussian fit, using gaussian2d.
w is an array of weights, typically 1./sigma**2"""
# 2010-06-08 20:02 IJC: Created
from numpy import ones, array
x = array(x, dtype=float).copy()
if w is None:
w = ones(w.shape,float)
z0 = gaussian2d(p,x,y)
return (((z-z0)*w)**2).sum()
[docs]def getblocks(vec):
"""Return start and end indices for consecutive sequences of
integer-valued indices.
import analysis as an
vec = range(5) +range(10,14) + range(22,39)
starts,ends = an.getblocks(vec)
print zip(starts,ends)
# 2010-08-18 17:01 IJC: Created
# 2010-11-15 23:26 IJC: Added numpy imports
from numpy import sort, diff, nonzero
vec = sort(vec)
starts = [vec[0]]
ends = []
dvec = diff(vec)
start_inds = nonzero(dvec>1)[0]
for ind in start_inds:
return starts, ends
[docs]def snr(data, axis=None, nsigma=None):
Compute the quantity:
for the specified data array/vector along the specified axis.
'nsigma' is used to reject outliers.
Output will be a scalar (axis is None) or numpy array, as
# 2010-09-02 08:10 IJC: Created
# 2011-12-16 14:51 IJMC: Added optional nsigma flag
# 2014-07-27 14:09 IJMC: Briefly documented nsigma flag.
data = array(data)
if nsigma is None:
ret = data.mean(axis=axis)/data.std(axis=axis)
ret = meanr(data, axis=axis, nsigma=nsigma) / \
stdr(data, axis=axis, nsigma=nsigma)
return ret
[docs]def pad(inp, npix_rows, npix_cols=None):
"""Pads input matrix to size specified.
out = pad(in, npix)
out = pad(in, npix_rows, npix_cols); # alternate usage
Written by J. Green @ JPL; converted to Python by I. Crossfield"""
#2008-10-18 12:50 IJC: Converted from Matlab function
# 2010-10-29 09:35 IJC: Moved from nsdata.py to analysis.py
from numpy import imag, zeros, complex128
inp = array(inp, copy=True)
if len(inp.shape)==0:
inp = inp.reshape((1,1))
elif len(inp.shape)==1:
inp = inp.reshape((1, len(inp)))
if npix_cols==None:
npix_cols = npix_rows
if (imag(inp)**2).sum()==0:
out = zeros((npix_rows, npix_cols))
out = zeros((npix_rows, npix_cols), complex128)
nrows, ncols = inp.shape
ixc = floor(ncols/2 + 1);
iyc = floor(nrows/2 + 1);
oxc = floor(npix_cols/2 + 1);
oyc = floor(npix_rows/2 + 1);
dx = npix_cols-ncols;
dy = npix_rows-nrows;
if dx<=0:
ix1 = ixc - floor(npix_cols/2);
ix2 = ix1 + npix_cols - 1;
ox1 = 1;
ox2 = npix_cols;
ix1 = 1;
ix2 = ncols;
ox1 = oxc - floor(ncols/2);
ox2 = ox1 + ncols - 1;
if dy<=0:
iy1 = iyc - floor(npix_rows/2);
iy2 = iy1 + npix_rows - 1;
oy1 = 1;
oy2 = npix_rows;
iy1 = 1;
iy2 = nrows;
oy1 = oyc - floor(nrows/2);
oy2 = oy1 + nrows - 1;
out[ oy1-1:oy2, ox1-1:ox2] = inp[ iy1-1:iy2, ix1-1:ix2];
# Uncomment for testing
# print inp
# print ixc, iyc, iy1, iy2, ix1, ix2
# print oxc, oyc, oy1, oy2, ox1, ox2
return out
[docs]def fftfilter1d(vec, bandwidth, retfilter=False):
""" Apply a hard-edged low-pass filter to an input vector.
vec -- sequence -- 1D vector, assumed to be evenly sampled
bandwidth -- integer -- size of the filter passband in cycles
per signal duration. f <= bandwidth is
passed through; f > bandwidth is
retfilter -- bool -- if True, return the tuple (filtered_vec, filter)
Lopass-filtered version of vec
Assumes the input is real-valued.
# 2011-03-11 14:15 IJC: Created
from numpy import real, fft, floor, ceil
vec = array(vec, copy=True)
# Errorchecking
if len(vec.shape)<>1:
print "Input array must be 1D -- try using .ravel()"
return -1
npts = vec.size
filter = concatenate((zeros(floor(npts/2.) - bandwidth),
ones(bandwidth * 2 + 1),
zeros(ceil(npts/2.) - bandwidth - 1)))
ret = real(fft.ifft(fft.ifftshift( fft.fftshift(fft.fft(vec)) * filter )))
if retfilter==True:
ret = [ret, filter]
return ret
[docs]def stdres(data, bins=None, oversamp=None, dataindex=None):
"""Compute the standard deviation in the residuals of a data
series after average-binning by specified amounts.
data - 1D numpy array
Data to analyze.
bins - sequence
Factors by which to bin down. If None, use 1:sqrt(data.size)
and set dataindex=None.
oversamp - int
Number of times to shift, resample, and bin the data. Large
values take longer, but give a less "noisy" estimate (which
can be a problem at large bin sizes)
dataindex - 1D numpy array
Values across which data are indexed (i.e., 'time'). If not
None, bins apply to dataindex rather than to data and should
be increasing intervals of dataindex (rather than the number
of points to bin down by).
:doc:`tools`, :doc:`numpy`
import numpy as np
import analysis as an
import pylab as py
npts = 1e4
t = np.arange(npts)
data = np.random.normal(size=npts)
binfactors = np.arange(1, npts/2.+1)
bindown_result = an.stdres(data, binfactors, dataindex=t, oversamp=1)
py.plot(t, data, 'k')
py.ylabel('Data value')
py.title('Bin-down test: Gaussian Noise')
py.loglog(binfactors, bindown_result, '-b', linewidth=2)
py.loglog(binfactors, data.std()/np.sqrt(binfactors), '--r')
py.xlabel('Binning factor')
py.ylabel('RMS of binned data')
py.legend(['Binned RMS', '1/sqrt(N)'])
# 2011-06-16 16:50 IJMC: Created
# 2012-03-20 14:33 IJMC: Added oversamp option.
# 2012-03-22 09:21 IJMC: Added dataindex option.
# 2012-04-30 06:50 IJMC: Changed calling syntax to errxy.
from tools import errxy
from numpy import isfinite
ndata = data.size
if bins is None:
bins = arange(1, sqrt(int(ndata)))
dataindex = None
nout = len(bins)
if oversamp is None:
invoversamp = 1
oversamp = 1
invoversamp = 1./oversamp
ret = zeros(nout, dtype=float)
if dataindex is None:
for jj, binfactor in enumerate(bins):
if binfactor > 0:
sample_shifts = arange(0., binfactor, binfactor * invoversamp).astype(int)
for kk in range(oversamp):
ret[jj] += binarray(data[sample_shifts[kk]::], binfactor).std()
ret[jj] = data.std()*oversamp
startval = dataindex.min()
endval = dataindex.max()
for jj, binwidth in enumerate(bins):
if binwidth > 0:
thesebins = arange(startval, endval+binwidth, binwidth) - binwidth/2.
for kk in range(oversamp):
di2,d2,edi2,ed2 = errxy(dataindex, data, thesebins + binwidth*kk/oversamp, xerr=None, yerr=None, xmode=None,ymode='mean')
if isfinite(d2).all():
ret[jj] += d2.std()
ret[jj] += d2[isfinite(d2)].std()
ret[jj] = data.std()*oversamp
ret /= oversamp
return ret
[docs]def allanvariance(data, dt=1):
"""Compute the Allan variance on a set of regularly-sampled data (1D).
If the time between samples is dt and there are N total
samples, the returned variance spectrum will have frequency
indices from 1/dt to (N-1)/dt."""
# 2008-07-30 10:20 IJC: Created
# 2011-04-08 11:48 IJC: Moved to analysis.py
newdata = array(data, subok=True, copy=True)
dsh = newdata.shape
newdata = newdata.ravel()
nsh = newdata.shape
alvar = zeros(nsh[0]-1, float)
for lag in range(1, nsh[0]):
alvar[lag-1] = mean( (newdata[0:-lag] - newdata[lag:])**2 )
return (alvar*0.5)
[docs]def trueanomaly(ecc, eanom=None, manom=None):
"""Calculate (Keplerian, orbital) true anomaly.
One optional input must be given.
ecc -- scalar. orbital eccentricity.
eanom -- scalar or Numpy array. Eccentric anomaly. See
manom -- scalar or sequence. Mean anomaly, equal to
2*pi*(t - t0)/period
# 2011-04-22 14:35 IJC: Created
if manom is not None:
eanom = eccentricanomaly(ecc, manom=manom)
if eanom is not None:
ret = 2. * np.arctan( np.sqrt((1+ecc)/(1.-ecc)) * np.tan(eanom/2.) )
ret = None
return ret
[docs]def eccentricanomaly(ecc, manom=None, tanom=None, tol=1e-8):
"""Calculate (Keplerian, orbital) eccentric anomaly.
One optional input must be given.
ecc -- scalar. orbital eccentricity.
manom -- scalar or sequence. Mean anomaly, equal to
2*pi*(t - t0)/period
tanom -- scalar or Numpy array. True anomaly. See
# 2011-04-22 14:35 IJC: Created
ret = None
if manom is not None:
if not hasattr(manom, '__iter__'):
mwasscalar = True
manom = [manom]
mwasscalar = False
# Solve Kepler's equation for each element of mean anomaly:
e = np.zeros(len(manom)) # Initialize eccentric anomaly
for ii,element in enumerate(manom):
def kep(e): return element - e + ecc*sin(e)
e[ii] = optimize.newton(kep, 0., tol=tol)
if mwasscalar:
e = e[0]
ret = e
elif tanom is not None:
ret = 2. * np.arctan(np.tan(0.5 * tanom) / \
np.sqrt((1. + ecc) / (1. - ecc)))
ret = None
return ret
[docs]def gaussian(p, x):
""" Compute a gaussian distribution at the points x.
p is a three- or four-component array, list, or tuple:
y = [p3 +] p0/(p1*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-(x-p2)**2 / (2*p1**2))
p[0] -- Area of the gaussian
p[1] -- one-sigma dispersion
p[2] -- central offset (mean location)
p[3] -- optional constant, vertical offset
NOTE: FWHM = 2*sqrt(2*ln(2)) * p1 ~ 2.3548*p1
SEE ALSO: :func:`egaussian`"""
#2008-09-11 15:11 IJC: Created for LINEPROFILE
# 2011-05-18 11:46 IJC: Moved to analysis.
# 2013-04-11 12:03 IJMC: Tried to speed things up slightly via copy=False
# 2013-05-06 21:42 IJMC: Tried to speed things up a little more.
if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
x = array(x, dtype=float, copy=False)
if len(p)==3:
p = array(p, copy=True)
p = concatenate((p, [0]))
#elif len(p)==4:
# p = array(p, copy=False)
return p[3] + p[0]/(p[1]*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-(x-p[2])**2 / (2*p[1]**2))
[docs]def doubleGaussian(p, x):
""" Compute the sum of two gaussian distributions at the points x.
p is a six- or seven-component sequence:
y = [p6 +] p0/(p1*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-(x-p2)**2 / (2*p1**2)) +
p3/(p4*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-(x-p5)**2 / (2*p4**2))
p[0] -- Area of gaussian A
p[1] -- one-sigma dispersion of gaussian A
p[2] -- central offset (mean location) of gaussian A
p[3] -- Area of gaussian B
p[4] -- one-sigma dispersion of gaussian B
p[5] -- central offset (mean location) of gaussian B
p[6] -- optional constant, vertical offset
NOTE: FWHM = 2*sqrt(2*ln(2)) * p1 ~ 2.3548*p1
SEE ALSO: :func:`gaussian`
# 2013-05-06 20:29 IJMC: Created
x = array(x, dtype=float, copy=False)
return gaussian(p[0:3], x) + gaussian(p[3:], x)
[docs]def doubleGaussianCen(p, x, mu1, mu2):
""" Compute the sum of two gaussian distributions at the points x.
The distributions have central moments mu1 and mu2.
Useful for fitting to partially blended spectral data.
p is a four- or five-component sequence:
y = [p6 +] p0/(p1*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-(x-mu1)**2 / (2*p1**2)) +
p3/(p4*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-(x-mu2)**2 / (2*p4**2))
p[0] -- Area of gaussian A
p[1] -- one-sigma dispersion of gaussian A
p[2] -- Area of gaussian B
p[3] -- one-sigma dispersion of gaussian B
p[4] -- optional constant, vertical offset
mu1 -- central offset (mean location) of gaussian A
mu2 -- central offset (mean location) of gaussian B
NOTE: FWHM = 2*sqrt(2*ln(2)) * p1 ~ 2.3548*p1
SEE ALSO: :func:`doubleGaussian`, :func:`gaussian`
# 2013-05-06 20:29 IJMC: Created
x = array(x, dtype=float, copy=False)
param1 = [p[0], p[1], mu1, 0]
if len(p)==4:
param2 = [p[2], p[3], mu2, 0]
elif len(p)==5:
param2 = [p[2], p[3], mu2, p[4]]
return gaussian(param1, x) + gaussian(param2, x)
[docs]def nGaussianCen(p, x, mu):
""" Compute the sum of N gaussian distributions at the points x.
The distributions have central moments defined by the vector mu.
Useful for fitting to partially blended spectral data when you
have good measurements of positions (i.e., from 2D tracing).
p is a sequence of length (2N+1). If N=2:
y = [p6 +] p0/(p1*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-(x-mu1)**2 / (2*p1**2)) +
p3/(p4*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-(x-mu2)**2 / (2*p4**2))
p[0] -- Area of gaussian 1
p[1] -- one-sigma dispersion of gaussian 1
p[2] -- Area of gaussian 2
p[3] -- one-sigma dispersion of gaussian 2
... etc.
p[-1] -- optional constant, vertical offset
mu1 -- central offset (mean location) of gaussian A
mu2 -- central offset (mean location) of gaussian B
NOTE: FWHM = 2*sqrt(2*ln(2)) * p1 ~ 2.3548*p1
SEE ALSO: :func:`doubleGaussian`, :func:`gaussian`
# 2013-05-06 20:29 IJMC: Created
x = array(x, dtype=float, copy=False)
ret = np.zeros(x.size)
ngaussians = int(len(p)/2)
for ii in xrange(ngaussians):
ret += gaussian([p[ii*2], p[ii*2+1], mu[ii], 0], x)
if len(p)/2.<>len(p)/2: # P is odd, so the last value is our
ret += p[-1] # additive constant.
return ret
[docs]def egaussian(p, x, y, e=None):
""" Compute the deviation between the values y and the gaussian defined by p, x:
p is a three- or four-component array, list, or tuple.
Returns: y - p3 - p0/(p1*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-(x-p2)**2 / (2*p1**2))
if an error array, e (typ. one-sigma) is entered, the returned value is divided by e.
SEE ALSO: :func:`gaussian`"""
# 2008-09-11 15:19 IJC: Created
# 2009-09-02 15:20 IJC: Added weighted case
# 2011-05-18 11:46 IJMC: Moved to analysis.
from numpy import ones
if e==None:
z = (y - gaussian(p, x))/e
return z
[docs]def generic_mcmc(*arg, **kw):
"""Run a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (Metropolis-Hastings algorithm)
on an arbitrary function.
func : function to generate model.
First argument must be "params;" subsequent arguments are
passed in via the "args" keyword
params : 1D sequence
parameters to be fit
stepsize : 1D or 2D array
If 1D: 1-sigma change in parameter per iteration
If 2D: covariance matrix for parameter changes.
z : 1D array
Contains dependent data (to be modeled)
sigma : 1D array
Contains standard deviation (errors) of "z" data
numit : int
Number of iterations to perform
(allparams, (arg1, arg2, ...), numit)
where allparams is a concatenated list of parameters for each
of several functions, and the arg_i are tuples of (func_i,
stepsize_i, z_i, sigma_i). In this case the keyword 'args'
must also be a tuple of sequences, one for each function to be
args : 1D sequence
Second, third, etc.... arguments to "func"
nstep : int
Saves every "nth" step of the chain
posdef : None, 'all', or sequences of indices.
Which elements should be restricted to positive definite?
If indices, it should be of the form (e.g.): [0, 1, 4]
holdfixed : None, or sequences of indices.
Which elements should be held fixed in the analysis?
If indices, it should be of the form (e.g.): [0, 1, 4]
jointpars : None, or sequence of 2-tuples.
Only for simultaneous multi-function fitting. For
each pair of values passed, we set the parameters
values so: allparams[pair[1]] = allparams[pair[0]]
allparams : 2D array
Contains all parameters at each step
bestp : 1D array
Contains best paramters as determined by lowest Chi^2
numaccept: int
Number of accepted steps
chisq: 1D array
Chi-squared value at each step
Numerical Recipes, 3rd Edition (Section 15.8)
If you need an efficient MCMC algorithm, you should be using
# 2011-06-07 07:50 IJMC: Created from various other MCMC codes,
# eventually deriving from K. Stevenson's
# sample code.
# 2011-06-14 09:48 IJMC: Allow for covariance matrix pass-in to stepsize
# 2011-06-27 17:39 IJMC: Now link joint parameters for initial chisq.
# 2011-09-16 13:31 IJMC: Fixed bug for nextp when nfits==1
# 2011-11-02 22:08 IJMC: Now cast numit as an int
import numpy as np
# Parse keywords/optional inputs:
defaults = dict(args=(), nstep=1, posdef=None, holdfixed=None, \
jointpars=None, verbose=False)
for key in defaults:
if (not kw.has_key(key)):
kw[key] = defaults[key]
args = kw['args']
nstep = kw['nstep']
posdef = kw['posdef']
holdfixed = kw['holdfixed']
jointpars = kw['jointpars']
verbose = kw['verbose']
# Parse inputs:
if len(arg)==6:
func, params, stepsize, z, sigma, numit = arg
stepsize = np.array(stepsize, copy=True)
weights = 1./sigma**2
nfits = 1
elif len(arg)==3:
params, allargs, numit = arg[0:3]
nfits = len(allargs)
funcs = []
stepsizes = []
zs = []
multiargs = []
multiweights = []
npars = []
for ii, these_args in enumerate(allargs):
stepsizes.append(np.array(these_args[1], copy=True))
print "Must pass either 3 or 6 parameters as input."
print "You passed %i." % len(arg)
return -1
#Initial setup
numaccept = 0
numit = int(numit)
nout = numit/nstep
bestp = np.copy(params)
original_params = np.copy(params)
allparams = np.zeros((len(params), nout))
allchi = np.zeros(nout,float)
# Set indicated parameters to be positive definite:
if posdef=='all':
params = np.abs(params)
posdef = np.arange(params.size)
elif posdef is not None:
posdef = np.array(posdef)
params[posdef] = np.abs(params[posdef])
posdef = np.zeros(params.size, dtype=bool)
# Set indicated parameters to be held fixed:
if holdfixed is not None:
holdfixed = np.array(holdfixed)
params[holdfixed] = np.abs(params[holdfixed])
holdfixed = np.zeros(params.size, dtype=bool)
if verbose:
print params[posdef]
# Set joint parameters:
if jointpars is not None:
for jp in jointpars:
params[jp[1]] = params[jp[0]]
#Calc chi-squared for model using current params
if nfits==1:
zmodel = func(params, *args)
currchisq = (((zmodel - z)**2)*weights).ravel().sum()
bestchisq = currchisq
tempchisq = 0
for ii in range(nfits):
i0 = sum(npars[0:ii])
i1 = i0 + npars[ii]
this_zmodel = funcs[ii](params[i0:i1], *multiargs[ii])
thischisq = (((this_zmodel - zs[ii])**2) * multiweights[ii]).ravel().sum()
tempchisq += thischisq
currchisq = tempchisq
bestchisq = currchisq
if verbose:
print currchisq
#Run Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo algorithm 'numit' times
for j in range(numit):
#Take step in random direction for adjustable parameters
if nfits==1:
if len(stepsize.shape)==1:
nextp = np.array([np.random.normal(params,stepsize)]).ravel()
nextp = np.random.multivariate_normal(params, stepsize)
nextstep = np.zeros(len(params), dtype=float)
for ii in range(nfits):
i0 = sum(npars[0:ii])
i1 = i0 + npars[ii]
if len(stepsizes[ii].shape)==1:
nextstep[i0:i1] = np.random.normal([0]*npars[ii], stepsizes[ii])
nextstep[i0:i1] = np.random.multivariate_normal([0]*npars[ii], stepsizes[ii])
nextp = params + nextstep
# Constrain the desired parameters:
nextp[posdef] = np.abs(nextp[posdef])
nextp[holdfixed] = original_params[holdfixed]
if jointpars is not None:
for jp in jointpars:
nextp[jp[1]] = nextp[jp[0]]
#print nextp[jp[1]], nextp[jp[0]], jp
if nfits==1:
zmodel = func(nextp, *args)
nextchisq = (((zmodel - z)**2)*weights).ravel().sum()
tempchisq = 0
for ii in range(nfits):
i0 = sum(npars[0:ii])
i1 = i0 + npars[ii]
this_zmodel = funcs[ii](nextp[i0:i1], *multiargs[ii])
thischisq = (((this_zmodel - zs[ii])**2) * multiweights[ii]).ravel().sum()
tempchisq += thischisq
nextchisq = tempchisq
if verbose:
print nextchisq
print nextp == original_params
accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq))
if (accept >= 1) or (np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= accept):
#Accept step
numaccept += 1
params = np.copy(nextp)
currchisq = nextchisq
if (currchisq < bestchisq):
#New best fit
bestp = np.copy(params)
bestchisq = currchisq
if (j%nstep)==0:
allparams[:, j/nstep] = params
allchi[j/nstep] = currchisq
return allparams, bestp, numaccept, allchi
[docs]def scale_mcmc_stepsize(accept, func, params, stepsize, z, sigma, numit=1000, scales=[0.1, 0.3, 1., 3., 10.], args=(), nstep=1, posdef=None, holdfixed=None, retall=False, jointpars=None):
"""Run :func:`generic_mcmc` and scale the input stepsize to match
the desired input acceptance rate.
mostly the same as for :func:`generic_mcmc`, but also with:
accept : float between 0 and 1
desired acceptance rate; typically between 0.15 - 0.5.
scales : sequence of floats
test scaling parameters; measure for these, then interpolate to get 'accept'
retall : bool
if True, return tuple (scalefactor, acceptances, scales).
Otherwise return only the scaler 'scalefactor.'
:doc:`pylab` (for :func:`pylab.interp`)
# 2011-06-13 16:06 IJMC: Created
from pylab import interp
stepsize = array(stepsize, copy=True)
nfactors = len(scales)
mcmc_accept = []
for factor in scales:
out = generic_mcmc(func, params, stepsize/factor, z, sigma, numit, args=args, nstep=nstep, posdef=posdef, holdfixed=holdfixed, jointpars=jointpars)
mcmc_accept.append(1.0 * out[2]/numit)
final_factor = interp(accept, mcmc_accept, scales)
if retall:
ret = (final_factor, mcmc_accept, scales)
ret = final_factor
return ret
def unityslope(slope, ttt):
return 1. + slope*(ttt - ttt.mean())
[docs]def travisplanet(p):
"""Generate a line of text for Travis Barman's planet table.
INPUT: a planet object from :func:`getobj`.
# 2012-02-14 14:52 IJMC: Created
vals1 = (p.name.replace(' ','').replace('b', ''), p.msini, p.umsini, p.r, p.r-p.ur, p.r+p.ur)
vals2 = (p.per, p.a, p.mstar, p.umstar, p.rstar, p.urstar, p.teff, p.uteff, p.fe, p.ufe)
nvals = len(vals1)+len(vals2)
fstr = '%s' + ' '*(10-len(vals1)) + ' %1.2f'*5 + ' %1.6f %1.4f' + ' %1.2f'*4 + ' %i'*2 + ' %1.2f'*2
return fstr % (vals1 + vals2 )
[docs]def stdfilt(vec, wid=3):
"""Compute the standard deviation in a sliding window.
vec : 1D sequence
data to filter
wid : int, odd
width of filter; ideally odd (not even).
# 2012-04-05 13:58 IJMC: Created
filt = 0*vec
if wid<1:
wid = 1
wid = int(wid)
n = len(vec)
for ii in range(n):
i0 = np.max([0, ii -wid/2])
i1 = np.min([n-1, ii + wid/2])
filt[ii] = np.std(vec[i0:i1+1])
#print ii, i0, i1
return filt
[docs]def wmeanfilt(vec, wid=3, w=None):
"""Compute the (weighted) mean in a sliding window.
vec : 1D sequence
data to filter
wid : int, odd
width of filter; ideally odd (not even).
# 2012-04-28 06:09 IJMC: Created
filt = 0*vec
if wid<1:
wid = 1
wid = int(wid)
n = len(vec)
for ii in range(n):
i0 = np.max([0, ii -wid/2])
i1 = np.min([n-1, ii + wid/2])
filt[ii] = wmean(vec[i0:i1+1], w[i0:i1+1])
#print ii, i0, i1
return filt
[docs]def planettext(planets, filename, delimiter=',', append=True):
"""Write planet object info into a delimited line of text.
planets : planet object or list thereof
filename : str
delimiter : str
# 2012-01-24 16:42 IJMC: Created
if not hasattr(planets, '__iter__'):
planets = [planets]
column_headers = 'Planet Name', 'KIC', 'wfc3', 'stis', 'OIR', 'HST', 'SST', \
'M_p/M_J', 'R_p/R_J', 'P/d', 'a/AU', 'e', 'I', 'a/R*', 'b', 'k', 'T_14', 'd/pc', \
'ST', 'T_*', 'M_*', 'RA', 'Dec', 'Vmag', 'Jmag', 'Hmag', 'Kmag', 'R_s', \
'T_eff', 'g_p', '~H (gas-dom.)/km', 'Delta-D', 'Fp/Fs', 'NIR comp.?', \
'"goodness"', 'kepler_vetting', 'ECL_metric', 'TRA_metric', 'MAX_metric'
field_names = 'name', None, None, None, None, None, None, 'msini', 'r', 'per', 'a', \
'ecc', 'i', 'ar', 'b', None, 't14', 'distance', 'sptype', 'teff', 'mstar', \
'ra_string', 'dec_string', 'v', 'j', 'h', 'ks', 'rstar'
if append:
f = open(filename, 'a')
f = open(filename, 'w')
for header in column_headers:
f.write('%s%s' % (header, delimiter))
for p in planets:
for field in field_names:
if field is None:
elif hasattr(getattr(p, field), 'upper'): # STRING
f.write('%s%s' % (getattr(p, field), delimiter))
else: # FLOAT
f.write('%1.18f%s' % (getattr(p, field), delimiter))
[docs]def prayerbead(*arg, **kw):
"""Generic function to perform Prayer-Bead (residual permutation) analysis.
(fitparams, modelfunction, arg1, arg2, ... , data, weights)
(allparams, (args1, args2, ..), npars=(npar1, npar2, ...))
where allparams is an array concatenation of each functions
input parameters.
jointpars -- list of 2-tuples.
For use with multi-function calling (w/npars
keyword). Setting jointpars=[(0,10), (0,20)] will
always set params[10]=params[0] and
parinfo -- None, or list of dicts
'parinfo' to pass to the kapteyn.py kpmfit routine.
gaussprior -- list of 2-tuples, same length as "allparams."
The i^th tuple (x_i, s_i) imposes a Gaussian prior
on the i^th parameter p_i by adding ((p_i -
x_i)/s_i)^2 to the total chi-squared.
axis -- int or None
If input is 2D, which axis to permute over.
step -- int > 0
Stepsize for permutation steps. 1 by default.
verbose -- bool
Print various status lines to console.
maxiter -- int
Maximum number of iterations for _each_ fitting step.
maxfun -- int
Maximum number of function evaluations for _each_ fitting step.
threads -- int
Number of threads to use (via multiprocessing.Pool)
:doc:`kapteyn`, :doc:`phasecurves`, :doc:`numpy`
# 2012-04-30 07:29 IJMC: Created
# 2012-05-03 16:35 IJMC: Now can impose gaussian priors
# 2012-09-17 14:08 IJMC: Fixed bug when shifting weights (thanks
# to P. Cubillos)
# 2014-05-01 20:52 IJMC: Now allow multiprocessing via 'threads' keyword!
#from kapteyn import kmpfit
import phasecurves as pc
from multiprocessing import Pool
if kw.has_key('axis'):
axis = kw['axis']
axis = None
if kw.has_key('parinfo'):
parinfo = kw.pop('parinfo')
parinfo = None
if kw.has_key('verbose'):
verbose = kw.pop('verbose')
verbose = None
if kw.has_key('step'):
step = kw.pop('step')
step = None
if kw.has_key('maxiter'):
maxiter = kw.pop('maxiter')
maxiter = 3000
if kw.has_key('maxfun'):
maxfun = kw.pop('maxfun')
maxfun = 6000
if kw.has_key('xtol'):
xtol = kw.pop('xtol')
xtol = 1e-12
if kw.has_key('ftol'):
ftol = kw.pop('ftol')
ftol = 1e-12
if kw.has_key('threads'):
pool = Pool(processes=kw['threads'])
pool = None
guessparams = arg[0]
modelfunction = arg[1]
nparam = len(guessparams)
if isinstance(arg[-1], dict):
# Surreptiously setting keyword arguments:
kw2 = arg[-1]
arg = arg[0:-1]
narg = len(arg)
helperargs = arg[2:narg-2]
data = np.array(arg[-2], copy=False)
weights = arg[-1]
if data.ndim > 1:
print "I haven't implemented 2D multi-dimensional data handling yet!"
ndata = data.size
if kw.has_key('npars'):
print "I haven't yet dealt with this for prayerbead analyses!"
npars = kw['npars']
ret = []
# Excise "npars" kw for recursive calling:
lower_kw = kw.copy()
junk = lower_kw.pop('npars')
# Keep fixed pairs of joint parameters:
if kw.has_key('jointpars'):
jointpars = kw['jointpars']
for jointpar in jointpars:
params[jointpar[1]] = params[jointpar[0]]
for ii in range(len(npars)):
i0 = sum(npars[0:ii])
i1 = i0 + npars[ii]
these_params = arg[0][i0:i1]
ret.append(resfunc(these_params, *arg[1][ii], **lower_kw))
return ret
fitter_args = (modelfunction,) + helperargs + (data, weights, kw)
fmin_fit = fmin(pc.errfunc, guessparams, args=fitter_args, full_output=True, disp=False, maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun)
bestparams = np.array(fmin_fit[0], copy=True)
bestmodel = modelfunction(*((guessparams,) + helperargs))
residuals = data - bestmodel
allfits = np.zeros((ndata, nparam), dtype=float)
allfits[0] = bestparams
if verbose: print "Finished prayer bead step ",
if pool is None:
allfits[1:] = np.array(map(pb_helperfunction, [[ii, bestmodel, bestparams, residuals, weights, modelfunction, helperargs, maxiter, maxfun, xtol, ftol, ndata, kw, verbose] for ii in xrange(1, ndata)]))
allfits[1:] = np.array(pool.map(pb_helperfunction, [[ii, bestmodel, bestparams, residuals, weights, modelfunction, helperargs, maxiter, maxfun, xtol, ftol, ndata, kw, verbose] for ii in xrange(1, ndata)]))
return allfits
[docs]def pb_helperfunction(inputs):
"""Helper function for :func:`prayerbead`. Not for general use."""
# 2014-05-01 20:35 IJMC: Created
import phasecurves as pc
index, bestmodel, bestparams, residuals, weights, modelfunction, helperargs, maxiter, maxfun, xtol, ftol, ndata, kw, verbose = inputs
shifteddata = bestmodel + np.concatenate((residuals[index::], residuals[0:index]))
shiftedweights = np.concatenate((weights[index::], weights[0:index]))
shifted_args = (modelfunction,) + helperargs + (shifteddata, shiftedweights, kw)
fmin_fit = fmin(pc.errfunc, bestparams, args=shifted_args, full_output=True, disp=False, maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol)
if verbose: print ("%i of %i." % (index+1, ndata)),
return fmin_fit[0]
def morlet(scale, k, k0=6.0, retper=False, retcoi=False, retcdelta=False, retpsi0=False): # From Wavelet.pro; still incomplete!
n = len(k)
expnt = -0.5 * (scale * k - k0)**2 * (k > 0.)
dt = 2 * np.pi / (n*k[1])
norm = np.sqrt(2*np.pi*scale/dt) * (np.pi**-0.25) # total energy=N
morlet = norm * np.exp( np.max(np.array([expnt, 0.*expnt]), 0) )
morlet = morlet * (expnt > -100) # avoid underflow errors
morlet = morlet * (k > 0) # Heaviside step function (Morlet is complex)
fourier_factor = (4 * np.pi) / (k0 + np.sqrt(2. + k0**2)) # Scale --> Fourier
period = scale * fourier_factor
coi = fourier_factor / np.sqrt(2) # Cone-of-influence
dofmin = 2
Cdelta = -1
if k0==6: Cdelta = 0.776
psi0 = np.pi**-0.25
ret = (morlet,)
if retper:
ret = ret + (period,)
if retcoi:
ret = ret + (coi,)
if retcdelta:
ret = ret + (cdelta,)
if retpsi0:
ret = ret + (psi0,)
if len(ret)==1:
ret = ret[0]
return ret
[docs]def test_eccentric_anomaly(ecc, manom, tol=1e-8):
""" Test various methods of computing the eccentric anomaly.
ecc = scalar; manom = 1D NumPy array
Just run, e.g.:
ecc = 0.15
p_orb = 3.3
mean_anom = 2*pi*linspace(0, p_orb, 10000)/p_orb
an.test_eccentric_anomaly(ecc, mean_anom, tol=1e-10)
# 2012-10-15 21:46 IJMC: Created, for my own curiosity.
from time import time
e0 = np.zeros(manom.size)
e1 = np.zeros(manom.size)
e2 = np.zeros(manom.size)
e3 = np.zeros(manom.size)
tic = time()
for ii,element in enumerate(manom):
def kep(e): return element - e + ecc*sin(e)
e0[ii] = optimize.brentq(kep, element-1, element+1, xtol=tol, disp=False)
toc0 = time() - tic
tic = time()
for ii,element in enumerate(manom):
def kep(e): return element - e + ecc*sin(e)
e1[ii] = optimize.newton(kep, ecc, tol=tol)
toc1 = time() - tic
tic = time()
guessfactor = np.pi * (ecc+0.01) / 0.81 # guess=pi for ecc=0.8
for ii,element in enumerate(manom): # Explicit Newton's method
err = tol*10
val = guessfactor
while np.abs(err) > tol:
err = (element + ecc*np.sin(val) - val) / (1. - ecc*np.cos(val))
val += err
e2[ii] = val
toc2 = time() - tic
tic = time()
for ii,element in enumerate(manom): # simple iteration:
err = tol*10
oldval = 0.
while np.abs(err) > tol:
val = element + ecc * np.sin(oldval)
err = val - oldval
oldval = val
e3[ii] = val
toc3 = time() - tic
print "SciPy BrentQ: [%1.6f, %1.6f, ....] -- %1.4f s" % (e0[0], e0[1], toc0)
print "SciPy Newton: [%1.6f, %1.6f, ....] -- %1.4f s" % (e1[0], e1[1], toc1)
print "Explicit Newton: [%1.6f, %1.6f, ....] -- %1.4f s" % (e2[0], e2[1], toc2)
print "Simple iteration: [%1.6f, %1.6f, ....] -- %1.4f s" % (e3[0], e3[1], toc3)
def fmin_helper(params, func=None, **kw_dict):
return fmin(func, params, **kw_dict)
[docs]def fmin_helper2(all_args):
"""Allows me to wrap :func:`fmin` within pool.map() for multithreading.
from multiprocessing import Pool
import analysis as an
import phasecurves as pc
pool = Pool(processes=nthreads)
fits = pool.map(an.fmin_helper2, [[pc.errfunc, pos0[jj], mcargs, test_kws] for jj in xrange(0, nwalkers, int(nwalkers/12.))])
# The above line is equivalent to, but roughly ~(nthreads)
# times faster, than the standard way to do it:
fits2 = [an.fmin(pc.errfunc, pos0[jj], mcargs, **test_kw) for jj in xrange(0, nwalkers, int(nwalkers/10.))]
This must be a separate, stand-alone function in order to be
'pickleable', which is required by pool.map().
# 2014-08-10 10:01 IJMC: Added documentation.
if isinstance(all_args[-1], dict):
ret = fmin(all_args[0], *all_args[1:-1], **all_args[-1])
ret = fmin(all_args[0], *all_args[1:-1])
return ret
[docs]def gfit(func, x0, fprime, args=(), kwargs=dict(), maxiter=2000, ftol=0.001, factor=1., disp=False, bounds=None):
"""Perform gradient-based minimization of a user-specified function.
func : function
Function that takes as input the parameters x0, optional
additional arguments args, and optional keywords kwargs, and
returns the metric to be minimized as a scalar. For chi-squared
minimization, a generalized option is :phasecurves:`errfunc`.
x0 : sequence
List or 1D NumPy array of initial-guess parameters, to be
adjusted to minimize func(x0, *args, **kwargs).
fprime : function
Function that takes as input the parameters x0, optional
additional arguments args, and optional keywords kwargs, and
returns the partial derivatives of the metric to be minimized
with regard to each element of x0.
args : list
Optional arguments to func and fprime (see above)
kwargs : dict
Optional keywords to func and fprime (see above)
maxiter : int
Maximum number of iterations to run.
ftol : scalar
Desired tolerance on the metric to be minimized. Iteration
will continue until either iter>maxiter OR
(metric_i - metric_(i+1)) < ftol.
factor : scalar
Factor to scale gradient before applying each new
iteration. Small values will lead to slower convergences;
large values will lead to wild behavior. The code attempts to
(crudely) tune the value of 'factor' depending on how the
minimization process progresses.
disp : bool
If True, print some text to screen on each iteration.
bounds : None, or list
(min, max) pairs for each element in x0, defining the
bounds on that parameter. Use None or +/-inf for one of
min or max when there is no bound in that direction.
(params, metric, n_iter)
The program attempts to be slightly clever: if the metric
decreases by <ftol on one iteration, the code iterates one more
time. If the termination criterion is once again met then
minimization ends; if not, minimization continues as before.
For quicker, smarter routines that do much the same thing, you
may want to check out the functions in the scipy.optimize package.
# 2013-08-09 10:37 IJMC: Created
# 2013-08-11 16:06 IJMC: Added a missing boolean flag
if bounds is not None:
bounds = np.array(bounds)
def applyBounds(params):
if bounds is not None:
params = np.vstack((params, bounds[:,0])).max(0)
params = np.vstack((params, bounds[:,1])).min(0)
return params
bestparams = applyBounds(x0)
nx = bestparams.size
metric = func(x0, *args, **kwargs)
dmetric = 9e9
keepFitting = True
lastIterSaidToStop = False
iter = 0
recalcGrad = True
if disp:
fmtstr = '%7i %1.'+str(np.abs(np.log(ftol)).astype(int)+2)+'f %1.5e %1.3e'
while iter<maxiter and keepFitting:
iter += 1
if recalcGrad: grad = fprime(bestparams, *args, **kwargs)
newparam = applyBounds(bestparams - factor * grad)
newmetric = func(newparam, *args, **kwargs)
if newmetric < metric:
bestparams = newparam.copy()
dmetric = newmetric - metric
metric = newmetric
if recalcGrad is True: factor *= 1.5 # we updated twice in a row!
recalcGrad = True
if np.abs(dmetric) < ftol:
if disp: print "Met termination criterion"
if lastIterSaidToStop:
keepFitting = False
lastIterSaidToStop = True
factor /= 2
recalcGrad = False
lastIterSaidToStop = False
if disp: print fmtstr % (iter, metric, factor, dmetric)
return bestparams, metric, iter
def lnprob(x, ivar):
return -0.5 * np.sum(ivar * x ** 2)
[docs]def returnSections(time, dtmax=0.1):
"""Return 2-tuples that are the indices of separate sections, as
indicated by breaks in a continuous and always-increasing time
time : 1D NumPy array
The time index of interest. Should be always increasing, such
that numpy.diff(time) is always positive.
dtmax : float
Any break in 'time' equal to or larger than this indicates a
new segment.
import transit
# Simulate a time series with 30-minute sampling:
t1 = np.arange(0, 3.7, 0.5/24)
t2 = np.arange(5, 70, 0.5/24)
t3 = np.arange(70.2, 85, 0.5/24)
days = np.concatenate((t1, t2, t3))
ret = transit.returnSections(days, dtmax=0.1)
# If each segment was correctly identified, these print 'True':
print (t1==days[ret[0][0]:ret[0][1]+1]).all()
print (t2==days[ret[1][0]:ret[1][1]+1]).all()
print (t3==days[ret[2][0]:ret[2][1]+1]).all()
# 2014-08-11 16:52 IJMC: Created
dt = np.diff(time)
inds = np.concatenate(([-1], (dt>=dtmax).nonzero()[0], [time.size]))
ret = [[inds[ii]+1, inds[ii+1]] for ii in xrange(inds.size-1)]
ret[-1][-1] -= 1
return ret
[docs]def total_least_squares(data1, data2, data1err=None, data2err=None,
print_results=False, ignore_nans=True, intercept=True,
return_error=False, inf=1e10):
Use Singular Value Decomposition to determine the Total Least Squares linear fit to the data.
(e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_least_squares)
data1 - x array
data2 - y array
if intercept:
returns m,b in the equation y = m x + b
returns m
print tells you some information about what fraction of the variance is accounted for
ignore_nans will remove NAN values from BOTH arrays before computing
data1,data2 : np.ndarray
Vectors of the same length indicating the 'x' and 'y' vectors to fit
data1err,data2err : np.ndarray or None
Vectors of the same length as data1,data2 holding the 1-sigma error values
From https://code.google.com/p/agpy/
# 2014-08-26 07:44 IJMC: Copied from https://code.google.com/p/agpy/
if ignore_nans:
badvals = numpy.isnan(data1) + numpy.isnan(data2)
if data1err is not None:
badvals += numpy.isnan(data1err)
if data2err is not None:
badvals += numpy.isnan(data2err)
goodvals = True-badvals
if goodvals.sum() < 2:
if intercept:
return 0,0
return 0
if badvals.sum():
data1 = data1[goodvals]
data2 = data2[goodvals]
if intercept:
dm1 = data1.mean()
dm2 = data2.mean()
dm1,dm2 = 0,0
arr = numpy.array([data1-dm1,data2-dm2]).T
U,S,V = numpy.linalg.svd(arr, full_matrices=False)
# v should be sorted.
# this solution should be equivalent to v[1,0] / -v[1,1]
# but I'm using this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5879986/pseudo-inverse-of-sparse-matrix-in-python
M = V[-1,0]/-V[-1,-1]
varfrac = S[0]/S.sum()*100
if varfrac < 50:
raise ValueError("ERROR: SVD/TLS Linear Fit accounts for less than half the variance; this is impossible by definition.")
# this is performed after so that TLS gives a "guess"
if data1err is not None or data2err is not None:
from scipy.odr import RealData,Model,ODR
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Could not import scipy; cannot run Total Least Squares")
def linmodel(B,x):
if intercept:
return B[0]*x + B[1]
return B[0]*x
if data1err is not None:
data1err = data1err[goodvals]
data1err[data1err<=0] = inf
if data2err is not None:
data2err = data2err[goodvals]
data2err[data2err<=0] = inf
if any([data1.shape != other.shape for other in (data2,data1err,data2err)]):
raise ValueError("Data shapes do not match")
linear = Model(linmodel)
data = RealData(data1,data2,sx=data1err,sy=data2err)
B = data2.mean() - M*data1.mean()
beta0 = [M,B] if intercept else [M]
myodr = ODR(data,linear,beta0=beta0)
output = myodr.run()
if print_results:
if return_error:
return numpy.concatenate([output.beta,output.sd_beta])
return output.beta
if intercept:
B = data2.mean() - M*data1.mean()
if print_results:
print "TLS Best fit y = %g x + %g" % (M,B)
print "The fit accounts for %0.3g%% of the variance." % (varfrac)
print "Chi^2 = %g, N = %i" % (((data2-(data1*M+B))**2).sum(),data1.shape[0]-2)
return M,B
if print_results:
print "TLS Best fit y = %g x" % (M)
print "The fit accounts for %0.3g%% of the variance." % (varfrac)
print "Chi^2 = %g, N = %i" % (((data2-(data1*M))**2).sum(),data1.shape[0]-1)
return M
[docs]def confmap(map, frac, **kw):
"""Return the confidence level of a 2D histogram or array that
encloses the specified fraction of the total sum.
map : 1D or 2D numpy array
Probability map (from hist2d or kde)
frac : float, 0 <= frac <= 1
desired fraction of enclosed energy of map
ordinate : None or 1D array
If 1D map, interpolates onto the desired value. This could
cause problems when you aren't just setting upper/lower
:func:`dumbconf` for 1D distributions
# 2010-07-26 12:54 IJC: Created
# 2011-11-05 14:29 IJMC: Fixed so it actually does what it's supposed to!
# 2014-09-05 21:11 IJMC: Moved from kdestats to analysis.py. Added
# errorcheck on 'frac'.
from scipy.optimize import bisect
if frac<0 or frac >1:
print "Input 'frac' to confmap() must be 0 <= f <= 1."
def diffsum(level, map, ndesired):
return ((1.0*map[map >= level].sum()/map.sum() - ndesired))
if hasattr(frac,'__iter__'):
return [confmap(map,thisfrac, **kw) for thisfrac in frac]
#nx, ny = map.shape
#ntot = map.size
#n = int(ntot*frac)
#guess = map.max()
#dx = 10.*float((guess-map.min())/ntot)
#thisn = map[map<=guess].sum()
ret = bisect(diffsum, map.min()-1, map.max()+1, args=(map, frac))
if kw.has_key('ordinate') and kw['ordinate'] is not None:
sortind = np.argsort(map)
ret = np.interp(ret, map[sortind], kw['ordinate'][sortind])
return ret