import os, sys
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
from scipy import interpolate
from warnings import warn
import pdb
import analysis as an
IJC's attempt at writing a useful Python library for use with
astronomical data reduction. Developed at UC Los Angeles.
2008-06-30 17:13 IJC: Made write_exptime able to recursively use file lists
2010-10-29 09:18 IJC: Updated documentation for Sphinx. Removed pad,
2011-04-08 11:51 IJC: Moved amedian() to
_home = os.path.expanduser('~')
[docs]class aperture:
"IRAF aperture class."
def __init__(self):
self.filename = ''
self.image = []
self.nap = 0 = []
self.low = []
self.high = []
[docs]def intstr(num, numplaces=4):
"""A simple function to map an input number into a string padded with
zeros (default 4). Syntax is: out = intstr(6, numplaces=4) -->
2008-05-27 17:12 IJC: Created"""
formatstr = "%(#)0"+str(numplaces)+"d"
return formatstr % {"#":int(num)}
[docs]def sfilelist(prefix, postfix, numlist, numplaces=4, delim=','):
"""2008-05-27 17:12 IJC: Create a delimited string of filenames based
on a specified prefix, and a list of numeric values. You can also
specify the number of digits in the numeric part filenames;
default is 4. Default delimiter is a comma.
files = sfilelist(prefix, postfix, numlist, numplaces=4, delim=',')
#2008-05-27 17:13 IJC:
#2008-07-21 10:24 IJC: Updated to use list instead of start/end num.
fnlist = ""
for element in numlist:
fnlist = fnlist + prefix + intstr(element, numplaces) + postfix + delim
fnlist = fnlist[0:len(fnlist)-1]
return fnlist
[docs]def filelist(prefix, postfix, numlist, numplaces=4):
"""2008-05-27 17:12 IJC: Create a list of filenames based on a
specified prefix, and a list of numeric values. You can also
specify the number of digits in the filenames; default is 4.
files = filelist(prefix, postfix, numlist, numplaces=4)
:SEE ALSO: :func:`wfilelist`, :func:`sfilelist`, :func:`file2list`
#2008-05-27 17:13 IJC:
#2008-07-21 10:24 IJC: Updated to use list instead of start/end num.
fnlist = []
for element in numlist:
fnlist = fnlist + [prefix + intstr(element, numplaces) + postfix]
return fnlist
[docs]def wfilelist(prefix, postfix, numlist, numplaces=4, tempname="wfilelist_py.tmp"):
"""2008-05-27 17:12 IJC: Create an ASCII file of a list of filenames
based on a specified prefix, starting number, and ending number.
You can also specify the number of digits in the filenames;
default is 4.
If the file already exists, it is overwritten.
filelist(prefix, postfix, numlist, numplaces=4, tempname='wfilelist_py.tmp')
:SEE ALSO: :func:`filelist`, :func:`sfilelist`, :func:`file2list`
#2008-05-27 17:13 IJC:
#2008-07-21 10:25 IJC: Updated to use list instead of start/end num
f = open(tempname, "w")
for element in numlist:
strtowrite = prefix + intstr(element, numplaces) + postfix + "\n"
return tempname
[docs]def strl2f(filename, strl, clobber=True, EOL='\n'):
"""Write a list of strings to the specified filename.
filename: string, name of file to write to
strl: list, to be written to specified file.
Returns the filename
:Note: this is only designed for single-depth lists
(i.e., no doubly-deep string lists).
# 2009-04-28 10:46 IJC: Created to convert filelist to wfilelist
import os
if clobber==True and os.path.isfile(filename):
f = open(filename, 'w')
for el in strl:
return filename
[docs]def showfits(filename):
"""2008-05-28 13:15 IJC: Routine to load and show a FITS file.
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
from pylab import figure, imshow, cm
im = pyfits.getdata(filename)
imgsize = (im.shape)[0]
imshow(im, aspect='equal', cmap = cm.gray)
[docs]def getval(filename, key, *ext, **kw):
"""Get a keyword's value from a header in a FITS file, or a list of
Syntax is the same as pyfits.getval:
@type filename: string or list
@param filename: input FITS file name, or list of filenames
@type key: string
@param key: keyword name
@param ext: The rest of the arguments are for extension specification.
See L{getdata} for explanations/examples.
@return: keyword value
@rtype: string, integer, or float
An extra keyword is path='' -- a path to prepend to the filenames.
# 2009-02-11 13:54 IJC: Created
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
defaults = dict(path='')
for keyword in defaults:
if (not kw.has_key(keyword)):
kw[keyword] = defaults[keyword]
if (filename.__class__ <> str) and (len(filename)>1):
ret = []
for file in filename:
ret.append(pyfits.getval(kw['path']+file, key, *ext))
ret = pyfits.getval(kw['path']+filename, key, *ext)
return ret
[docs]def write_exptime(filename, coadds='coadds'):
"""Read 'itime' and 'coadds' from a specified file, and write into it
an "exptime' header keyword (IRAF likes it this way). If the
filename does not have a '.fits' extension, write_exptime will
attempt to add one in order to find the file.
# 2008-06-10 15:54 IJC: Updated to accept files with or w/out .fits extension
# 2008-06-30 17:08 IJC: Make it able to recursively use file lists
# 2010-01-21 13:15 IJC: Added coadds keyword
# 2010-11-28 12:26 IJC: Added ignore_missing_end call
from pyraf import iraf as ir
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
import pdb
if os.path.isfile(filename):
# Check (crudely) to see if it's a FITS file. Otherwise, assume it's a list.
infile = open(filename)
if'SIMPLE': # It's a FITS file!
coa = pyfits.getval(filename,coadds, ignore_missing_end=True)
exptime = 1.0 * coa * pyfits.getval(filename, 'itime', \
ir.ccdhedit(filename, 'exptime', exptime)
else:, 0)
for line in infile:
elif os.path.isfile(filename + ".fits"):
filename = filename + ".fits"
coa = pyfits.getval(filename, coadds, ignore_missing_end=True)
exptime = 1.0 * coa * pyfits.getval(filename, 'itime', \
ir.ccdhedit(filename, 'exptime', exptime)
[docs]def dark_correct(rawpre, procpre, sdark, postfix, startnum, endnum, numplaces=4):
"""Use similar parameters as nsdata.filelist() to correct frames for
dark current. Frames will have a 'd' appended to their filenames.
nsdata.dark_correct('/raw/targ_', '/proc/targ_', '/proc/sflat', '', 10, 20)
2008-06-11 16:53 IJC: Created
from pyraf import iraf as ir
raw = wfilelist(rawpre, postfix, startnum, endnum, numplaces=numplaces, tempname='tempraw')
proc = wfilelist(procpre, 'd'+postfix, startnum, endnum, numplaces=numplaces, tempname='tempproc')
rawlist = wfilelist(rawpre, postfix, startnum, endnum, numplaces=numplaces)
for ii in range(len(rawlist)): # write "exptime" header keyword
ir.ccdproc('@tempraw', output='@tempproc', ccdtype="", fixpix="no", overscan="no",trim="no",zerocor="no",darkcor="yes",flatcor="no", dark=sdark)
[docs]def find_features(spec, width=4, absorption=True):
"""Scan through a spectrum and attempt to identify features based
on the sign of derivatives. Return the indices of the centers
of the features.
ind = find_features(spec, width=4, absorption=True)
2008-06-20 10:06 IJC: Created
from pylab import diff, sign, sum, zeros
if width<2:
print "Width too small, increasing to 2..."
width = 2
elif (int(width)/2.0)<>int(int(width)/2):
print "Width not an even number, increasing to the next-largest even number."
width = int(width)+1
if (absorption):
w2 = width/2
ds = diff(spec)
sigds = sign(ds)
numiter = len(spec)-width+1
ind_temp = zeros(len(spec))
ind_iter = 0
for ii in range(numiter):
# If the first w/2 signs are negative and the next w/2 positive, it's a feature.
if (sum(s*sigds[ii:(ii+w2)]>0)==w2) and (sum(s*sigds[(ii+w2):(ii+width)]<0)==w2):
ind_temp[ind_iter] = ii+w2
ind_iter = ind_iter+1
ind = ind_temp[0:ind_iter]
return ind
[docs]def dispeval(c, olim, xlim, shift=0, function='chebyshev', fullxlim=None):
"""Evaluate an IRAF-generated dispersion function (for now, Chebyshev
only). Needs the input "C" matrix from ECIDENTIFY, as well as
the limits of orders and pixels:
w = nsdata.dispeval(C, [32,37], [1,1024])
It can also be used in conjunction with :func:`nsdata.getdisp`:
fn = 'ec/ecmar21s0165s'
d = nsdata.getdisp(fn)
w = nsdata.dispeval(d[0], d[1], d[2], shift=d[3])
:SEE ALSO: :func:`nsdata.getdisp`, :func:`nsdata.interp_spec`
May not be correct for multi-order (echelle) dispersion solutions!
2008-06-24 11:48 IJC"""
# 2008-06-26 10:05 IJC: Now returns w.tranpose() for proper
# arrangements. Also fixed a bug in calculating the Q
# polynomial coefficients... was incorrect before.
# 2012-12-13 15:34 IJMC: Now return precisely the same wavelength
# scale as displayed by IRAF; may not yet be correct for
# multi-order (echelle) dispersion solutions!
from pylab import sort, arange, zeros, size, dot
if function.lower()<>'chebyshev':
print "nsdata.dispeval only works with chebyshev functions for now"
return -1
olim = sort(olim[0:2])
xlim = sort(xlim[0:2])
o = olim[1] - arange(olim[1]-olim[0]+1)
x = arange(xlim[1]-xlim[0]+1)+xlim[0]
on = (2.0*o-(o.max()+o.min())) / (o.max() - o.min())
xn = (2.0*x-(x.max()+x.min())) / (x.max() - x.min())
if fullxlim is not None:
if hasattr(fullxlim, '__iter__') and len(fullxlim)>1:
fullx = arange(fullxlim[1]-fullxlim[0]+1) + fullxlim[0]
fullx = arange(fullxlim) +1.5
fullxn = (2.0*fullx-(x.max()+x.min())) / (x.max() - x.min())
w = zeros([len(x), len(o)], float)
nord = c.ndim
np = size(c,0)
p = zeros(np, float)
p[0] = 1
if nord>1:
nq = size(c,1)
q = zeros(nq, float)
q[0] = 1
for i in range(len(x)):
p[1] = xn[i]
for k in (arange(np-2)+2):
p[k] = 2.0*xn[i]*p[k-1] - p[k-2]
for j in range(len(o)):
if nord>1:
q[1] = on[j]
for k in (arange(nq-2)+2):
# Debugging: print i,j,k,np, nq, size(xn), size(on)
q[k] = 2.0*on[j]*q[k-1] - q[k-2]
q = array([1])
f = dot(dot(p, c), q)
w[i,j] = (f + shift)/o[j]
w = w.transpose()
if fullxlim:
xn = fullxn.copy()
w = c[0] + zeros(len(xn))
for ii in range(1, c.size):
if ii==1:
zi = xn
zi1 = array([1])
zi2 = zi1.copy()
zi1 = zi.copy()
zi = 2*xn*zi1 - zi2
w += c[ii]*zi
return w
[docs]def getdisp(filename, mode='echelle'):
"""Read the most recent dispersion function values from an IRAF
dispersion database file:
D = nsdata.getdisp('ec/ecmar21s0165s')
D[0] = coefficient matrix, C_mn
D[1] = [min_order, max_order]
D[2] = [min_pix, max_pix]
D[3] = pixel shift applied to the fit (units of PIXELS!)
D[4] = type: 1=chebyshev, 2=legendre
It is designed for use in conjunction with NSDATA.DISPEVAL:
fn = 'ec/ecmar21s0165s'
d = nsdata.getdisp(fn)
w = nsdata.dispeval(d[0], d[1], d[2], shift=d[3])
:SEE ALSO: :func:`nsdata.dispeval`
2008-06-24 14:06 IJC"""
# 2009-11-04 11:47 IJC: Print filename of missing file
# 2014-12-18 10:53 IJMC: Fixed xpow/opow bug.
# 2015-01-11 17:42 IJMC: Added 'spline3' option.
from pylab import array
if os.path.isfile(filename):
infile = open(filename, 'r')
print "File %s not found!" % filename
return -1
raw = infile.readlines()
coef = []
while raw[ii].find('coefficients')==-1:
if len(raw[ii].strip())>0:
ii = ii+1
shift = 0
jj = 0
while (shift==0) and (jj<10):
if raw[ii+jj].find('shift')==1:
shift = float( raw[ii+jj].replace('shift', '').strip() )
func_type = int(coef[-1])
# Some gymnastics to get "c" matrix in the right format:
if mode=='echelle':
xpow = int(coef[-2])
opow = int(coef[-3])
dispcoef = coef[0:xpow*opow]
xlim = [int(coef[-5]), int(coef[-6])]
olim = [int(coef[-7]), int(coef[-8])]
c = array(dispcoef).reshape(opow,xpow).transpose()
ret = [c, olim, xlim, shift, func_type]
elif mode=='spline3':
npieces = int(coef[-2])
x = np.arange(coef[-3], coef[-4]+1.)
y = np.zeros(x.shape)
s = 1.0*(x-x.min()) * npieces / (x.max() - x.min())
j = np.floor(s)
a = j+1-s
b = s-j
zs = np.vstack([a**3, 1+3*a*(1.+a*b), 1+3*b*(1.+a*b), b**3])
for jjj in xrange(npieces):
jind = (j==jjj)
y[jind] = (np.array(coef[0:-4][::-1][jjj:jjj+4]).reshape(4,1) * zs[:,jind]).sum(0)
y[-1] = y[-2] + (y[-2] - y[-3])
ret = y
opow = [coef[-2]]
xlim = [coef[-3], coef[-4]]
c = array(coef[::-1][4:])
olim = [0, 0]
ret = [c, olim, xlim, shift, func_type]
return ret
[docs]def isfits(filename):
""" Test (CRUDELY!) whether a file is FITS format or not.
result = nsdata.isfits(filename)
filename -- a string representing a filename
result -- 0 if not a FITS file;
1 if the explicitly passed filename is a FITS file;
2 if conditions for 1 are not met, but
'filename.fits' is a FITS file.
If 'filename' does not exist, also checks filename+'.fits'.
# 2008-07-01 11:15 IJC: Created @ UCLA
if os.path.isfile(filename):
existence = True
isFITSfile = 1
elif os.path.isfile(filename+'.fits'):
filename = filename + '.fits'
existence = True
isFITSfile = 2
existence = False
isFITSfile = 0
if existence:
infile = open(filename)
if (not'SIMPLE'):
isFITSfile = 0
return isFITSfile
[docs]def wl_grid(w, dispersion, method='log', mkhdr=False, verbose=False):
"""Generate a linear or logarithmic wavelength map with constant dispersion.
w_new = wl_grid(w_old, dispersion, method='log')
wl_old -- array; the original wavelength map. If composed
of N echelle orders of length M, should be shape
N x M
dispersion -- maximum desired dispersion (wavelength units
per pixel).
method -- str; 'log' (DEFAULT) or 'linear'
mkhdr -- bool; False (DEFAULT) or True. If True, output
FITS header keys for each of the N echelle orders
verbose -- bool; False (DEFAULT) or True.
w_new -- the new wavelength map, with constant dispersion
hdr -- list of dict, each containing FITS wavelength headers
w = array([1, 1.1, 1.2])
w2, h = wl_grid(w, 0.05, method='log', mkhdr=True)
Which gives: w2 = CRVAL1 * CDELT1**X, where X={0,...,M-1}
w = array([1.00, 1.10, 1.21])
w2, h = wl_grid(w, 0.05, method='linear', mkhdr=True)
Which gives: w2 = CRVAL1 + CDELT1*X, where X={0,...,M-1}
:SEE ALSO: :func:`interp_spec`
# 2008-07-02 10:05 IJC: TBD: Make it work for linear wavelength spacing.
# 2008-12-01 13:35 IJC: Linear wavelength spacing, plus FITS headers.
w = array(w).copy()
if len(w.shape)==1:
w = w.reshape((1, w.shape[0]))
n_order = w.shape[0]
if verbose: print "n_order>>" + str(n_order)
if method=='linear':
n_w = int( ( (w[:,-1] - w[:,0]) / dispersion + 1 ).max() )
if verbose: print "n_w>>" + str(n_w)
grid = meshgrid(range(n_w), w[:,0])
w_interp = grid[1] + dispersion*grid[0]
elif method=='log':
c = dispersion/w.max() + 1.0 # logarithmic scaling constant
if verbose: print "c>>" + str(c)
n_w = int( ( log10(w[:,-1] / w[:,0]) / log10(c) ).max() ) + 1
grid = meshgrid(range(n_w), w[:,0])
w_interp = grid[1] * c**grid[0]
w_interp = wl_grid(w, dispersion, method='log')
if verbose: print "w_interp.shape>>" + str(w_interp.shape)
# Make FITS header keywords
if mkhdr:
headers = []
for ii in range(n_order):
if method=='log':
keys = dict(CTYPE1='log', CRPIX1=1, CRVAL1=w_interp[ii,0],
elif method=='linear':
keys = dict(CTYPE1='linear', CRPIX1=1, CRVAL1=w_interp[ii,0],
return w_interp, headers
return w_interp
[docs]def interp_spec(filename, w, w_interp, suffix='int', k=1, badval=0, clobber=True, verbose=False):
""" Reinterpolate a spectrum from a FITS file with a given wavelength
calibration into a given wavelength grid.
result = nsdata.interp_spec(filename, wl, wl_new, k=1, badval=0, clobber=True)
filename -- a FITS file, a list of FITS files, or a file list
('.fits' optional)
wavelengths -- a wavelength map of the FITS files to be reinterpolated
wl_new -- the new wavelength map (preferably from nsdata.wl_grid)
result -- 0 if something went wrong; 1 otherwise.
d_cor = nsdata.getdisp('ec/ecscifile')
w_old = nsdata.dispeval(d[0], d[1], d[2], shift=d[3])
w_new = nsdata.wl_grid(w_old, 0.075)
result = nsdata.interp_spec('mar21s0161s', w_old, w_new)
:SEE ALSO: :func:`getdisp`, :func:`dispeval`, :func:`wl_grid`
# 2008-07-01 11:27 IJC: Written @ UCLA.
# 2008-07-22 10:14 IJC: Made it work for list input
# 2009-07-10 10:55 IJC: Set pyfits.writeto's 'output_verify' to 'ignore'
# 2014-12-18 10:55 IJMC: Updated PyFits header-update syntax.
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
from pylab import find
badResult = 0
goodResult = 1
# ---- Check File ---
if filename.__class__==list:
returnlist = []
for element in filename:
returnlist.append( interp_spec(element, w, w_interp, suffix=suffix,
badval=badval, clobber=clobber) )
return returnlist
if (not os.path.isfile(filename)) and (not os.path.isfile(filename+'.fits')):
return badResult
if (not isfits(filename)): # assume it's a file list
infile = open(filename)
for line in infile:
thisfile = line.strip()
if os.path.isfile(thisfile):
interp_spec(thisfile, w, dispersion, suffix=suffix, badval=badval, clobber=clobber)
elif os.path.isfile(thisfile+'.fits'):
interp_spec(thisfile+'.fits', w, dispersion, suffix=suffix, badval=badval, clobber=clobber)
else: # must be a FITS file!
if isfits(filename)==2:
filename = filename + '.fits'
# ---- Get data; check it ---
irafspectrum = pyfits.getdata( filename)
irafheader = pyfits.getheader(filename)
spec_dim = rank(irafspectrum)
if spec_dim<3:
n_bands = 1
if spec_dim<2:
n_ap = 1
n_ap = size(irafspectrum, 0)
n_bands = size(irafspectrum, 0)
n_ap = size(irafspectrum, 1)
if verbose:
print "n_bands>>" + str(n_bands)
print "n_ap>>" + str(n_ap)
print "w_interp.shape>>" + str(w_interp.shape)
n_w = w.size/len(w)
s_interp = zeros([n_bands+1, n_ap, size(w_interp,1)])
s_interp[n_bands,:,:] = w_interp
if verbose:
print "irafspectrum.shape>>" + str(irafspectrum.shape)
print "s_interp.shape>>" + str(s_interp.shape)
# ---- Reshape data; interpolate it ---
irafspectrum = irafspectrum.reshape(n_bands, n_ap, size(irafspectrum)/n_bands/n_ap)
for i_band in range(n_bands):
for i_ap in range(n_ap):
spec = irafspectrum[i_band,i_ap,:]
spline = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(w[i_ap,:], spec, s=0.0, k=k)
s_interp[i_band,i_ap,:] = spline(w_interp[i_ap,:])
out_of_range = find(w_interp[i_ap,:]>w[i_ap,:].max())
s_interp[i_band,i_ap,out_of_range] = badval
# --- Write data to new FITS file. ---
irafheader['BANDID'+str(n_bands+1)] = 'lambda - reinterpolated wavelengths (IJC)'
irafheader['WLINTERP'] = 'Reinterpolated! (IJC)'
irafheader['BADVAL'] = badval
pyfits.writeto(filename.replace('.fits','')+suffix+'.fits', s_interp, header=irafheader, clobber=clobber, output_verify='ignore')
return goodResult
[docs]def wspectext(inputspec):
"""Write a FITS-file spectrum to a column-format ASCII file.
nsdata.wspectext('filelist') ## Not yet working
nsdata.wspectext(specdata) ## Not yet working
If 3D: The first band is the data; the next-to-last is the
error; the last is the wavelength
Outputs: TBW
2008-07-07 10:44 IJC
# 2008-07-07 10:44 IJC: Created for use with XTELLCOR; still work to do.
# 2008-07-18 14:23 IJC: Works for FITS files;
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
if inputspec.__class__==str: # it's a filename or file list
filetype = isfits(inputspec)
filename = inputspec + '.fits'*(filetype-1)
if filetype==0: # Filelist: recursively call each line of list
if os.path.isfile(filename):
infile = open(filename)
for line in infile:
thisfile = line.strip()
warn('Filelist not found!')
elif (filetype==1) or (filetype==2): # FITS File
# Initialize things
filename_out = filename.replace('.fits','')+'.dat'
rawspec = pyfits.getdata( filename)
rawhead = pyfits.getheader(filename)
naxis = rawhead['NAXIS']
dims = []
for ii in range(naxis):
if dims.__len__==2:
rawspec.reshape(1, dims[1], dims[0])
elif dims.__len__==1:
rawspec.reshape(1, 1, dims[0])
# Write a file. The first band is the data; the
# next-to-last is the error; the last is the wavelength
file = open(filename_out, 'w')
for i_ap in range(dims[1]):
for i_line in range(dims[0]):
outstr = ('%.8e' % rawspec[-1, i_ap, i_line] + ' ' +
'%.8e' % rawspec[1, i_ap, i_line] + ' ' +
'%.8e' % rawspec[-2, i_ap, i_line] + '\n')
warn("FAIL: Unexpected error")
else: # input is a spectrum
warn("FAIL: Raw spectrum input not yet working.")
[docs]def getirafap(filename, filelist=False, verbose=False):
""" Get various parameters from an IRAF aperture file, or a list thereof
ap = getirafap(filename, filelist=False)
ap = getirafap(listname, filelist=True )
:Input: filename / listname -- a string
filelistlist -- set to True if input is a list of files
:Output: ap -- IRAF 'aperture' object (or a list of these objects)
# 2008-07-18 16:33 IJC: Created for files & lists
# Subfunctions:
def apapply(ap, filestr, keyword):
if filestr.find(keyword)<>-1:
filestr = filestr.replace(keyword, '').strip()
exec( 'ap.' + keyword + '.append(map(float, filestr.split()))' )
return ap
# Initialize & check inputs
ap = aperture()
keywords = ['center\t', 'low\t', 'high\t']
if filelist:
infile = open(filename)
ap = []
for line in infile:
if verbose: print line.strip()
elif filename.__class__==list:
ap = []
for file in filename:
if verbose: print file
# Read file
if (not os.path.isfile(str(filename))):
warn('File ' + str(filename) + ' not found!')
return []
ap.filename = filename
infile = open(filename)
raw = infile.readlines()
# Parse values for each keyword
for line in raw:
temp = line.strip()
for element in keywords:
apapply(ap, temp, element)
return ap
[docs]def collapse_objlist(object_list, keyword, suffix='', doarray = False):
""" Given a LIST of identical objects, collapse the objects to form a
list of only a single keyword.
aplist = nsdata.getirafap('ap1')
cenlist = nsdata.collapse_objlist(aplist, 'keyword')
If you want to get fancy, you can add a suffix to the keyword
(e.g., to subscript):
newlist = nsdata.collapse_objlist(object_list, 'keyword', suffix='[0]')
# 2008-07-21 10:47 IJC: Created.
# allaps = ns.getirafap(aperture, filelist=True)
# temp = ns.collapse_objlist(allaps, 'center', suffix='[:,1]', doarray=True)
# centers = array(temp).ravel().reshape(len(temp), 6)
# py.plot(x, centers - py.mean(centers))
if type(object_list)<>list:
warn('Input object not a list!')
return []
object_keywords = dir(object_list)
found_keyword = False
for val in dir(object_list[0]):
found_keyword = (found_keyword or (val==keyword))
if (not found_keyword):
warn('Specified keyword "' + keyword + '" not found!')
return []
collapsed_list = []
mainclass = object_list[0].__class__
for element in object_list:
if element.__class__<>mainclass:
warn('Input list is not homogeneous!')
return []
elif doarray:
collapsed_list.append(eval('array(element.' + keyword + ')' + suffix) )
collapsed_list.append(eval('element.' + keyword + suffix))
return collapsed_list
[docs]def file2list(filelist, prefix='', suffix=''):
"""Convert an IRAF-like data file list of images to a Python list.
newlist = nsdata.file2list('filelist', prefix='', suffix='')
A prefix or suffix can also be appended to each filename. This
is useful if, e.g., you need an explicit file extension identifier.
:SEE ALSO: :func:`wfilelist`, :func:`filelist`, :func:`sfilelist`
#2008-07-25 16:30 IJC: Created
newlist = []
if filelist.__class__<>str:
warn('Input to file2list must be a string identifying a filename.')
elif (not os.path.isfile(filelist)):
warn('Input file "' + filelist + '" not found!')
else: # Everything is good.
infile = open(filelist)
for line in infile:
filename = prefix + line.strip() + suffix
if len(filename)>0:
return newlist
[docs]def imshow(data, x=[], y=[], aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', cmap=None, vmin=[], vmax=[]):
""" Version of pylab's IMSHOW with my own defaults:
imshow(data, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.gray, vmin=[], vmax=[])
Other IMSHOW options are default, but a new one exists:
x= and y= let you set the axes values by passing in the x and y coordinates."""
#2008-07-25 18:30 IJC: Created to save a little bit of time and do axes.
from pylab import arange, cm, imshow
if cmap==None:
cmap = cm.gray
def getextent(data, x, y):
""" Gets the extent of the data for plotting. Subfunc of IMSHOW."""
dsh = data.shape
if len(x)==0:
x = arange(dsh[1])
if len(y)==0:
y = arange(dsh[0])
dx = 1.0* (x.max() - x.min()) / (len(x) - 1)
xextent = [x.min() - dx/2.0, x.max() + dx/2.0]
xextent = [x[0] - dx/2.0, x[-1] + dx/2.0]
dy = 1.0* (y.max() - y.min()) / (len(y) - 1)
yextent = [y.max() + dy/2.0, y.min() - dy/2.0]
yextent = [y[-1] + dy/2.0, y[0] - dy/2.0]
extent = xextent + yextent
return extent
def getclim(data, vmin, vmax):
if vmin.__class__==list:
vmin = data.min()
if vmax.__class__==list:
vmax = data.max()
return [vmin, vmax]
#------------- Start the actual routine -------------
extent = getextent(data, x,y)
clim = getclim(data, vmin, vmax)
imshow(data, aspect=aspect, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap,
vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1], extent=extent)
[docs]def subdata(data, op='median', axis=None, returndata=False):
"""Take the mean/median along a specified direction and subtract it
from the rest of the data.
p = [[1,2,3], [4,5,7]]
q1 = nsdata.subdata(p, op='mean', axis=0)
q2 = nsdata.subdata(p, op='median', axis=1)
q1: [[-1.5, -1.5, -2], [1.5, 1.5, 2]]
q2: [[ -1, 0, 1], [ -1, 0, 2]]
*op: operation to perform; either 'median' (DEFAULT) or 'mean'
*axis: axis along which to perform 'op'; if None (DEFAULT),
'op' is performed on the entire data set as a whole.
*returndata: Whether to also return the data series by which the
division was performed. DEFAULT is False.
:SEE ALSO: :func:`divdata`
# 2008-07-25 19:42 IJC: Created, and proud of it.
import analysis as an
data = array(data)
dsh = list(data.shape)
if op=='median':
chunk = an.amedian(data, axis=axis)
elif op=='mean':
chunk = mean(data, axis=axis)
if axis<>None:
dsh[axis] = 1
chunk = chunk.reshape(dsh)
newdata = data - chunk
if returndata:
return (newdata, chunk)
return newdata
[docs]def divdata(data, op='median', axis=None, badval=nan, returndata=False):
"""Take the mean/median along a specified direction and divide
the rest of the data by it.
p = [[1,2,3], [4,5,7]]
q1 = nsdata.divdata(p, op='mean', axis=0)
q2 = nsdata.divdata(p, op='median', axis=1)
q1: [[-1.5, -1.5, -2], [1.5, 1.5, 2]]
q2: [[ -1, 0, 1], [ -1, 0, 2]]
*op: operation to perform; either 'median' (DEFAULT),
'mean', or 'none' (i.e., divide by 1)
*axis: axis along which to perform 'op'; if None (DEFAULT),
'op' is performed on the entire data set as a whole.
*badval: value to replace any residual nan/inf values with.
DEFAULT is nan. Makes two passes, pre- and
*returndata: Whether to also return the data series by which the
division was performed. DEFAULT is False.
:SEE ALSO: :func:`subdata`
# 2008-07-25 19:42 IJC: Created, and proud of it.
# 2009-10-19 22:18 IJC: There's always room for improvement. Uses
# fixval now.
from pylab import find
from analysis import fixval, amedian
data = array(data)
dsh = list(data.shape)
nsh = list(dsh)
nsh[axis] = 1
#print dsh
fixval(data, badval)
if op=='median':
chunk = amedian(data, axis=axis)
elif op=='mean':
chunk = mean(data, axis=axis)
elif op=='none':
chunk = ones(nsh,float)
if axis<>None:
chunk = chunk.reshape(nsh)
newdata = 1.0 * data / chunk
fixval(newdata, badval)
if returndata:
return (newdata, chunk)
return newdata
[docs]def repval(data, badval, newval):
""" Replace all occurrences of one value with another value. This
handles nan and inf as well.
:EXAMPLE: To set all 'nan' values to zero, just type:
C = repval(data, nan, 0)
#2008-07-29 10:25 IJC: Created
from pylab import find
data = array(data)
dsh = data.shape
data = data.ravel()
if isfinite(badval):
ind = find(data==badval)
elif isnan(badval):
ind = find(isnan(data))
elif isinf(badval):
ind = find(isinf(data))
warn('Value to replace is neither finite, nan, nor inf... error!!')
return array([])
data[ind] = newval
data = data.reshape(dsh)
return data
[docs]def mederr(data, ntrials=1000, mode='median'):
""" Return the median or mode, and the 68.3% error on that
quantity, using bootstrapping."""
# 2008-07-29 16:54 IJC: Created
# 2009-08-27 12:43 IJC: Added 'mode="mean"' option.
data = array(data.ravel())
if mode=='median':
medianval = median(data)
elif mode=="mean":
medianval = mean(data)
nd = len(data)
sigcutoff = [int(0.1586*ntrials+0.5), int(0.8414*ntrials+0.5)] # contains 68.27% of the data -- one standard deviation.
meds = zeros(ntrials)
for ii in range(ntrials):
ind = (random.rand(nd)*nd - 0.5).round()
newdata = data[ind.tolist()]
if mode=='median':
meds[ii] = median(newdata)
elif mode=='mean':
meds[ii] = mean(newdata)
lowsig = meds[sigcutoff[0]]
hisig = meds[sigcutoff[1]]
medianstd = (lowsig - hisig)/2.0
return (medianval, medianstd)
[docs]def quadd(arg1, arg2):
""" Add two arguments in quadrature.
print quadd(0.1, 0.2) --> 0.2236
print sqrt(0.1**2 + 0.2**2) --> 0.2236
# 2008-07-30 19:53 IJC: Created
arg1 = array(arg1, subok=True, copy=True)
arg2 = array(arg2, subok=True, copy=True)
return sqrt(arg1**2 + arg2**2)
[docs]def gd2jd(datestr):
""" Convert a string Gregorian date into a Julian date using Pylab.
If no time is given (i.e., only a date), then noon is assumed.
Timezones can be given, but UTC is assumed otherwise.
print gd2jd('Aug 11 2007') #---------------> 2454324.5
print gd2jd('Aug 11 2007, 12:00 PST') #-----> 2454324.29167
print gd2jd('12:00 PM, January 1, 2000') #--> 2451545.0
:REQUIREMENTS: :doc:`matplotlib`
:SEE ALSO: :func:`jd2gd`
# 2008-08-26 14:03 IJC: Created
# 2010-12-08 13:00 IJC: Removed "+ 3442850" from num2julian call
# 2011-05-19 11:37 IJMC: Put the factor back in for error-catching...
# 2014-10-09 12:38 IJMC: Updated string-checking.
import matplotlib.dates as dates
junk = datestr + 'hi'
isstr = True
isstr = False
if isstr:
d = dates.datestr2num(datestr)
jd = dates.num2julian(d)
if jd<0:
jd = dates.num2julian(d + 3442850)
print "You are probably using an old version of Matplotlib..."
jd = []
return jd
[docs]def jd2gd(juldat):
""" Convert a numerial Julian date into a Gregorian date using Pylab.
Timezone returned will be UTC.
print jd2gd(2454324.5) #--> 2007-08-12 00:00:00
print jd2gd(2451545) #--> 2000-01-01 12:00:00
:SEE ALSO: :func:`gd2jd`"""
# 2008-08-26 14:03 IJC: Created
# 2011-01-22 16:24 IJC: Removed arbitrary (?) subtraction of 3442850 from 'd'
# 2011-10-21 14:11 IJMC: Put it back in, but with MPL version-checking.
import matplotlib.dates as dates
from matplotlib import __version__
if __version__ < '1.0.0':
print "You are probably using an old version of Matplotlib..."
d = dates.julian2num(juldat - 3442850)
d = dates.julian2num(juldat)
gd = dates.num2date(d )
return gd
[docs]def fix_quadnoise(*args, **kw):
"""Fix the 8-row coherent patterns in each quadrant of NIRSPEC using
linear least-squares after removing outliers.
file -- a filename or list of FITS files. The file suffix
'.fits' is appended if the file cannot be found. If this
parameter begins with the '@' ('at') symbol, it is
interpreted as an IRAF file list.
prefix -- prefix to add to the fixed files.
clobber -- overwrite existing files
verbose -- boolean flag for more output printed to the screen
fix_quadnoise(file, verbose=False, clobber=True)
# 2009-11-03 09:33 IJC: Created anew; fit to background levels.
# 2010-09-07 11:04 IJC: Substantially revised to combat occasional
# 1e9 pedestals
# 2014-12-18 14:30 IJMC: Major fix: use medians not means, and so
# don't mess up the data frames.
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
from phot import estbg
from numpy import zeros, arange, round, hstack, dot, prod
from numpy.linalg import pinv
from analysis import removeoutliers
sigma = 7
nrow = 8
# -------- initialize inputs --------
if len(args)==0:
print "No filename given. Exiting."
file = args[0]
defaults = dict(prefix='qfix', verbose=False, clobber=False)
if len(kw)==0:
verbose = False
clobber = False
for key in defaults:
if (not kw.has_key(key)):
kw[key] = defaults[key]
verbose = bool(kw['verbose'])
prefix = str(kw['prefix'])
clobber = bool(kw['clobber'])
if file.__class__==list:
for element in file:
if verbose: print "Python file list, file: " + str(element)
fix_quadnoise(element, row=row, quadrant=quadrant, verbose=verbose, prefix=prefix)
elif file[0]=='@':
f = open(file[1::])
for line in f:
if verbose: print "IRAF-type file list, file: " + str(line.strip())
fix_quadnoise(line.strip(), row=row, quadrant=quadrant, verbose=verbose, prefix=prefix)
if (not os.path.isfile(file)):
file = file + '.fits'
data = pyfits.getdata(file)
hdr = pyfits.getheader(file)
print "PYFITS Could not read from file '" + file + "' -- exiting."
x,y = meshgrid(arange(data.shape[1]),arange(data.shape[0]))
basis = zeros([data.shape[0]/2,data.shape[1]/2,8],float)
for ii in range(0,nrow):
basis[ii:(512+ii):nrow,:,ii] += 1.0
for ii in range(4):
if ii==0:
ind = ((x<512) * (y<512))
elif ii==1:
ind = ((x<512) * (y>=512))
elif ii==2:
ind = ((x>=512) * (y<512))
elif ii==3:
ind = ((x>=512) * (y>=512))
rowmeans = zeros(nrow, float)
d = data[ind].reshape(512,512)
for jj in range(nrow):
goodvalues, goodind = removeoutliers(d[jj::8,:], sigma, retind=True)
rowmeans[jj] = np.median(goodvalues)
new = basis * (rowmeans.reshape(1,1,nrow) - rowmeans.mean())
data[ind] -= new.sum(2).ravel()
print "row-means for quad %i are>>" % ii, rowmeans
if verbose:
print "row-means for quad %i are>>" % ii, rowmeans
#from pylab import *
if verbose: print "file>>" + str(file)
if verbose: print "os.path.split(file)[0]>>" + os.path.split(file)[0]
initpath = os.path.split(file)[0]
if len(initpath)==0:
initpath = '.'
outfn = initpath + os.sep + prefix + os.path.split(file)[1]
if verbose: print "Writing file..." + outfn
pyfits.writeto(outfn, data, hdr, clobber=clobber, output_verify='ignore')
[docs]def preprocess(*args, **kw):
Basic processing of NIRSPEC data: set JD and HJD fields, fix
bad-row 'quadnoise', clean cosmic rays, flatten and remove bad
input =
output =
Input and output must both be specified, and must both be
different files.
qfix = True
qpref = '' -- string to preface all quad-fixed frames
flat = None -- flat field for iraf.ccdproc
mask = None -- bad pixel mask for iraf.ccdproc
clobber = False -- overwrite file if input and output files are same
verbose = False
cleanec = False -- run nsdata.cleanec (a "poor-man's iraf.cosmicrays")
cthreshold = 300 -- threshold for nsdata.cleanec
csigma = 20 -- sigma threshold for nsdata.cleanec
cwindow = 25 -- window size for nsdata.cleanec
cleancr = False -- run iraf.cosmicrays
rthreshold = 300 -- threshold for iraf.cosmicrays
rratio = 5 -- fluxratio threshold for iraf.cosmicrays
Any inputs set to 'None' disable that part of the processing.
ns.preprocess('@'+rawcal, '@'+proccal, qfix=, qpref=\
flat=, mask=, clobber=, verbose=)
Note that although the syntax is similar to Pyraf tasks, only
Python Booleans or their equivalent should be used for flags
(i.e., use True or False instead of 'yes' or 'no'
# 2008-11-26 19:23 IJC: Created on an Amtrak train
# 2009-11-03 11:15 IJC: Updated to use new LLS fix_quadnoise
# 2010-08-27 13:22 IJC: Added 'fluxratio' parameter to cosmicrays
# 2010-08-28 07:28 IJC: Added 'cleanec' function as well
# 2010-09-06 14:48 IJC: Better integrated cleanec, and added an option thereto
# 2010-09-08 08:56 IJC: Re-added iraf.cosmicrays, with an option
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
from pyraf import iraf as ir
# Parse inputs:
if len(args)<2:
print "No output images specified! Exiting..."
input = args[0]
output = args[1]
if input==output:
print "Input and output files must not be the same! Exiting..."
defaults = dict(qfix=False, qpref='', flat=None, mask=None, \
cleanec=False, clobber=False, verbose=False, \
cthreshold=300, cwindow=25, csigma=20, \
cleancr=False, rthreshold=300, rratio=5)
for key in defaults:
if (not kw.has_key(key)):
kw[key] = defaults[key]
verbose = bool(kw['verbose'])
doflat = kw['flat']<>None
dobfix = kw['mask']<>None
clobber = bool(kw['clobber'])
if verbose: print "kw>>" + str(kw)
if verbose: print "Keywords are: "; print kw
# Check whether inputs are lists, filelists, or files:
if input.__class__<>output.__class__:
print "Files or file lists must be of same type. Exiting..."
elif input.__class__==list:
for ii in range(len(input)):
if verbose: print "File list, file: " + input[ii]
preprocess(input[ii], output[ii], **kw)
elif (input.__class__==str) and (input[0]=='@'):
fin = open(input[ 1::])
fout = open(output[1::])
## Don't flatten, bad-pixel correct, or cleanec the first time through:
for line in fin:
if verbose: print "IRAF-style file list, file: " + line.strip()
preprocess(line.strip(), fout.readline().strip(), **kw)
# Begin processing tasks
if kw['clobber'] and input<>output:
ir.imcopy(input, output)
# Deal with possible invalid FITS header keys:
if not os.path.isfile(output):
outputfn = output + '.fits'
outputfn = output + ''
hdulist =
hkeys = hdulist[0].header.keys()
for key in hkeys:
if key.find('.')>-1:
newkey = key.replace('.','_')
hdulist[0].header[newkey] = hdulist[0].header[key]
hdulist.writeto(outputfn, clobber=True)
# I don't like IRAF.setjd because it gave me incorrect values.
# Instead, use my own setjd from
setjd(output, date='date-obs', time='UTC', jd='JD', hjd='HJD')
if kw['qfix']:
fix_quadnoise(output, prefix=kw['qpref'],clobber=clobber)
ir.hedit(output, 'quadnois', \
'NIRSPEC bad row fixed by nsdata.fix_quadnoise')
if doflat:
ir.ccdproc(output, ccdtype="", fixpix="no", overscan="no",
trim="no", zerocor="no", darkcor="no", flatcor=doflat,
flat=kw['flat'], fixfile=None,
minreplace=0.25, interactive="no")
if dobfix:
# Make an extra bad-pixel mask from any _negative_ values, and
# combine it with the global bad-pixel mask; necessary because
# some negative-valued pixels manage to make it through the
# cleaning pipeline.
indiv_mask = output + 'imask.fits'
cutoffmask(output, clobber=True, cutoff=[0, Inf], writeto=indiv_mask)
ir.imcalc(kw['mask'] + "," + indiv_mask, indiv_mask, "im1||im2")
ir.ccdproc(output, ccdtype="", fixpix=dobfix, overscan="no",
trim="no", zerocor="no", darkcor="no", flatcor="no",
flat=None, fixfile=indiv_mask,
minreplace=0.25, interactive="no")
if kw['cleancr']:
ir.cosmicrays(output, output, threshold=kw['rthreshold'], fluxratio=kw['rratio'], \
npasses=5, interactive='no')
if kw['cleanec']:
cleanec(output, output, npasses=1, verbose=verbose, threshold=kw['cthreshold'], \
nsigma=kw['csigma'], window=kw['cwindow'], clobber=True)
if verbose: print "Successfully processed '" + input + \
"' into '" + output + "'"
[docs]def setjd(filename, **kw):
"""Set JD and HJD fields in a FITS file, based on the UTC date and
time header keywords.
filename : str
ra=None : Right Ascension in decimal degrees. If None, use "RA" header key
dec=None : Declination in decimal degrees. If None, use "DEC" header key
dict(date='date-obs', time='UTC', epoch='equinox', jd='JD', hjd='hjd', \
verbose=False, ra=None, dec=None)
This does not take your position on Earth into account, so it must
be less accurate than ~0.1 sec.
# 2010-09-07 15:14 IJC: Created
import astrolib
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
defaults = dict(date='date-obs', time='UTC', epoch='equinox', jd='JD', hjd='hjd', \
verbose=False, ra=None, dec=None)
for key in defaults:
if (not kw.has_key(key)):
kw[key] = defaults[key]
verbose = kw['verbose']
ra = kw['ra']
dec = kw['dec']
if filename.__class__==list:
for ii in range(len(filename)):
if verbose: print "File list, file: " + filename[ii]
setjd(filename[ii], **kw)
elif (filename.__class__==str) and (filename[0]=='@'):
fin = open(filename[ 1::])
for line in fin:
setjd(line.strip(), **kw)
hdulist =
except IOError:
filename += '.fits'
hdulist =
hdr = hdulist[0].header
datetime = hdr[kw['date']] + ' ' + hdr[kw['time']]
if ra is None:
ra = hdr['ra']
if dec is None:
dec = hdr['dec']
epoch = hdr[kw['epoch']]
if epoch <> 2000:
print "Epoch must be 2000! Exiting..."
return -1
if verbose:
print 'datetime>>', datetime
print 'ra, dec>>', ra, dec
jd = gd2jd(datetime)
hjd = astrolib.helio_jd(jd - 2400000., ra, dec) + 2400000.
hdr.update(kw['jd'], jd)
hdr.update(kw['hjd'], hjd)
if verbose: print 'jd, hjd, dt>>', jd, hjd, hjd-jd
if 'FREQ.SPE' in hdulist[0].header:
junk = hdulist[0].header['FREQ.SPE']
print hdulist[0].header['GAIN.SPE']
hdulist.writeto(filename, output_verify='ignore', clobber=True)
[docs]def linespec(loc, ew, win, **kw):
Create a delta-function line spectrum based on a wavelength grid
and a list of line locations and equivalent widths.
loc -- location of lines in the emission frame of reference
ew -- equivalent widths of lines, in units of wavelength grid.
Positive values are emission lines.
w_in -- wavelength grid in the emission frame, with values
monotonically increasing (best if it is linearly spaced)
All inputs should be lists or one-dimensional arrays of scalars
cont=None -- set continuum values in the emission frame;
nearest=False -- if True, use full pixels instead of partial
verbose=False -- if True, print out various messages
s -- delta-function line spectrum, with a continuum level of zero
w = [2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7]
loc = [2.1, 2.35, 2.62]
ew = [0.1, .02, .01]
s = linespec(loc, ew, w)
print s # ---> [0, 1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0.08, 0.02]
:NOTE: This may give incorrect results for saturated lines.
# 2008-12-05 13:31 IJC: Created
# 2008-12-10 13:30 IJC: Added continuum option, reworked code some.
# 2008-12-12 12:33 IJC: Removed RV option
from pylab import find
# Check inputs
loc = array(loc).copy().ravel()
ew = array(ew ).copy().ravel()
win = array(win ).copy().ravel()
defaults = dict(cont=None, nearest=False, verbose=False)
for key in defaults:
if (not kw.has_key(key)):
kw[key] = defaults[key]
verbose = bool(kw['verbose'])
nearest = bool(kw['nearest'])
contset = kw['cont']<>None
if contset:
cont = array(kw['cont']).copy()
if len(cont)<>len(win):
print "Wavelength grid and continuum must have the same length!"
return -1
cont = ones(win.shape)
nlines = len(loc)
if nlines <> len(ew):
if verbose: print "len(loc)>>" + str(len(loc))
if verbose: print "len(ew)>>" + str(len(ew))
print "Line locations and equivalent widths must have same length!"
return -1
#Only use lines in the proper wavelength range
nlineinit = len(loc)
lind = (loc>=win.min()) * (loc<=win.max())
loc = loc[lind]
ew = ew[lind]
nlines = len(loc)
s = cont.copy()
d = diff(win).mean()
if verbose: print "s>>" + str(s)
for ii in range(nlines):
lineloc = loc[ii]
lineew = ew[ii]
index = (win<lineloc).sum() - 1
if nearest:
s[index+1] = s[index]-cont[index]*lineew/d
elif index==len(win):
s[index] = s[index] - cont[index]*lineew/d
s[index] = s[index] - lineew*cont[index]* \
(win[index+1] - lineloc)/d/d
s[index+1] = s[index+1] - lineew*cont[index+1] * \
(lineloc - win[index])/d/d
if verbose:
print "(lineloc, lineew)>>" + str((lineloc, lineew))
print "(index, d)>>" + str((index,d))
if verbose:
print "(nlineinit, nline)>>" + str((nlineinit, nlines))
return s
[docs]def readfile(fn, cols=None):
""" Read data from an space- or tab-delimited ASCII file."""
# 2008-12-12 11:42 IJC: created
f = open(fn, 'r')
raw = f.readlines()
if cols==None:
dat = array([map(float, line.split()) for line in raw])
dat = array([map(float, line.split()[cols]) for line in raw])
return dat
[docs]def initobs(date, **kw):
"""Initialize variables for Nirspec data analysis.
date -- a string of type YYYYMMMDD (e.g., 2008mar21 or 2008jun15a)
remote=False -- changes processed-data directory as specified
interp=True -- whether to load wavelength-interpolated
(upsampled) spectra (if True) or the raw
1024-pixel spectra (if False)
a tuple containing the following values, in order:
planet -- name of planet for use in analysis.planet()
datalist -- list of data file numbers to analyse
_proc -- processed data directory
wavefilename -- filename of the wavelength solution
starmodelfilename -- path and filename of stellar model
planetmodelfilename -- path and filename of planet model
aplist -- a list of the IRAF aperture filenames (for use with
telluric -- the FITS file spectrum of the telluric/A0V spectrum
n_aperture -- number of echelle apertures for this setup
filter -- NIRSPEC filter used
prefix -- filename prefix
calnod -- whether calibrator stars were nodded.
rowfix -- list of four lists; which rows to fix in each of
four quadrants (see FIX_QUADNOISE).
# 2009-07-09 16:58 IJC: Added HD 189733b set (2008jun15b)
# 2009-07-31 15:17 IJC: Added multi-chop runs (e.g. 2008jun15)
# 2009-08-05 12:17 IJC: Now multi-chop runs only return dates
# 2010-08-15 14:57 IJC: Flagged a bad file in 2008jun15b
# 2010-08-24 15:42 IJC: Added 2010aug16 dataset
# 2010-09-03 23:45 IJC: Added 2010sep04 dataset
# 2010-11-10 17:02 IJC: Added 2008jul12 A/B nodding datasets
# 2011-08-10 18:06 IJMC: Added 2011aug05 SpeX/GJ 1214b run.
import analysis as an
defaults = dict(remote=False, interp=True)
for key in defaults:
if (not kw.has_key(key)):
kw[key] = defaults[key]
if date=='2014sep17':
planet = 'HAT-P-11 b' #hd209458b'
prefix = 'sep17s'
framelist = range(119,400)
flatlist = range(52, 101)
darklist = range(3, 52)
callist = range(107,116)
datadir = 'hatp11_2014sep17/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hatp11_2014sep17_sep17s'
n_aperture = 7
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2010apr22':
planet = 'WASP-12 b'
prefix = 'NS.20100422.'
framelist = [19873, 20165, 20421, 20688, 21022, 21298, 21549, 21814, 22148, 22423, 22674, 22943, 23242, 23508, 23759, 24030] #,
flatlist = [25878] #[10108, 10178, 10216, 10254, 10292, 10330, 10367, 10405, 10443, 10481, 10519, 10556, 10594, 10640]
darklist = [10808, 10852, 10890, 10928, 10966]
callist = [25127, 25212, 25285, 25369, 25499, 25583, 25657, 25744]
datadir = 'wasp12_2010apr22/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_wasp12_2010apr22_ns_20100422'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2008mar21':
planet = '55 Cnc e' #'55cnce'
prefix = 'mar21s'
#framelist = range(29,43) + range(45,50) + range(51, 161)
framelist = range(61,161)
flatlist = range(166,186)
darklist = range(186,206)
callist = range(161,166)
datadir = '55cnc_2008mar21/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_55cnc_2008mar21_mar21s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
rowfix = ['a']
elif date=='2008jun15':
suffix = 'bcdefg'
ret = [date+suf for suf in suffix]
return ret
elif date=='2008jul12':
suffix = 'abcd'
ret = [date+suf for suf in suffix]
return ret
elif date=='2009jul29':
suffix = 'abcdefgh'
ret = [date+suf for suf in suffix]
return ret
elif date=='2011aug05':
planet = 'GJ 1214 b'
prefix = 'spectra'
framelist = range(251,462)
flatlist = range(602,701)
darklist = range(502,601)
callist = range(462,502)
datadir = 'gj1214_2011aug05/'
ap_suffix = 'undetermined' #'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_gj1214_2010aug16_aug16s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'SXD'
calnod = False
elif date=='2010aug16':
planet = 'GJ 1214 b' #hd209458b'
prefix = 'aug16s'
framelist = range(366,491) + range(492, 549) #range(366,549)
flatlist = range(260,310)
darklist = range(310,360)
callist = range(360,366) # range(550,565)
datadir = 'gj1214_2010aug16/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_gj1214_2010aug16_aug16s'
n_aperture = 7
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2010aug16b':
planet = 'GJ 1214 b'
prefix = 'aug16s'
framelist = range(500,549)
flatlist = range(260,310)
darklist = range(310,360)
callist = range(550,565)
datadir = 'gj1214_2010aug16/'
ap_suffix = 'ec/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_gj1214_2010aug16_aug16s'
n_aperture = 7
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2010sep04':
planet = 'GJ 1214 b'
prefix = 'sep04s'
framelist = range(144,152) + range(154,182) + range(185,198) + range(199,271)
framelist = range(185,198) + range(199,271)
flatlist = range(52, 102)
darklist = range(103, 123) + range(124, 144)
callist = range(272, 280)
datadir = 'gj1214_2010sep04/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_gj1214_2010sep04_sep04s'
n_aperture = 8
filter = 'H'
calnod = False
elif date=='2009jul29a':
planet = 'HD 209458 b' #hd209458b'
prefix = 'jul29s'
#framelist = range(29,43) + range(45,50) + range(51, 161)
framelist = range(194,207)
flatlist = range(616,716)
darklist = range(516,616)
callist = range(188,194)
datadir = 'hd209458_2009jul29/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd209458_2009jul29_jul29s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2009jul29b':
planet = 'HD 209458 b' #'hd209458b'
prefix = 'jul29s'
framelist = range(213,235)
flatlist = range(616,716)
darklist = range(516,616)
callist = range(207,213)
datadir = 'hd209458_2009jul29/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd209458_2009jul29_jul29s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2009jul29c':
planet = 'HD 209458 b'#'hd209458b'
prefix = 'jul29s'
framelist = range(247,289)
flatlist = range(616,716)
darklist = range(516,616)
callist = range(236, 246)
datadir = 'hd209458_2009jul29/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd209458_2009jul29_jul29s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2009jul29d':
planet = 'HD 209458 b'#'hd209458b'
prefix = 'jul29s'
framelist = range(297,354)
flatlist = range(616,716)
darklist = range(516,616)
callist = range(289,297)
datadir = 'hd209458_2009jul29/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd209458_2009jul29_jul29s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2009jul29e':
planet = 'HD 209458 b'#'hd209458b'
prefix = 'jul29s'
framelist = range(368,414)
flatlist = range(616,716)
darklist = range(516,616)
callist = range(362,368)
datadir = 'hd209458_2009jul29/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd209458_2009jul29_jul29s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2009jul29f':
planet = 'HD 209458 b'#'hd209458b'
prefix = 'jul29s'
framelist = range(422,464) # 464 has bad headers!
flatlist = range(616,716)
darklist = range(516,616)
callist = range(414,422)
datadir = 'hd209458_2009jul29/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd209458_2009jul29_jul29s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2009jul29g':
planet = 'HD 209458 b'#'hd209458b'
prefix = 'jul29s'
framelist = range(473,506)
flatlist = range(616,716)
darklist = range(516,616)
callist = range(465,473)
datadir = 'hd209458_2009jul29/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd209458_2009jul29_jul29s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2009jul29h':
planet = 'HD 209458 b'#'hd209458b'
prefix = 'jul29s'
framelist = []
flatlist = range(616,716)
darklist = range(516,616)
callist = range(506,516)
datadir = 'hd209458_2009jul29/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd209458_2009jul29_jul29s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2008jun15b':
planet = 'HD 189733 b' #'hd189733b'
prefix = 'jun15s'
framelist = range(315,332)+range(333,335)
flatlist = range(1,101)
darklist = range(101,201)
callist = [313,314]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jun15/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jun15_jun15s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = True
elif date=='2008jun15c':
base = initobs('2008jun15b')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = range(337,352)
flatlist = range(1,101)
darklist = range(101,201)
callist = [335,336]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jun15/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jun15_jun15s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jun15d':
base = initobs('2008jun15b')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = range(354,369)
flatlist = range(1,101)
darklist = range(101,201)
callist = [352,353]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jun15/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jun15_jun15s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jun15e':
base = initobs('2008jun15b')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = range(371,386) + range(387,401)
flatlist = range(1,101)
darklist = range(101,201)
callist = [369,370]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jun15/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jun15_jun15s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jun15f':
base = initobs('2008jun15b')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = range(403,443)
flatlist = range(1,101)
darklist = range(101,201)
callist = [401,402]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jun15/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jun15_jun15s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jun15g':
base = initobs('2008jun15b')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = range(445,544)
flatlist = range(1,101)
darklist = range(101,201)
callist = [443,444]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jun15/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jun15_jun15s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jun15a':
planet = 'tau Boo b' #'tauboob'
prefix = 'jun15s'
framelist = range(205,245) + [246,247]+range(249,253) + [256] + range(263,277) #+ range(287,297) +[303,304]
flatlist = range(1,101)
darklist = range(101,201)
callist = [305]
datadir = 'tauboo_2008jun15/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_tauboo_2008jun15_jun15s'
n_aperture = 6
filter = 'K'
calnod = False
elif date=='2008jul12a':
planet = 'HD 189733 b' #'hd189733b'
prefix = 'jul12s'
framelist = range(131, 162)
flatlist = range(261,461)
darklist = range(464, 564)
callist = range(161,165)
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jul12/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jul12_jul12s'
n_aperture = 5
filter = 'L'
calnod = True
elif date=='2008jul12b':
base = initobs('2008jul12a')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = range(166,202)
flatlist = range(261,461)
darklist = range(464,564)
callist = range(202,206)
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jul12/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jul12_jul12s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jul12c':
base = initobs('2008jul12a')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = range(206,230)
flatlist = range(261,461)
darklist = range(464,564)
callist = [229,233]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jul12/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jul12_jul12s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jul12d':
base = initobs('2008jul12a')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = range(234,257)
flatlist = range(261,461)
darklist = range(464,564)
callist = [257,261]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jul12/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jul12_jul12s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jul12A':
base = initobs('2008jul12a')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = [131, 132, 135, 136, 139, 140, 143, 144, 147, 148, 151, 152, 155, \
156, 159, 160, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 176, 179, 180, 183, 184, \
187, 188, 191, 192, 195, 196, 199, 200, 207, 208, 211, 212, 215, \
216, 219, 220, 223, 224, 227, 228, 235, 236, 239, 240, 243, 244, \
250, 251, 254, 255]
flatlist = range(261,461)
darklist = range(464,564)
callist = [229,233]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jul12/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jul12_jul12s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
elif date=='2008jul12B':
base = initobs('2008jul12a')
planet = base[0]
prefix = base[16]
framelist = [133, 134, 137, 138, 141, 142, 145, 146, 149, 150, 153, 154, 157, \
158, 161, 166, 169, 170, 173, 174, 177, 178, 181, 182, 185, 186, \
189, 190, 193, 194, 197, 198, 201, 206, 209, 210, 213, 214, 217, \
218, 221, 222, 225, 226, 229, 234, 237, 238, 241, 242, 245, 246, \
247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 256]
flatlist = range(261,461)
darklist = range(464,564)
callist = [229,233]
datadir = 'hd189733_2008jul12/'
ap_suffix = 'database/ap_Users_ianc_proj_pcsa_data_proc_hd189733_2008jul12_jul12s'
n_aperture = base[14]
filter = base[15]
calnod = base[17]
print date+' not found!!!!'
return []
if len(date)==9:
meancal = 'avgcal'
meancal = 'avgcal'+date[9::]
date = date[0:9]
if kw['interp']:
postfix = 'sinttel.fits'
postfix = 's.fits'
wavefilename = 'winterp.fits'
if kw['remote']:
_proc = _home + "/atwork/proj/pcsa/data/proc/" + datadir
_raw = _home + "/atwork/proj/pcsa/data/raw/" + date + "/spec/"
_model = _home + "/atwork/proj/pcsa/data/model/"
_proc = _home + "/proj/pcsa/data/proc/" + datadir
_raw = _home + "/proj/pcsa/data/raw/" + date + "/spec/"
_model = _home + "/proj/pcsa/data/model/"
if planet=='55 Cnc e': #'55cnce':
starmodelfilename = _model + \
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
elif planet=='tau Boo b': #'tauboob':
starmodelfilename = _model + \
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
elif planet=='HD 189733 b': #'hd189733b':
starmodelfilename = _model + \
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
elif planet=='HD 209458 b': #'hd209458b':
starmodelfilename = _model + \
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
elif planet=='GJ 1214 b':
if filter=='K':
starmodelfilename = ''
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
elif filter=='H':
starmodelfilename = _model + 'lte3000_5.00-0.0.GJ1214_hires_Hband.7.fits'
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
elif filter=='SXD':
starmodelfilename = _model + 'NOSTELLARMODEL'
planetmodelfilename = _model + 'lte0125-3.00.rainout_irrad.GJ1214b_redist=0.25.aces_rlam.fits'
elif planet=='WASP-12 b':
starmodelfilename = _model + \
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
elif planet=='HAT-P-11 b':
starmodelfilename = _model + \
planetmodelfilename = _model + \
datalist = filelist(prefix, postfix, framelist)
darkfilelist = filelist(_raw+prefix, '.fits', darklist, numplaces=4)
flatfilelist = filelist(_raw+prefix, '.fits', flatlist, numplaces=4)
rawcalfilelist = filelist( _raw+prefix, '.fits', callist, numplaces=4)
proccalfilelist = filelist( _proc+prefix, 'fn', callist, numplaces=4)
rawtargfilelist = filelist( _raw+prefix, '.fits', framelist, numplaces=4)
proctargfilelist = filelist( _proc+prefix, 'fn', framelist, numplaces=4)
speccalfilelist = filelist(prefix, 's', callist, numplaces=4)
spectargfilelist = filelist(prefix, 's', framelist, numplaces=4)
aplist = filelist(_proc+ap_suffix, 'fn', framelist)
aplist_cal = filelist(_proc+ap_suffix, 'fn', callist)
telluric_fn = _proc + prefix + meancal + 'int.fits'
disp = 0.075
ret = (planet, _proc, datalist, wavefilename,
starmodelfilename, planetmodelfilename, aplist, telluric_fn, _raw,
darkfilelist, flatfilelist, (rawcalfilelist, proccalfilelist),
(rawtargfilelist, proctargfilelist), (speccalfilelist, spectargfilelist),
n_aperture, filter, prefix, calnod, meancal, disp, aplist_cal)
return ret
[docs]def cleanec(input, output, **kw):
"""Clean raw echelleogram files of bad pixels.
Similar to IRAF's 'cosmicrays' or 'crmed' tasks, but this only
looks along the spectrum's dispersion direction. The less
parallel your spectra are to the pixel grid, the less well this
may work; in this case try increasing the 'window' parameter
file : (str or numpy.array)
input echellogram file to be cleaned.
dict(dispaxis=0, npasses=1, mapout=None, verbose=False,
threshold=300, nsigma=15, window=25, clobber=False,
# 2010-08-27 13:34 IJC: CReated
# 2010-08-30 17:01 IJC: Activated 'npasses' option
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
from pylab import find
from time import time
# Check if filein is str or array; load file if the former. Set
# dispersion direction via transpose.
defaults = dict(dispaxis=0, npasses=1, mapout=None, verbose=False, \
threshold=300, nsigma=15, window=25, clobber=False, \
for key in defaults:
if (not kw.has_key(key)):
kw[key] = defaults[key]
verbose = kw['verbose']
hdr = kw['hdr']
if verbose: print "CLEANEC begun, input>>", input
# Test for type of input; iterate, if necessary:
if input.__class__<>output.__class__:
print "Files or file lists must be of same type. Exiting..."
elif input.__class__==list:
for ii in range(len(input)):
if verbose: print "File list, file: " + input[ii]
cleanec(input[ii], output[ii], **kw)
elif (input.__class__==str) and (input[0]=='@'):
fin = open(input[ 1::], 'r')
fout = open(output[1::], 'r')
if verbose:
print "using input file %s and output file %s" % (,
kw_bak = kw.copy()
for infile, outfile in zip(fin, fout):
infile = infile.strip()
outfile = outfile.strip()
if verbose: print "IRAF-style file list, file %s --> %s" % \
(infile.strip(), outfile.strip())
cleanec(infile, outfile, **kw)
elif input.__class__==str:
ec = pyfits.getdata(input)
hdr = pyfits.getheader(input)
print "Couldn't open file: %s -- adding .fits extension and re-trying" % input
input += '.fits'
if output.find('.fit')<0:
output += '.fits'
ec = pyfits.getdata(input)
hdr = pyfits.getheader(input)
print "PYFITS could not open file: %s" % input
ec = input.copy()
print "Input should be a list of filenames, a string, or " + \
"a Numpy array; it appears to be none of these."
if kw['dispaxis']<>0:
ec = ec.transpose()
ncol, nrow = ec.shape
passNumber = 0
while passNumber<kw['npasses']:
t0, t1, t2, t25, t27, t3 = 0,0,0,0,0,0
allrows = arange(nrow)
for ipix in range(ncol):
# Set indices and extract the segment to examine
tic = time()
minind = max(0, ipix - kw['window']/2)
maxind = min(ncol, ipix + kw['window']/2)
segs = ec[:, minind:maxind]
segind = set(arange(segs.shape[1]))
residuals = abs(segs - median(segs,1).reshape(nrow,1))
maxres = tile(residuals.max(1),(segs.shape[1],1)).transpose()
t0 += time()-tic
tic = time()
maxind = array([nonzero(test)[0][0] for test in residuals==maxres])
goodind = map(list, [segind.difference(set([maxval])) for maxval in maxind])
t1 += time()-tic
tic = time()
segstd = std([ss[gg] for ss,gg in zip(segs,goodind)], 1)
# Measure (a) its discrepancy and (b) stdev of the remainder
t2 += time()-tic
tic = time()
discrepancy = residuals[allrows, maxind]
sigma = discrepancy/segstd
repind = (sigma>kw['nsigma']) * (discrepancy>kw['threshold'])
t25 += time()-tic
prior_value = maxind[repind] - 1
prior_value[prior_value<0] = 0
latter_value = maxind[repind] + 1
latter_value[prior_value<0] = 0
# If pixel is sufficiently discrepant, throw it out!
# if maximum value is _first_, return the latter value
# if maximum value is _last_, return the former value
# otherwise, return average of former & latter
tic = time()
firstbadval = maxind[repind]==0
lastbadval = maxind[repind]==(segs.shape[1]-1)
midbadval = True - (firstbadval + lastbadval)
maxind2 = maxind[repind][midbadval]
repind2 = find(repind)[midbadval]
# Need to apply averaging separately from endpoint replacement.
segs[repind, maxind[repind]] = \
firstbadval * segs[repind,1] + \
lastbadval * segs[repind,segs.shape[1]-2]
segs[repind2, maxind2] += \
0.5 * (segs[repind2, maxind2-1] + segs[repind2, maxind2+1])
t3 += time() - tic
if verbose:
if ipix/100==(1.0*ipix/100.):
print 'finished column %i/%i' % (ipix, ncol),
passNumber += 1
if verbose: print ('pass %i complete: times elapsed per section>>' %
passNumber), t0, t1, t2, t25, t3,
if hdr is None:
pyfits.writeto(output, ec, clobber=kw['clobber'], \
hdr.update('cleanec', \
'echelleogram cleaned (%i passes) by nsdata.cleanec' \
% passNumber)
pyfits.writeto(output, ec, clobber=kw['clobber'], header=hdr, \
if verbose: print "CLEANEC complete, output to>>", output
#ir.crmed(f12, f12.replace('fn.fits', 'fn2.fits'), ncmed=15, nlmed=1, ncsig = 25, nlsig = 10, crmask='', median='', sigma='', residual='')
[docs]def bfixpix(data, badmask, n=4, retdat=False):
"""Replace pixels flagged as nonzero in a bad-pixel mask with the
average of their nearest four good neighboring pixels.
data : numpy array (two-dimensional)
badmask : numpy array (same shape as data)
n : int
number of nearby, good pixels to average over
retdat : bool
If True, return an array instead of replacing-in-place and do
_not_ modify input array `data`. This is always True if a 1D
array is input!
another numpy array (if retdat is True)
Implement new approach of Popowicz+2013 (
# 2010-09-02 11:40 IJC: Created
#2012-04-05 14:12 IJMC: Added retdat option
# 2012-04-06 18:51 IJMC: Added a kludgey way to work for 1D inputs
# 2012-08-09 11:39 IJMC: Now the 'n' option actually works.
if data.ndim==1:
data = np.tile(data, (3,1))
badmask = np.tile(badmask, (3,1))
ret = bfixpix(data, badmask, n=2, retdat=True)
return ret[1]
nx, ny = data.shape
badx, bady = nonzero(badmask)
nbad = len(badx)
if retdat:
data = array(data, copy=True)
for ii in range(nbad):
thisloc = badx[ii], bady[ii]
rad = 0
numNearbyGoodPixels = 0
while numNearbyGoodPixels<n:
rad += 1
xmin = max(0, badx[ii]-rad)
xmax = min(nx, badx[ii]+rad)
ymin = max(0, bady[ii]-rad)
ymax = min(ny, bady[ii]+rad)
x = arange(nx)[xmin:xmax+1]
y = arange(ny)[ymin:ymax+1]
yy,xx = meshgrid(y,x)
#print ii, rad, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, badmask.shape
rr = abs(xx + 1j*yy) * (1. - badmask[xmin:xmax+1,ymin:ymax+1])
numNearbyGoodPixels = (rr>0).sum()
closestDistances = unique(sort(rr[rr>0])[0:n])
numDistances = len(closestDistances)
localSum = 0.
localDenominator = 0.
for jj in range(numDistances):
localSum += data[xmin:xmax+1,ymin:ymax+1][rr==closestDistances[jj]].sum()
localDenominator += (rr==closestDistances[jj]).sum()
#print badx[ii], bady[ii], 1.0 * localSum / localDenominator, data[xmin:xmax+1,ymin:ymax+1]
data[badx[ii], bady[ii]] = 1.0 * localSum / localDenominator
if retdat:
ret = data
ret = None
return ret
[docs]def posofend(str1, str2):
"""returns the position immediately _after_ the end of the occurence
of str2 in str1. If str2 is not in str1, return -1.
pos = str1.find(str2)
if pos>-1:
ret= pos+len(str2)
ret = -1
return ret
[docs]def readart(filename, ignore='***'):
"""Read a Keck .arT telemetry file.
# 2010-09-04 01:11 IJC: Created
# 2014-12-18 21:16 IJMC: Added 'ignore' option.
from spitzer import genericObject
def process(struct, valstr, names, types, delim=','):
"""Append a line of values to the output object.
vals = valstr.split(delim)
for val, name, type in zip(vals, names, types):
if type=='DBL':
exec 'struct.%s.append(float(val.strip()))' % name in locals()
exec 'struct.%s.append(val.strip())' % name in locals()
f = open(filename, 'r')
print "Could not open file: %s" % filename
return -1
output = genericObject()
hdrlines = [f.readline() for ii in range(3)]
pos00, pos01 = posofend(hdrlines[0], 'INTERVAL ='), hdrlines[0].find(',')
pos10, pos11 = posofend(hdrlines[0], 'NO_ELEMENTS ='), hdrlines[0].find('\n')
interval = int(hdrlines[0][pos00:pos01])
no_elements = int(hdrlines[0][pos10:pos11])
entry_names = [name.strip().replace(':','_').replace('.','_') for name in hdrlines[1].replace('"', '').split(',')]
entry_types = [name.strip().replace(':','_').replace('.','_') for name in hdrlines[2].replace('"', '').split(',')]
entry_types = [name.strip() for name in hdrlines[2].replace('"', '').split(',')]
output.interval = interval
output.no_elements = no_elements
output.keys = entry_names
output.types = entry_types
for name in entry_names:
exec 'output.%s = []' % name in locals()
for nextline in f:
if not (ignore in nextline):
process(output, nextline, entry_names, entry_types)
return output
[docs]def readnstemps(filename):
"""Read the Keck telemetry file "nirspecTemps"
# 2010-09-04 17:46 IJC: Created
from spitzer import genericObject
f = open(filename, 'r')
print "Could not open file: %s" % filename
return -1
output = genericObject()
line0 = f.readline()
pos0 = posofend(line0, 'GMT')
output.time = [line0[0:pos0]]
vals = map(float, line0[pos0::].strip().split(' '))
nvals = len(vals)
valnames = ['t%i' % ii for ii in range(nvals)]
for val, name in zip(vals, valnames):
exec 'output.%s = [val]' % name in locals()
for line in f:
vals = map(float, line[pos0::].strip().split(' '))
for val, name in zip(vals, valnames):
exec 'output.%s.append(val)' % name in locals()
return output
[docs]def readMagiqlog(filename, dat=['guidestats']):
Read specified types of data from the Keck Magiq telemetry log.
filename : str -- logfile name
dat : list of str -- types of data to return
guidestats -- centroid x/y, fwhm, star & skyflux
# 2010-09-05 12:07 IJC: Created
def processGuidestats(struct, string):
pos_t0, pos_t1 = 0, string.find('[LegacyCam]')
pos_x0, pos_x1 = posofend(string, 'Centroid x='), string.find('y=')
pos_y0, pos_y1 = posofend(string, 'y='), string.find('fwhm=')
pos_f0, pos_f1 = posofend(string, 'fwhm='), string.find('star=')
pos_st0, pos_st1 = posofend(string, 'star='), string.find('sky=')
pos_sk0, pos_sk1 = posofend(string, 'sky='), string.find('stats=')
struct.cenx.append(float( string[pos_x0:pos_x1]))
struct.ceny.append(float( string[pos_y0:pos_y1]))
struct.fwhm.append(float( string[pos_f0:pos_f1])) string[pos_st0:pos_st1])) string[pos_sk0:pos_sk1]))
from spitzer import genericObject
f = open(filename, 'r')
print "Could not open file: %s" % filename
return -1
output = genericObject()
for type in dat:
if type=='guidestats': = genericObject() = [] = [] = [] = [] = [] = []
print "Unknown type of Magiq log data: %s" % type
for line in f:
for type in dat:
if type=='guidestats':
if line.find('CamImage')<0 or line.find('Centroid')<0 or line.find('fwhm')<0:
processGuidestats(, line)
return output
[docs]def readarm(filename):
"""Read a Keck .arM telemetry file.
So far, tested only with envAut.arM
# 2010-09-04 01:11 IJC: Created
from spitzer import genericObject
def process(struct, line, delim=','):
"""Append a line of values to the output object.
vals = line.split(delim)
keyname = vals[2].strip().replace(':','_').replace('.','_').replace('---','')
endofkey = posofend(line, vals[2])
endofdelim = line.find(delim, endofkey)+1
keyval = line[endofdelim::].strip()
keyval = float(keyval)
if keyval=='***':
HSTdatetime = '%s %s' % (vals[0].strip(), vals[1].strip())
exec 'struct.%s.append(keyval)' % keyname in locals()
exec "struct.%sHST.append(HSTdatetime)" % keyname in locals()
exec 'struct.%s = [keyval]' % keyname in locals()
exec "struct.%sHST = [HSTdatetime]" % keyname in locals()
f = open(filename, 'r')
print "Could not open file: %s" % filename
return -1
output = genericObject()
hdrlines = [f.readline() for ii in range(2)]
pos00, pos01 = posofend(hdrlines[0], 'INTERVAL ='), hdrlines[0].find(',')
pos10, pos11 = posofend(hdrlines[0], 'NO_ELEMENTS ='), hdrlines[0].find('\n')
interval = int(hdrlines[0][pos00:pos01])
no_elements = int(hdrlines[0][pos10:pos11])
entry_names = [name.strip().replace(':','_').replace('.','_') for name in hdrlines[1].replace('"', '').split(',')]
output.interval = interval
output.no_elements = no_elements
output.HSTtime = []
output.HSTdate = []
output.HSTdatetime = []
for line in f:
process(output, line)
return output
# entry_names = [name.strip().replace(':','_').replace('.','_') for name in hdrlines[1].replace('"', '').split(',')]
#entry_types = [name.strip().replace(':','_').replace('.','_') for name in hdrlines[2].replace('"', '').split(',')]
#entry_types = [name.strip() for name in hdrlines[2].replace('"', '').split(',')]
[docs]def envMet(filename, tz=-10, planet=None, date=None, ignore='***'):
"""Read the envMet.arT Keck telemetry file.
filename -- str.
tz: offset (in hours) from GMT (HST = -10)
planet: an.planet object to compute orbital phase & HJD (if desired)
date: observation run date; grab time tags from this to use for
averaging over (not yet implemented!!!)
# 2010-09-07 13:02 IJC: Created
# 2014-12-18 21:16 IJMC: Added 'ignore' option.
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
import astrolib
met = readart(filename, ignore=ignore)
if met<>-1:
met.HSTdatetime = ['%s %s' % (ddate, time) for ddate,time in zip(met.HSTdate, met.HSTtime)]
met.jd = [gd2jd(datetime)-tz/24. for datetime in met.HSTdatetime]
if planet is not None:
met.hjd = [astrolib.helio_jd(jjj - 2.4e6, planet.ra, planet.dec) + 2.4e6 for jjj in met.jd]
met.phase = planet.phase(met.hjd)
if date is not None:
obs = initobs(date)
rawfiles = obs[12][0]
jd_start = []
exptime = []
hdr = pyfits.getheader(file)
jd_start = []
# Loop over every observation timestap, averaging over each header keyword
met.bin = met
met.bin.jd = jd_start
# for ii, jd0 in enumerate(jd_start):
# thisindex =
return met
[docs]def darkbpmap(filelist, clipsigma=5, sigma=25, writeto=None, clobber=False, verbose=False):
"""Use dark frames to construct a bad pixel map based on unusually
variable pixels.
filelist: str, list, or 3D numpy array -- dark frame filenames or data
str -- IRAF-style file list (beginning with '@' symbol)
list -- Python-style list of strs
numpy array -- 3D (L*M*N) stack of L dark frames
clipsigma : scalar -- significance threshold for removing transient
(cosmic-ray-like) events
sigma : scalar -- significance threshold for greater-than-average
pixel variability.
writeto : str -- filename to write output to. If None, returns the array.
if writeto is None:
a 2D boolean numpy array: True for bad pixels, False for other pixels.
returns None
# 2010-09-08 09:56 IJC: Created
# 2014-12-17 21:22 IJMC: Added 'ignore_missing_end'
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
from analysis import stdr, meanr
darkstack = []
if filelist.__class__==list:
for line in filelist:
if verbose: print "File list, file: " + line
darkstack.append(pyfits.getdata(line, ignore_missing_end=True))
darkstack.append(pyfits.getdata(line+'.fits', ignore_missing_end=True))
elif (filelist.__class__==str) and (filelist[0]=='@'):
fin = open(input[ 1::], 'r')
if verbose:
print "using input file %s" % (
for line in fin:
line = line.strip()
if verbose: print "IRAF-style file list, file %s" % line
darkstack.append(pyfits.getdata(line, ignore_missing_end=True))
darkstack.append(pyfits.getdata(line+'.fits', ignore_missing_end=True))
darkstack = filelist
darkstack = array(darkstack)
darkstd = stdr(darkstack, axis=0, nsigma=clipsigma, verbose=verbose-1)
edark = stdr(darkstd.ravel(), nsigma=clipsigma, verbose=verbose-1)
mdark = meanr(darkstd.ravel(), nsigma=clipsigma, verbose=verbose-1)
badpixelmap = (abs(darkstd-mdark) / edark) > sigma
if writeto is None:
ret = badpixelmap
ret = None
pyfits.writeto(writeto, badpixelmap.astype(int), clobber=clobber)
return ret
[docs]def cutoffmask(filename, cutoff=[0, Inf], writeto=None, clobber=True):
"""Create a simple mask from a FITS frame or array, based on whether
its values are above or below specified cutoff values.
filename: str or numpy array -- frame filename or data
str -- filename of FITS frame to load
numpy array -- data frame
cutoff : list -- of form [lower, higher]; values below 'lower' or
above 'higher' will be flagged as bad.
writeto : str -- filename to write output to. If None, returns the array.
if writeto is None:
a 2D boolean numpy array: True for bad pixels, False for other pixels.
returns None
# 2010-09-08 10:36 IJC: Created
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
from analysis import stdr, meanr
if (filename.__class__==str):
data = pyfits.getdata(filename)
data = pyfits.getdata(filename+'.fits')
data = filename
badpixelmap = (data < cutoff[0]) + (data>cutoff[1])
if writeto is None:
ret = badpixelmap
ret = None
pyfits.writeto(writeto, badpixelmap.astype(float), clobber=clobber)
return ret
[docs]def subab(afiles, bfiles, outfiles, clobber=False):
Take raw A & B nod files from a set of observations and subtract
them; output the difference images.
afiles -- list of A-position filenames
bfiles -- list of B-position filenames
outfiles -- list of output filename
All input lists will be truncated to the length of the shortest
input list.
For now, the output file has the header of th A-file of the
pair; this is not optimal and should be fixed to record both A
& B headers!
import nsdata as ns
inita = ns.initobs('2008jul12A')
initb = ns.initobs('2008jul12B')
afiles = inita[12][0][1:-4]
bfiles = initb[12][0][:-4]
outfiles = [(os.path.split(bfn)[0] + '/%s-%s' % \
(os.path.split(afn)[1], os.path.split(bfn)[1])).replace('.fits', '') + \
'.fits' for afn, bfn in zip(afiles, bfiles)]
ns.subab(afiles, bfiles, outfiles)
# 2010-11-29 08:43 IJC: Created
from import fits as pyfits
import pyfits
import os
for afn, bfn, outfn in zip(afiles, bfiles, outfiles):
if not os.path.isfile(afn):
print "file %s not found, skipping." % afn
readfiles = False
elif not os.path.isfile(bfn):
print "file %s not found, skipping." % bfn
readfiles = False
else: # File was found
adata = pyfits.getdata(afn, ignore_missing_end=True)
bdata = pyfits.getdata(bfn, ignore_missing_end=True)
ahdr = pyfits.getheader(afn, ignore_missing_end=True)
bhdr = pyfits.getheader(bfn, ignore_missing_end=True)
readfiles = True
readfiles = False
print "Could not read data or header from FITS files " + \
"(either %s or %s)" % (afn, bfn)
if readfiles:
# Test for non-standard NIRSPEC keywords
if ahdr.has_key('gain.spe'):
ahdr.rename_key('gain.spe', 'gain_spe')
if ahdr.has_key('freq.spe'):
ahdr.rename_key('freq.spe', 'freq_spe')
if bhdr.has_key('gain.spe'):
bhdr.rename_key('gain.spe', 'gain_spe')
if bhdr.has_key('freq.spe'):
bhdr.rename_key('freq.spe', 'freq_spe')
diff = adata - bdata
pyfits.writeto(outfn, diff, ahdr, ignore_missing_end=True, clobber=clobber)
[docs]def nAir_old(vaclam, T=288.15, P=101325.):
"""Return the index of refraction of air at a given wavelength.
vaclam -- scalar or Numpy array -- Vacuum wavelength (in
microns) at which to calculate n
T -- scalar -- temperature in Kelvin
P -- scalar -- pressure in Pascals.
This assumes a dry atmosphere with 0.03% CO2 by volume ("standard air")
81st CRC Handbook (c.f. Edlen 1966)
# 2011-03-10 14:12 IJC: Created
print "This function is outdated; please use nAir() instead."
sigma2 = 1. / vaclam**2
nm1_stp = 1e-8 * (8342.13 + 2406030. / (130. - sigma2) + 15997. / (38.9 - sigma2))
tp_factor =(P * (1. + P * (61.3 - (T - 273.15)) * 1e-10)) / (96095.4 * (1. + 0.003661 * (T - 273.15) ) )
n = 1. + nm1_stp * tp_factor
#print (nm1_stp * 1e8), (n - 1) * 1e8
return n
[docs]def nAir(vaclam, T=293.15, P=1e5, fco2=0.0004, pph2o=0.):
"""Return the index of refraction of air at a given wavelength.
vaclam: scalar or Numpy array
Vacuum wavelength (in microns) at which to calculate n
T : scalar
temperature in Kelvin
P : scalar
pressure in Pascals
fc02 : scalar
carbon dioxide content, as a fraction of the total atmosphere
pph2o : scalar
water vapor partial pressure, in Pascals
specfi Boensch and Potulski, 1998 Metrologia 35 133
# 2011-10-07 15:14 IJMC: Created
# 2012-12-05 20:47 IJMC: Explicitly added check for 'None' option inputs.
if T is None:
T = 293.15
if P is None:
P = 1e5
if fco2 is None:
fco2 = 0.0004
if pph2o is None:
pph2o = 0.0
sigma = 1./vaclam
sigma2 = sigma * sigma
# (Eq. 6a)
nm1_drystp = 1e-8 * (8091.37 + 2333983. / (130. - sigma2) + 15518. / (38.9 - sigma2))
# Effect of CO2 (Eq. 7):
nm1_dryco2 = nm1_drystp * (1. + 0.5327 * (fco2 - 0.0004))
# Effect of temperature and pressure (Eq. 8):
nm1_dry = ((nm1_dryco2 * P) * 1.0727933e-5) * \
(1. + 1e-8 * (-2.10233 - 0.009876 * T) * P) / (0.0036610 * T)
# Effect of H2O (Eq. 9):
n = 1. + (nm1_dry - pph2o * (3.8020 - 0.0384 * sigma2) * 1e-10).astype(float64)
n = 1. + (nm1_dry - pph2o * (3.8020 - 0.0384 * sigma2) * 1e-10)
return n