"""Functions for fitting phase curves.
Use of 'errfunc' is encouraged.
# 2009-12-15 13:26 IJC: Created
# 2011-04-21 16:13 IJMC: Added tsin function and nsin function
# 2013-04-30 16:01 IJMC: Added simplest possible C-functionality w/chi2.
# import psyco
# psyco.full()
#except ImportError:
# print 'Psyco not installed, the program will just run slower'
from numpy import *
import numpy as np
import transit
import pdb
import _chi2
c_chisq = True
c_chisq = False
[docs]def tsin(param, x):
"""Compute phase function with unknown period, assuming a sinusoid:
p(x) = param[0] - param[1] * cos(2*pi*x/param[2] + param[3])
return param[0]- abs(param[1]) *cos(2*pi*x/param[2] +param[3])
[docs]def nsin(param, x):
"""Compute phase function with unknown period, assuming n sinusoids:
p(x) = param[0] - \
param[i+1] * cos(2*pi*x/param[i+2] + param[i+3]) - \
param[i+3+1] * cos(2*pi*x/param[i+3+2] + param[i+3+3]) - ...
nparam = len(param)
nsinusoids = (nparam - 1) / 3
ret = param[0]
for ii in range(nsinusoids):
ret -= abs(param[1+ii*3]) *cos(2*pi*x/param[2+ii*3] +param[3+ii*3])
return ret
[docs]def phasesin(param, x):
"""compute phase function with a fixed period=1, assuming a sinusoid:
p(x) = param[0] - param[1] * cos(2*pi*x + param[2])
return param[0]- abs(param[1]) *cos(2*pi*x +param[2])
[docs]def phasesin2(param, phaseoffset, x):
"""compute phase function with a fixed period=1 and phase offset (in radians):
p(x) = param[0] - param[1] * cos(2*pi*x + phaseoffset)
return param[0]- abs(param[1]) *cos(2*pi*x +phaseoffset)
[docs]def phase2sin(param, x, absamp=True):
"""compute double-sinusoid with a fixed period=1 offset (in radians):
p(x) = param[0] - param[1] * cos(2*pi*x + param[2]) - \
param[3] * cos(4*pi*x + param[4])
ampsamp: if True, take the absolute value of param[1] & param[3]
# 2013-02-09 18:48 IJMC: Fixed a typo.
if absamp:
ret = param[0]- np.abs(param[1]) *cos(2*pi*x +param[2]) - \
np.abs(param[3]) *cos(4*pi*x +param[4])
ret = param[0]- param[1] *cos(2*pi*x +param[2]) - \
param[3] *cos(4*pi*x +param[4])
return ret
[docs]def phasesin14(param, x):
"""compute phase function with a fixed period=1, assuming a
sinusoid, and account for 14 different possible flux offsets.
Input data 'x' must therefore be of size (14xN); if not, it will
be reshaped into that.
p[i,j] = (1. + param[3+j]) * (param[0] - param[1]*cos(2*pi*x[i,j]+param[2]))
[note that the first c-parameter (individual offset) will be
constrained such that: prod(1. + param[3::]) = 1.]
# 2010-04-27 11:49 IJC: Created.
# 2011-06-09 16:40 IJMC: Definition slightly changed to be a
# multiplicative factor.
cparam = array(param[3::], copy=True)
cparam[0] = 1. / prod(1. + cparam[1::]) - 1.
param[2] = param[2] % (2*pi)
if len(x.shape)==1:
was1d = True
x = x.reshape(14, len(x)/14.)
was1d = False
ret = param[0] - abs(param[1]) *cos(2*pi*x +param[2])
#print 'param[3::]>>',param[3::]
#print 'x.shape>>',x.shape
ret *= (1. + cparam.reshape(14,1))
if was1d:
ret = ret.ravel()
return ret
[docs]def phasepoly14(param, x):
"""compute phase function, assuming a polynomial, and account for
14 different possible flux offsets.
Input data 'x' must be in units of orbital phase, and must be of
size (14xN); if not, it will be reshaped into that.
For an order-N polynomial:
p[i,j] = (1. + param[N+j]) * (numpy.polyval(param[0:N], x))
[note that the first c-parameter (individual offset) will be
constrained such that: prod(1. + param[N::]) = 1.]
# 2011-09-26 10:42 IJMC: Created from phaselamb14
N = len(param) - 14
cparam = array(param[N::], copy=True)
cparam[0] = 1. / prod(1. + cparam[1::]) - 1.
if len(x.shape)==1:
was1d = True
x = x.reshape(14, len(x)/14.)
was1d = False
ret = polyval(param[0:N], x)
ret *= (1. + cparam.reshape(14,1))
if was1d:
ret = ret.ravel()
return ret
[docs]def phaselamb14(param, x):
"""compute phase function with a fixed period=1, assuming a
sinusoid, and account for 14 different possible flux offsets.
Input data 'x' must therefore be of size (14xN); if not, it will
be reshaped into that.
p[i,j] = (1. + param[3+j]) * (param[0] + param[1]*lambertian(2*pi*x[i,j]+param[2]))
[note that the first c-parameter (individual offset) will be
constrained such that: prod(1. + param[3::]) = 1.]
# 2011-09-25 22:24 IJMC: Created from phasesin14
cparam = array(param[3::], copy=True)
cparam[0] = 1. / prod(1. + cparam[1::]) - 1.
param[2] = param[2] % (2*pi)
if len(x.shape)==1:
was1d = True
x = x.reshape(14, len(x)/14.)
was1d = False
ret = param[0] + abs(param[1]) *lambertian(2*pi*x +param[2])
#print 'param[3::]>>',param[3::]
#print 'x.shape>>',x.shape
ret *= (1. + cparam.reshape(14,1))
if was1d:
ret = ret.ravel()
return ret
[docs]def phasesinsin14(param, x):
"""compute phase function with a fixed period=1, assuming a
sinusoid and first harmonic, and account for 14 different possible
flux offsets.
Input data 'x' must therefore be of size (14xN); if not, it will
be reshaped into that.
p[i,j] = (1. + param[5+j]) * \
[ param[0] - param[1]*cos(2*pi*x[i,j]+param[2]) + \
param[3]*cos(4*pi*x[i,j]+param[4]) ]
[note that the first c-parameter (individual offset) will be
constrained such that: prod(1. + param[5::]) = 1.]
The magnitude of the amplitudes will always be taken; they
cannot be negative.
# 2011-09-16 09:14 IJMC: Created from phasesin14
cparam = array(param[5::], copy=True)
cparam[0] = 1. / prod(1. + cparam[1::]) - 1.
param[2] = param[2] % (2*pi)
param[4] = param[4] % (2*pi)
if len(x.shape)==1:
was1d = True
x = x.reshape(14, len(x)/14.)
was1d = False
ret = param[0] - abs(param[1]) *cos(2*pi*x +param[2]) + \
abs(param[3]) *cos(4*pi*x +param[4])
#print 'param[3::]>>',param[3::]
#print 'x.shape>>',x.shape
ret *= (1. + cparam.reshape(14,1))
if was1d:
ret = ret.ravel()
return ret
[docs]def phasesinsin14_2(param, x):
"""compute phase function with a fixed period=1, assuming a
sinusoid and first harmonic, and account for 14 different possible
flux offsets.
Input data 'x' must therefore be of size (14xN); if not, it will
be reshaped into that.
p[i,j] = (1. + param[5+j]) * \
[ param[0] - param[1]*cos(2*pi*x[i,j]) - param[2]*sin(2*pi*x[i,j]) -
param[3]*cos(4*pi*x[i,j]) - param[4]*sin(4*pi*x[i,j]) ]
[note that the first c-parameter (individual offset) will be
constrained such that: prod(1. + param[5::]) = 1.]
# 2011-09-16 09:14 IJMC: Created from phasesinsin14
cparam = array(param[5::], copy=True)
cparam[0] = 1. / prod(1. + cparam[1::]) - 1.
if len(x.shape)==1:
was1d = True
x = x.reshape(14, len(x)/14.)
was1d = False
ret = param[0] - param[1]*cos(2*pi*x) - param[2]*sin(2*pi*x) - \
param[3]*cos(4*pi*x) - param[4]*sin(4*pi*x)
#print 'param[3::]>>',param[3::]
#print 'x.shape>>',x.shape
ret *= (1. + cparam.reshape(14,1))
if was1d:
ret = ret.ravel()
return ret
[docs]def phasesin14xymult(param, xyord,crossord,t, x, y):
"""compute phase function with a fixed period=1, assuming a
sinusoid, and account for 14 different possible flux offsets and
X/Y positional motions.
Input data 't','x','y' must therefore be of size (14xN); if not,
it will be reshaped into that.
"xyord" determines the linear order of the polynomial in x and y.
If xyord==1, then:
f[i,j] = p[0] - p[1]*cos(2*pi*x[i,j]+p[2]) + p[3+i] +p[17+i]*x + p[31+i]*y
If xyord==2, then:
f[i,j] = p[0] + p[3+i] +p[17+i]*x + p[31+i]*y +p[45+i]*x**2 + p[59+i]*y**2
- p[1]*cos(2*pi*x[i,j]+p[2])
If crossord==1, then the cross-terms (x*y) will be included using
14 coefficients. crossord>1 still just uses the single
cross-terms; I haven't generalized it yet to higher orders.
[note that the the individual offsets will be subjected to the
constraint: param[3::] -= param[3::].mean() ]
# 2010-04-27 11:49 IJC: Created
# 2010-05-28 15:42 IJC: Added x*y cross-terms
param = array(param,copy=True)
x = array(x,copy=True)
y = array(y,copy=True)
t = array(t,copy=True)
xparam = zeros((0,14),float)
yparam = zeros((0,14),float)
crossparam = zeros((0,14),float)
cparam = param[3:17]
if xyord>=1:
for ii in range(xyord):
xparam = vstack((xparam,param[17+ii*28:31+ii*28]))
yparam = vstack((yparam,param[31+ii*28:45+ii*28]))
lastxyparamind = 45+(xyord-1)*28
if crossord>=1:
for ii in [0]: #range(crossparam):
crossparam = vstack((crossparam,param[lastxyparamind:lastxyparamind+(ii+1)*14]))
#cparam -= mean(cparam)
param[2] = param[2] % (2*pi)
if len(t.shape)==1:
was1d = True
t = t.reshape(14, len(t)/14.)
x = x.reshape(14, len(x)/14.)
y = y.reshape(14, len(y)/14.)
was1d = False
# Subtract the mean from the X and Y data
x -= x.mean(1).reshape(14,1)
y -= y.mean(1).reshape(14,1)
# Zeroth-order model:
ret = param[0] - abs(param[1]) *cos(2*pi*t +param[2])
# Apply constant offsets:
ret *= (1. + tile(cparam, (t.shape[1],1)).transpose())
if xyord>=1:
for ii in range(xyord):
ret *= (1. + tile(xparam[ii], (t.shape[1],1)).transpose()*x**(ii+1))
ret *= (1. + tile(yparam[ii], (t.shape[1],1)).transpose()*y**(ii+1))
if crossord>=1:
for ii in [0]:
ret *= (1. + tile(crossparam[ii], (t.shape[1],1)).transpose()*x*y)
if was1d:
ret = ret.ravel()
return ret
[docs]def subfit_kw(params, input, i0, i1):
"""Parse keyword inputs (for :func:`errfunc`, etc.) for multiple
concatenated inputs (e.g., with input key 'npars' set).
params : 1D NumPy array of parameters
input : dict of keywords
i0 : int, first index of current parameters
i1 : int, last index of current parameters (e.g.: params[i0:i1])
# 2013-04-19 16:18 IJMC: Created
# 2013-04-20 17:54 IJMC: Fixed a small bug in the 'ngaussprior' check.
# 2013-04-30 20:46 IJMC: Now accept 'wrapped_joint_params' keyword
i0 =int(i0)
i1 = int(i1)
valid_indices = range(i0, i1)
sub_input = input.copy()
if 'wrapped_joint_params' in sub_input:
wrap_indices = sub_input.pop('wrapped_joint_params')
params = unwrap_joint_params(params, wrap_indices)
# Handle various fitting keywords appropriately:
if 'jointpars' in sub_input: junk = sub_input.pop('jointpars')
#for key in ['uniformprior', 'gaussprior']:
# if key in sub_input and sub_input[key] is not None:
# sub_input[key] = unwrap_joint_params(sub_input[key], wrap_indices)
#if 'ngaussprior' in sub_input and sub_input['ngaussprior'] is not None:
sub_params = params[i0:i1]
# Now check and clean all the possible sub-keywords:
if 'npars' in sub_input and sub_input['npars'] is not None:
junk = sub_input.pop('npars')
if 'uniformprior' in sub_input and sub_input['uniformprior'] is not None:
sub_input['uniformprior'] = sub_input['uniformprior'][i0:i1]
if 'gaussprior' in sub_input and sub_input['gaussprior'] is not None:
sub_input['gaussprior'] = sub_input['gaussprior'][i0:i1]
if 'jointpars' in sub_input and sub_input['jointpars'] is not None:
new_jointpars = []
for these_jointpars in sub_input['jointpars']:
if (these_jointpars[0] in valid_indices and \
these_jointpars[1] in valid_indices):
# Account for the fact that, in a sub-fit, the index value
# is different from the index of the ensemble fit:
new_jointpars.append((these_jointpars[0]-i0, these_jointpars[1]-i0))
if new_jointpars==[]:
junk = sub_input.pop('jointpars')
sub_input['jointpars'] = new_jointpars
if 'ngaussprior' in sub_input and sub_input['ngaussprior'] is not None:
new_ngaussprior = []
for this_ngp in sub_input['ngaussprior']:
all_indices_valid = True
for ngp_index in this_ngp[0]:
all_indices_valid = all_indices_valid and ngp_index in valid_indices
# Account for the fact that, in a sub-fit, the index value
# is different from the index of the ensemble fit:
if all_indices_valid:
new_ngaussprior.append([this_ngp[0]-i0, \
this_ngp[1], this_ngp[2]])
if new_ngaussprior==[]:
junk = sub_input.pop('ngaussprior')
sub_input['ngaussprior'] = new_ngaussprior
return sub_params, sub_input
[docs]def eclipse14_single(param, tparam, t, xyord=None, x=None, y=None):
"""compute 3-parameter eclipse function of a single event, and
account for 14 different possible flux offsets and X/Y positional
param : parameters to be fit
[Fstar, Fplanet, t_center, c0, c1, ... c13]
tparam : parameters to be held constant (from transit)
[b, v (in Rstar/day), p (Rp/Rs)]
Input data 't','x','y' must therefore be of size (14xN); if not,
it will be reshaped into that.
If xyord==None or 0:
f[i, j] = (1. + p[3+i]) * [eclipse light curve]
"xyord" determines the linear order of the polynomial in x and y.
If xyord==1, then:
f[i,j] = (...) * (1.+ p[3+i] +p[17+i]*x + p[31+i]*y)
[note that the the individual offsets will be subjected to the
constraint: param[3] = 1./(1.+param[4:17]).prod() - 1. ]
# 2011-05-14 16:06 IJMC: Adapted from upsand phase curve routines;
# also adapting Agol et al. 2010's Spitzer
# work.
param = array(param,copy=True)
tparam = array(tparam,copy=True)
x = array(x,copy=True)
y = array(y,copy=True)
t = array(t,copy=True)
if xyord >= 1:
xparam = zeros((0,14),float)
yparam = zeros((0,14),float)
# Set up 14 sensitivity perturbations:
cparam = param[3:17].copy()
# Ensure that prod(1.+cparam) equals unity:
cparam[0] = 1./(1.+cparam[1::]).prod() - 1.
if xyord>=1:
for ii in range(xyord):
xparam = vstack((xparam,param[17+ii*28:31+ii*28]))
yparam = vstack((yparam,param[31+ii*28:45+ii*28]))
if len(t.shape)==1:
was1d = True
t = t.reshape(14, len(t)/14.)
if xyord >= 1:
x = x.reshape(14, len(x)/14.)
y = y.reshape(14, len(y)/14.)
was1d = False
# Set up eclipse light curve:
b, v, p = tparam[0:3]
z = sqrt(b**2 + (v * (t - param[2]))**2)
tr = param[0] - param[1] * transit.occultuniform(z, p)/p**2
# Subtract the mean from the X and Y data
if xyord >= 1:
x -= x.mean(1).reshape(14,1)
y -= y.mean(1).reshape(14,1)
# Apply constant and X/Y offsets:
#ret *= (1. + tile(cparam, (t.shape[1],1)).transpose())
offset_term = (1. + tile(cparam, (t.shape[1],1)).transpose())
if xyord>=1:
for ii in range(xyord):
offset_term += tile(xparam[ii], (t.shape[1],1)).transpose()*x**(ii+1)
offset_term += tile(yparam[ii], (t.shape[1],1)).transpose()*y**(ii+1)
# Apply the (1+c+dx+ey) term:
tr *= offset_term
if was1d:
tr = tr.ravel()
return tr
[docs]def eclipse_single(param, tparam, t):
"""compute 3-parameter eclipse function of a single event
param : 3 parameters to be fit
[Fstar, Fplanet, t_center]
tparam : 3 parameters to be held constant (from transit)
[b, v (in Rstar/day), p (Rp/Rs)]
Input data 't' must be of size (14xN); if not, it will be reshaped
into that.
# 2011-05-14 16:06 IJMC: Adapted from upsand phase curve routines;
# also adapting Agol et al. 2010's Spitzer
# work.
param = array(param,copy=True)
tparam = array(tparam,copy=True)
t = array(t,copy=True)
if len(t.shape)==1:
was1d = True
t = t.reshape(14, len(t)/14.)
was1d = False
# Set up eclipse light curve:
b, v, p = tparam[0:3]
z = sqrt(b**2 + (v * (t - param[2]))**2)
tr = param[0] - param[1] * transit.occultuniform(z, p)/p**2
if was1d:
tr = tr.ravel()
return tr
[docs]def transit_single(param, t):
"""compute 6+L-parameter eclipse function of a single event
velocity, impact parameter, stellar flux,
planet/star radius ratio, time of center transit, period, limb darkening
param : parameters to be fit:
[Fstar, t_center, b, v (in Rstar/day), p (Rp/Rs), per (days)]
Up to two additional parameter can be concatenated onto the end,
respectively representing linear and quadratic limb-darkening.
Input data 't' must be of size (14xN); if not, it will be reshaped
into that.
# 2011-05-14 16:06 IJMC: Adapted from upsand phase curve routines;
# also adapting Agol et al. 2010's Spitzer
# work.
# 2011-05-16 10:43 IJC: Adding period as a free parameter
param = array(param,copy=True)
t = array(t,copy=True)
if len(t.shape)==1:
was1d = True
t = t.reshape(14, len(t)/14.)
was1d = False
# Set up eclipse light curve:
z = sqrt(param[2]**2 + (param[3] * (((t - param[1] - param[5]*.5) % param[5]) - param[5]*.5) )**2)
if param.size==6:
tr = param[0] *(1. - transit.occultuniform(z, param[4]))
elif param.size==7: # Linear limb-darkening:
tr = param[0] * transit.occultquad(z, param[4], [param[6], 0.])
elif param.size>=8: # Linear limb-darkening:
tr = param[0] * transit.occultquad(z, param[4], [param[6], param[7]])
if was1d:
tr = tr.ravel()
return tr
[docs]def mcmc_eclipse_single(z, t, sigma, params, tparam, stepsize, numit, nstep=1):
"""MCMC for 3-parameter eclipse function of a single event
z : 1D array
Contains dependent data
t : 1D array
Contains independent data: phase, x- and y-positions
sigma : 1D array
Contains standard deviation of dependent (z) data
params : 3 parameters to be fit
[Fstar, Fplanet, t_center]
tparam : 3 parameters to be held constant (from transit)
[b, v (in Rstar/day), p (Rp/Rs)]
stepsize : 1D array
Array of 1-sigma change in parameter per iteration
numit : int
Number of iterations to perform
nstep : int
Saves every "nth" step of the chain
allparams : 2D array
Contains all parameters at each step
bestp : 1D array
Contains best paramters as determined by lowest Chi^2
numaccept: int
Number of accepted steps
chisq: 1D array
Chi-squared value at each step
Numerical Recipes, 3rd Edition (Section 15.8); Wikipedia
# 2011-05-14 16:06 IJMC: Adapted from upsand phase curve routines;
# also adapting Agol et al. 2010's Spitzer
# work, and from K. Stevenson's MCMC
# example implementation.
import numpy as np
#Initial setup
numaccept = 0
nout = numit/nstep
bestp = np.copy(params)
allparams = np.zeros((len(params), nout))
allchi = np.zeros(nout,float)
#Calc chi-squared for model type using current params
zmodel = eclipse_single(params, tparam, t)
currchisq = (((zmodel - z)/sigma)**2).ravel().sum()
bestchisq = currchisq
#Run Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo algorithm 'numit' times
for j in range(numit):
#Take step in random direction for adjustable parameters
nextp = np.random.normal(params,stepsize)
zmodel = eclipse_single(nextp, tparam, t)
nextchisq = (((zmodel - z)/sigma)**2).ravel().sum()
accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq))
if (accept >= 1) or (np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= accept):
#Accept step
numaccept += 1
params = np.copy(nextp)
currchisq = nextchisq
if (currchisq < bestchisq):
#New best fit
bestp = np.copy(params)
bestchisq = currchisq
if (j%nstep)==0:
allparams[:, j/nstep] = params
allchi[j/nstep] = currchisq
return allparams, bestp, numaccept, allchi
[docs]def mcmc_eclipse14_single(z, t, x, y, sigma, params, tparam, stepsize, numit, nstep=1, xyord=None):
"""MCMC for 17-parameter eclipse function of a single event
z : 1D array
Contains dependent data
t,x,y : 1D array
Contains independent data: phase, x- and y-positions
sigma : 1D array
Contains standard deviation of dependent (z) data
params : 17 parameters to be fit
[Fstar, Fplanet, t_center, c0, ... , c13]
tparam : 3 parameters to be held constant (from transit)
[b, v (in Rstar/day), p (Rp/Rs)]
stepsize : 1D array
Array of 1-sigma change in parameter per iteration
numit : int
Number of iterations to perform
nstep : int
Saves every "nth" step of the chain
xyord : int
Highest order in x/y motions
allparams : 2D array
Contains all parameters at each step
bestp : 1D array
Contains best paramters as determined by lowest Chi^2
numaccept: int
Number of accepted steps
chisq: 1D array
Chi-squared value at each step
Numerical Recipes, 3rd Edition (Section 15.8); Wikipedia
# 2011-05-14 16:06 IJMC: Adapted from upsand phase curve routines;
# also adapting Agol et al. 2010's Spitzer
# work, and from K. Stevenson's MCMC
# example implementation.
import numpy as np
#Initial setup
numaccept = 0
nout = numit/nstep
bestp = np.copy(params)
allparams = np.zeros((len(params), nout))
allchi = np.zeros(nout,float)
#Calc chi-squared for model type using current params
zmodel = eclipse14_single(params, tparam, t, xyord=xyord, x=x, y=y)
currchisq = (((zmodel - z)/sigma)**2).ravel().sum()
bestchisq = currchisq
#Run Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo algorithm 'numit' times
for j in range(numit):
#Take step in random direction for adjustable parameters
nextp = np.random.normal(params,stepsize)
zmodel = eclipse14_single(nextp, tparam, t, xyord=xyord, x=x, y=y)
nextchisq = (((zmodel - z)/sigma)**2).ravel().sum()
accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq))
if (accept >= 1) or (np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= accept):
#Accept step
numaccept += 1
params = np.copy(nextp)
currchisq = nextchisq
if (currchisq < bestchisq):
#New best fit
bestp = np.copy(params)
bestchisq = currchisq
if (j%nstep)==0:
allparams[:, j/nstep] = params
allchi[j/nstep] = currchisq
return allparams, bestp, numaccept, allchi
[docs]def phasesin14xymult_cfix(param, xyord,crossord,t, x, y):
"""compute phase function with a fixed period=1, assuming a
sinusoid, and account for 14 different possible flux offsets and
X/Y positional motions.
Input data 't','x','y' must therefore be of size (14xN); if not,
it will be reshaped into that.
"xyord" determines the linear order of the polynomial in x and y.
If xyord==1, then:
f[i,j] = (p[0] - p[1]*cos(2*pi*x[i,j]+p[2])) * (1.+ p[3+i] +p[17+i]*x + p[31+i]*y)
If xyord==2, then:
f[i,j] = (p[0] - p[1]*cos(2*pi*x[i,j]+p[2])) * (1.+ p[3+i] +p[17+i]*x + p[31+i]*y)
f[i,j] = (p[0] - p[1]*cos(2*pi*x[i,j]+p[2])) * \
(1.+ p[3+i] +p[17+i]*x + p[31+i]*y +p[45+i]*x**2 + p[59+i]*y**2
If crossord==1, then the cross-terms (x*y) will be included using
14 coefficients. crossord>1 still just uses the single
cross-terms; I haven't generalized it yet to higher orders.
[note that the the individual offsets will be subjected to the
constraint: param[3] = 1./(1.+param[4:17]).prod() - 1. ]
# 2010-04-27 11:49 IJC: Created
# 2010-05-28 15:42 IJC: Added x*y cross-terms
# 2010-07-21 13:02 IJC: switched to a mostly-additive model
param = array(param,copy=True)
x = array(x,copy=True)
y = array(y,copy=True)
t = array(t,copy=True)
xparam = zeros((0,14),float)
yparam = zeros((0,14),float)
crossparam = zeros((0,14),float)
cparam = param[3:17].copy()
# Ensure that prod(1.+cparam) equals zero
cparam[0] = 1./(1.+cparam[1::]).prod() - 1.
if xyord>=1:
for ii in range(xyord):
xparam = vstack((xparam,param[17+ii*28:31+ii*28]))
yparam = vstack((yparam,param[31+ii*28:45+ii*28]))
lastxyparamind = 45+(xyord-1)*28
if crossord>=1:
for ii in [0]: #range(crossparam):
crossparam = vstack((crossparam,param[lastxyparamind:lastxyparamind+(ii+1)*14]))
#cparam -= mean(cparam)
param[2] = param[2] % (2*pi)
if len(t.shape)==1:
was1d = True
t = t.reshape(14, len(t)/14.)
x = x.reshape(14, len(x)/14.)
y = y.reshape(14, len(y)/14.)
was1d = False
# Subtract the mean from the X and Y data
x -= x.mean(1).reshape(14,1)
y -= y.mean(1).reshape(14,1)
# Zeroth-order model:
ret = param[0] - abs(param[1]) *cos(2*pi*t +param[2])
# Apply constant and X/Y offsets:
#ret *= (1. + tile(cparam, (t.shape[1],1)).transpose())
offset_term = (1. + tile(cparam, (t.shape[1],1)).transpose())
if xyord>=1:
for ii in range(xyord):
offset_term += tile(xparam[ii], (t.shape[1],1)).transpose()*x**(ii+1)
offset_term += tile(yparam[ii], (t.shape[1],1)).transpose()*y**(ii+1)
if crossord>=1:
for ii in [0]:
offset_term += tile(crossparam[ii], (t.shape[1],1)).transpose()*x*y
# Apply the (1+c+dx+ey) term:
ret *= offset_term
if was1d:
ret = ret.ravel()
return ret
[docs]def phaselinsin(param, x):
"""compute phase function with a linear drift and period=1:
p(x) = param[0]+param[1]*x - param[2]*cos(2*pi*x + param[3])
return param[0]+ abs(param[1])*x - param[2] *cos(2*pi*x +param[3])
[docs]def phaselinsin2(param, phaseoffset, x):
"""compute phase function with a linear drift and fixed period=1
and fixed phase offset (in radians):
p(x) = param[0]+param[1]*x - param[2]*cos(2*pi*x + phaseoffset)
return param[0]+ abs(param[1])*x - param[2] *cos(2*pi*x + phaseoffset)
[docs]def lam4fit(param, x):
"""Compute labertian phase function with a fixed period=1, and x
in units of orbital cycles.
param = [DC pedestal, AC amplitude, inclination (radians)]
pedestal, amplitude, inc = param
ophase = x*2*pi
return pedestal + abs(amplitude)*lambertian(ophase, inc=inc)
[docs]def lam4fit2(param, x):
"""Compute labertian phase function with a fixed period=1, and x
in units of orbital cycles -- this time with a variable phase offset.
param = [DC pedestal, AC amplitude, inclination (radians), phase offset (radians)]
pedestal, amplitude, inc, poff = param
ophase = x*2*pi + poff
return pedestal + abs(amplitude)*lambertian(ophase, inc=inc)
[docs]def lam4fit_noinc(param, inc, x):
"""Compute labertian phase function with a fixed period=1, and x
in units of orbital cycles -- a variable phase offset but FIXED
inclination (in radians)
param = [DC pedestal, AC amplitude, phase offset (radians)]
pedestal, amplitude, poff = param
ophase = x*2*pi + poff
return pedestal + abs(amplitude)*lambertian(ophase, inc=inc)
[docs]def lambertian(ophase, inc=pi/2):
Return a lambertian phase function with peak-to-valley amplitude unity.
ophase (seq) an orbital phase (in radians). Secondary eclipse
(or 'opposition' for non-transiting planets) occurs at pi;
Primary transit (or 'conjuction') occurs at 0 or 2*pi
inc (float) system inclination angle (also in radians). Edge-on
is pi/2, face-on is 0.
# 2009-12-16 10:07 IJC: Created based on Hansen 2008 (ApJS 179:484) Eq. 43
# and Barnes et al. 2007 (MNRAS 379:1097) Eq. 2.
# 2011-09-25 22:36 IJMC: Added test to speed up inc=pi/2 case.
# 2011-10-11 17:28 IJMC: Removed that test.
apparentphase = arccos(-sin(inc)*cos(ophase))
ret = cos(apparentphase)-(apparentphase*cos(apparentphase)-sin(apparentphase))/pi
return ret
[docs]def lambertian_mean(inc,n=5000):
"""Return mean of a nominally unity-amplitude lambertian with a given
inclination angle, using function 'lambertian'. inc is in radians."""
# 2010-03-23 16:56 IJC: Created
phase = linspace(0,2*pi,n)
if hasattr(inc,'__iter__'):
ret = zeros(len(inc),float)
for ii in range(len(inc)):
ret[ii] = lambertian(phase,inc=inc[ii]).mean()
ret= lambertian(phase,inc=inc).mean()
return ret
[docs]def lambertian_amplitude(inc,n=5000):
"""Return amplitude of a nominally unity-amplitude lambertian with a given
inclination angle, using function 'lambertian'. inc is in radians."""
# 2010-03-23 16:56 IJC: Created
phase = [0,pi]
if hasattr(inc,'__iter__'):
ret = zeros(len(inc),float)
for ii in range(len(inc)):
ret[ii] = diff(lambertian(phase,inc=inc[ii]))[0]
ret= diff(lambertian(phase,inc=inc))[0]
return ret
[docs]def slicemodel(param, xi):
"""Compute a slice model via Cowan & Agol (2008).
xi is from 0 to 2*pi"""
# 2009-12-15 15:14 IJC: Created, but doesn't work correctly yet.
const = param[0]
phi0 = param[1]
nslices = len(param)-2
Jcoef = param[2::]
dphi = 2*pi/nslices
phi = phi0+arange(nslices)*dphi
# Gmatrix0 = zeros((len(xi),nslices),float)
# for ii in range(len(xi)):
# for jj in range(nslices):
# alphaplus0 = arccos(max(cos(xi[ii] + phi[jj] + dphi/2.), 0))
# alphaminus0 = arccos(max(cos(xi[ii] + phi[jj] - dphi/2.), 0))
# Gmatrix0[ii,jj] = sin(alphaplus0) - sin(alphaminus0)
phi_j, xi_i = meshgrid(phi, xi)
tempaplus = cos(xi_i + phi_j + dphi/2.)
tempaminus = cos(xi_i + phi_j - dphi/2.)
tempaplus[tempaplus<0] = 0.
tempaminus[tempaminus<0] = 0.
alphaplus = arccos(tempaplus)
alphaminus = arccos(tempaminus)
Gmatrix = sin(alphaplus) - sin(alphaminus)
flux = const + dot(Gmatrix, Jcoef)
Gmatrix = cos(alphaplus) - cos(alphaminus)
flux2 = const + dot(Gmatrix, Jcoef)
print "doesn't seem to work quite right yet... 2009-12-15 15:14 IJC: "
return flux
[docs]def lnprobfunc(*arg, **kw):
"""Return natural logarithm of posterior probability: i.e., -chisq/2.
Inputs are the same as for :func:`errfunc`.
# 2012-03-23 18:17 IJMC: Created for use with :doc:`emcee` module.
return -0.5 * errfunc(*arg, **kw)
[docs]def errfunc14xymult_cfix(*arg,**kw):
"""Generic function to give the chi-squared error on a generic function:
(fitparams, arg1, arg2, ... indepvar, depvar, weights)
# 2010-07-16 10:30 IJC: Created to try multi-threading w/PP
chisq = resfunc(arg[0], phasesin14xymult_cfix, *arg[1::]).sum()
return chisq
[docs]def devfunc(*arg, **kw):
"""Generic function to give the weighted residuals on a function or functions:
(fitparams, function, arg1, arg2, ... , depvar, weights)
(fitparams, function, arg1, arg2, ... , depvar, weights, kw)
(allparams, (args1, args2, ..), npars=(npar1, npar2, ...))
where allparams is an array concatenation of each functions
input parameters.
If the last argument is of type dict, it is assumed to be a set
of keyword arguments: this will be added to resfunc's direct
keyword arguments, and will then be passed to the fitting
function **kw. This is necessary for use with various fitting
and sampling routines (e.g., kapteyn.kmpfit and emcee.sampler)
which do not allow keyword arguments to be explicitly passed.
So, we cheat! Note that any keyword arguments passed in this
way will overwrite keywords of the same names passed in the
standard, Pythonic, way.
jointpars -- list of 2-tuples.
For use with multi-function calling (w/npars
keyword). Setting jointpars=[(0,10), (0,20)] will
always set params[10]=params[0] and
gaussprior -- list of 2-tuples (or None values), same length as "fitparams."
The i^th tuple (x_i, s_i) imposes a Gaussian prior
on the i^th parameter p_i by adding ((p_i -
x_i)/s_i)^2 to the total chi-squared. Here in
:func:`devfunc`, we _scale_ the error-weighted
deviates such that the resulting chi-squared will
increase by the desired amount.
uniformprior -- list of 2-tuples (or 'None's), same length as "fitparams."
The i^th tuple (lo_i, hi_i) imposes a uniform prior
on the i^th parameter p_i by requiring that it lie
within the specified "high" and "low" limits. We
do this (imprecisely) by multiplying the resulting
deviates by 1e9 for each parameter outside its
ngaussprior -- list of 3-tuples of Numpy arrays.
Each tuple (j_ind, mu, cov) imposes a multinormal
Gaussian prior on the parameters indexed by
'j_ind', with mean values specified by 'mu' and
covariance matrix 'cov.' This is the N-dimensional
generalization of the 'gaussprior' option described
above. Here in :func:`devfunc`, we _scale_ the
error-weighted deviates such that the resulting
chi-squared will increase by the desired amount.
For example, if parameters 0 and 3 are to be
jointly constrained (w/unity means), set:
jparams = np.array([0, 3])
mu = np.array([1, 1])
cov = np.array([[1, .9], [9., 1]])
ngaussprior=[[jparams, mu, cov]] # Double brackets are key!
from numpy import *
import phasecurves
def sinfunc(period, x): return sin(2*pi*x/period)
snr = 10
x = arange(30.)
y = sinfunc(9.5, x) + randn(len(x))/snr
guess = 8.
period = optimize.fmin(phasecurves.errfunc,guess,args=(sinfunc,x, y, ones(x.shape)*snr**2))
# 2009-12-15 13:39 IJC: Created
# 2010-11-23 16:25 IJMC: Added 'testfinite' flag keyword
# 2011-06-06 10:52 IJMC: Added 'useindepvar' flag keyword
# 2011-06-24 15:03 IJMC: Added multi-function (npars) and
# jointpars support.
# 2011-06-27 14:34 IJMC: Flag-catching for multifunc calling
# 2012-03-23 18:32 IJMC: testfinite and useindepvar are now FALSE
# by default.
# 2012-05-01 01:04 IJMC: Adding surreptious keywords, and GAUSSIAN
# PRIOR capability.
# 2012-05-08 16:31 IJMC: Added NGAUSSIAN option.
# 2012-10-16 09:07 IJMC: Added 'uniformprior' option.
# 2013-02-26 11:19 IJMC: Reworked return & concatenation in 'npars' cases.
# 2013-03-08 12:54 IJMC: Added check for chisq=0 in penalty-factor cases.
# 2013-10-12 23:47 IJMC: Added 'jointpars1' keyword option.
import pdb
params = np.array(arg[0], copy=False)
if isinstance(arg[-1], dict):
# Surreptiously setting keyword arguments:
kw2 = arg[-1]
arg = arg[0:-1]
if len(arg)==2:
residuals = devfunc(params, *arg[1], **kw)
if kw.has_key('testfinite'):
testfinite = kw['testfinite']
testfinite = False
if not kw.has_key('useindepvar'):
kw['useindepvar'] = False
# Keep fixed pairs of joint parameters:
if kw.has_key('jointpars1'):
jointpars1 = kw['jointpars1']
for jointpar1 in jointpars1:
params[jointpar1[1]] = params[jointpar1[0]]
if kw.has_key('gaussprior') and kw['gaussprior'] is not None:
# If any priors are None, redefine them:
temp_gaussprior = kw['gaussprior']
gaussprior = []
for pair in temp_gaussprior:
if pair is None:
gaussprior.append([0, np.inf])
gaussprior = None
if kw.has_key('uniformprior'):
# If any priors are None, redefine them:
temp_uniformprior = kw['uniformprior']
uniformprior = []
for pair in temp_uniformprior:
if pair is None:
uniformprior.append([-np.inf, np.inf])
uniformprior = None
if kw.has_key('ngaussprior') and kw['ngaussprior'] is not None:
# If any priors are None, redefine them:
temp_ngaussprior = kw['ngaussprior']
ngaussprior = []
for triplet in temp_ngaussprior:
if triplet is not None and len(triplet)==3:
ngaussprior = None
#print "len(arg)>>", len(arg),
if kw.has_key('npars'):
npars = kw['npars']
residuals = np.array([])
# Excise "npars" kw for recursive calling:
lower_kw = kw.copy()
junk = lower_kw.pop('npars')
# Keep fixed pairs of joint parameters:
if kw.has_key('jointpars'):
jointpars = kw['jointpars']
for jointpar in jointpars:
params[jointpar[1]] = params[jointpar[0]]
for ii in range(len(npars)):
i0 = sum(npars[0:ii])
i1 = i0 + npars[ii]
these_params = arg[0][i0:i1]
#ret.append(devfunc(these_params, *arg[1][ii], **lower_kw))
these_params, lower_kw = subfit_kw(arg[0], kw, i0, i1)
residuals = np.concatenate((residuals, devfunc(these_params, *arg[ii+1], **lower_kw).ravel()))
return residuals
else: # Single function-fitting
depvar = arg[-2]
weights = arg[-1]
if not kw['useindepvar']:
functions = arg[1]
helperargs = arg[2:len(arg)-2]
functions = arg[1]
helperargs = arg[2:len(arg)-3]
indepvar = arg[-3]
if testfinite:
finiteind = isfinite(indepvar) * isfinite(depvar) * isfinite(weights)
indepvar = indepvar[finiteind]
depvar = depvar[finiteind]
weights = weights[finiteind]
if not kw['useindepvar'] or arg[1].__name__=='multifunc' or arg[1].__name__=='sumfunc':
model = functions(*((params,)+helperargs))
else: # (i.e., if useindepvar is True!)
model = functions(*((params,)+helperargs + (indepvar,)))
# Compute the weighted residuals:
residuals = np.sqrt(weights)*(model-depvar)
# Compute 1D and N-D gaussian, and uniform, prior penalties:
additionalChisq = 0.
if gaussprior is not None:
additionalChisq += np.sum([((param0 - gprior[0])/gprior[1])**2 for \
param0, gprior in zip(params, gaussprior)])
if ngaussprior is not None:
for ind, mu, cov in ngaussprior:
dvec = params[ind] - mu
additionalChisq += \
np.dot(dvec.transpose(), np.dot(np.linalg.inv(cov), dvec))
if uniformprior is not None:
for param0, uprior in zip(params, uniformprior):
if (param0 < uprior[0]) or (param0 > uprior[1]):
residuals *= 1e9
# Scale up the residuals so as to impose priors in chi-squared
# space:
if additionalChisq<>0:
thisChisq = np.sum(weights * (model - depvar)**2)
scaleFactor = 1. + additionalChisq / thisChisq
residuals *= np.sqrt(scaleFactor)
return residuals
[docs]def errfunc(*arg, **kw):
""" Generic function to give the chi-squared error on a generic
function or functions:
(fitparams, function, arg1, arg2, ... , depvar, weights)
(fitparams, function, arg1, arg2, ... , depvar, weights, kw)
(allparams, (args1, args2, ..), npars=(npar1, npar2, ...))
where allparams is an array concatenation of each functions
input parameters.
If the last argument is of type dict, it is assumed to be a set
of keyword arguments: this will be added to errfunc2's direct
keyword arguments, and will then be passed to the fitting
function **kw. This is necessary for use with various fitting
and sampling routines (e.g., kapteyn.kmpfit and emcee.sampler)
which do not allow keyword arguments to be explicitly passed.
So, we cheat! Note that any keyword arguments passed in this
way will overwrite keywords of the same names passed in the
standard, Pythonic, way.
jointpars -- list of 2-tuples.
For use with multi-function calling (w/npars
keyword). Setting jointpars=[(0,10), (0,20)] will
always set params[10]=params[0] and
gaussprior -- list of 2-tuples (or None values), same length as "fitparams."
The i^th tuple (x_i, s_i) imposes a Gaussian prior
on the i^th parameter p_i by adding ((p_i -
x_i)/s_i)^2 to the total chi-squared. Here in
:func:`devfunc`, we _scale_ the error-weighted
deviates such that the resulting chi-squared will
increase by the desired amount.
uniformprior -- list of 2-tuples (or 'None's), same length as "fitparams."
The i^th tuple (lo_i, hi_i) imposes a uniform prior
on the i^th parameter p_i by requiring that it lie
within the specified "high" and "low" limits. We
do this (imprecisely) by multiplying the resulting
deviates by 1e9 for each parameter outside its
ngaussprior -- list of 3-tuples of Numpy arrays.
Each tuple (j_ind, mu, cov) imposes a multinormal
Gaussian prior on the parameters indexed by
'j_ind', with mean values specified by 'mu' and
covariance matrix 'cov.' This is the N-dimensional
generalization of the 'gaussprior' option described
above. Here in :func:`devfunc`, we _scale_ the
error-weighted deviates such that the resulting
chi-squared will increase by the desired amount.
For example, if parameters 0 and 3 are to be
jointly constrained (w/unity means), set:
jparams = np.array([0, 3])
mu = np.array([1, 1])
cov = np.array([[1, .9], [9., 1]])
ngaussprior=[[jparams, mu, cov]] # Double brackets are key!
scaleErrors -- bool
If True, fit for the measurement uncertainties.
In this case, the first element of 'fitparams'
("s") is used to rescale the measurement
uncertainties. Thus weights --> weights/s^2, and
chi^2 --> 2 N log(s) + chi^2/s^2 (for N data points).
from numpy import *
import phasecurves
def sinfunc(period, x): return sin(2*pi*x/period)
snr = 10
x = arange(30.)
y = sinfunc(9.5, x) + randn(len(x))/snr
guess = 8.
period = optimize.fmin(phasecurves.errfunc,guess,args=(sinfunc,x, y, ones(x.shape)*snr**2))
# 2009-12-15 13:39 IJC: Created
# 2010-11-23 16:25 IJMC: Added 'testfinite' flag keyword
# 2011-06-06 10:52 IJMC: Added 'useindepvar' flag keyword
# 2011-06-24 15:03 IJMC: Added multi-function (npars) and
# jointpars support.
# 2011-06-27 14:34 IJMC: Flag-catching for multifunc calling
# 2012-03-23 18:32 IJMC: testfinite and useindepvar are now FALSE
# by default.
# 2012-05-01 01:04 IJMC: Adding surreptious keywords, and GAUSSIAN
# PRIOR capability.
# 2012-05-08 16:31 IJMC: Added NGAUSSIAN option.
# 2012-10-16 09:07 IJMC: Added 'uniformprior' option.
# 2013-02-26 11:19 IJMC: Reworked return & concatenation in 'npars' cases.
# 2013-03-08 12:54 IJMC: Added check for chisq=0 in penalty-factor cases.
# 2013-04-30 15:33 IJMC: Added C-based chi-squared calculator;
# made this function separate from devfunc.
# 2013-07-23 18:32 IJMC: Now 'ravel' arguments for C-based function.
# 2013-10-12 23:47 IJMC: Added 'jointpars1' keyword option.
# 2014-05-02 11:45 IJMC: Added 'scaleErrors' keyword option..
import pdb
params = np.array(arg[0], copy=False)
#if 'wrapped_joint_params' in kw:
# params = unwrap_joint_params(params, kw['wrapped_joint_params'])
if isinstance(arg[-1], dict):
# Surreptiously setting keyword arguments:
kw2 = arg[-1]
arg = arg[0:-1]
if len(arg)==2:
chisq = errfunc(params, *arg[1], **kw)
testfinite = ('testfinite' in kw) and kw['testfinite']
if not kw.has_key('useindepvar'):
kw['useindepvar'] = False
# Keep fixed pairs of joint parameters:
if kw.has_key('jointpars1'):
jointpars1 = kw['jointpars1']
for jointpar1 in jointpars1:
params[jointpar1[1]] = params[jointpar1[0]]
if kw.has_key('gaussprior') and kw['gaussprior'] is not None:
# If any priors are None, redefine them:
temp_gaussprior = kw['gaussprior']
gaussprior = []
for pair in temp_gaussprior:
if pair is None:
gaussprior.append([0, np.inf])
gaussprior = None
if kw.has_key('uniformprior'):
# If any priors are None, redefine them:
temp_uniformprior = kw['uniformprior']
uniformprior = []
for pair in temp_uniformprior:
if pair is None:
uniformprior.append([-np.inf, np.inf])
uniformprior = None
if kw.has_key('ngaussprior') and kw['ngaussprior'] is not None:
# If any priors are None, redefine them:
temp_ngaussprior = kw['ngaussprior']
ngaussprior = []
for triplet in temp_ngaussprior:
if len(triplet)==3:
ngaussprior = None
#print "len(arg)>>", len(arg),
if kw.has_key('npars'):
npars = kw['npars']
chisq = 0.0
# Excise "npars" kw for recursive calling:
lower_kw = kw.copy()
junk = lower_kw.pop('npars')
# Keep fixed pairs of joint parameters:
if kw.has_key('jointpars'):
jointpars = kw['jointpars']
for jointpar in jointpars:
params[jointpar[1]] = params[jointpar[0]]
for ii in range(len(npars)):
i0 = sum(npars[0:ii])
i1 = i0 + npars[ii]
these_params = arg[0][i0:i1]
#ret.append(devfunc(these_params, *arg[1][ii], **lower_kw))
these_params, lower_kw = subfit_kw(arg[0], kw, i0, i1)
#if 'wrapped_joint_params' in lower_kw:
# junk = lower_kw.pop('wrapped_joint_params')
chisq += errfunc(these_params, *arg[ii+1], **lower_kw)
return chisq
else: # Single function-fitting
depvar = arg[-2]
weights = arg[-1]
if not kw['useindepvar']: # Standard case:
functions = arg[1]
helperargs = arg[2:len(arg)-2]
else: # Obsolete, deprecated case:
functions = arg[1]
helperargs = arg[2:len(arg)-3]
indepvar = arg[-3]
if testfinite:
finiteind = isfinite(indepvar) * isfinite(depvar) * isfinite(weights)
indepvar = indepvar[finiteind]
depvar = depvar[finiteind]
weights = weights[finiteind]
if 'scaleErrors' in kw and kw['scaleErrors']==True:
if not kw['useindepvar'] or arg[1].__name__=='multifunc' or \
model = functions(*((params[1:],)+helperargs))
else: # i.e., if useindepvar is True -- old, deprecated usage:
model = functions(*((params[1:],)+helperargs + (indepvar,)))
# Compute the weighted residuals:
if c_chisq:
chisq = _chi2.chi2(model.ravel(), depvar.ravel(), \
chisq = (weights*((model-depvar)/params[0])**2).sum()
chisq = chisq/params[0]**2 + 2*depvar.size*np.log(params[0])
if not kw['useindepvar'] or arg[1].__name__=='multifunc' or \
model = functions(*((params,)+helperargs))
else: # i.e., if useindepvar is True -- old, deprecated usage:
model = functions(*((params,)+helperargs + (indepvar,)))
# Compute the weighted residuals:
if c_chisq:
chisq = _chi2.chi2(model.ravel(), depvar.ravel(), \
chisq = (weights*(model-depvar)**2).sum()
# Compute 1D and N-D gaussian, and uniform, prior penalties:
additionalChisq = 0.
if gaussprior is not None:
additionalChisq += np.sum([((param0 - gprior[0])/gprior[1])**2 for \
param0, gprior in zip(params, gaussprior)])
if ngaussprior is not None:
for ind, mu, cov in ngaussprior:
dvec = params[ind] - mu
additionalChisq += \
np.dot(dvec.transpose(), np.dot(np.linalg.inv(cov), dvec))
if uniformprior is not None:
for param0, uprior in zip(params, uniformprior):
if (param0 < uprior[0]) or (param0 > uprior[1]):
chisq *= 1e9
# Scale up the residuals so as to impose priors in chi-squared
# space:
chisq += additionalChisq
return chisq
[docs]def resfunc(*arg, **kw):
"""Generic function to give the error-weighted deviates on a function or functions:
(fitparams, function, arg1, arg2, ... depvar, errs)
(allparams, (args1, args2, ..), npars=(npar1, npar2, ...))
where allparams is an array concatenation of each functions
input parameters.
jointpars -- list of 2-tuples.
For use with multi-function calling (w/npars
keyword). Setting jointpars=[(0,10), (0,20)] will
always set params[10]=params[0] and
# 2011-11-10 09:09 IJMC: Created by copying resfunc
# 2012-04-28 05:01 IJMC: Simplified -- now just call resfunc.
if len(arg)==2:
ret = devfunc(arg[0], *arg[1])
ret = devfunc(*arg, **kw)
return ret**2
[docs]def domodfit(profile, fdatc, wmat, xmat):
"""Helper function for fitsin
Generates takes a matrix of variables and adds (1) a phase profile
to the first row and (2) a flux conservation constraint to the
last column.
# 2010-03-04 14:31 IJC: Created.
# 2010-03-15 16:42 IJC: Added coefficient-covariance matrix calculation
xmat = array(xmat,copy=True)
if (profile==0).all():
xmatc = xmat.copy()
# Add constraint of flux conservation.
xmatc = hstack((xmat, array([0,1,0]*14+[0]).reshape(43,1)))
xmat = vstack((profile, xmat))
# Add constraint of flux conservation.
xmatc = hstack((xmat, array([0]+[0,1,0]*14+[0]).reshape(44,1)))
xmatc = xmatc.transpose()
xtw = dot(xmatc.transpose(), wmat)
coef = dot(linalg.inv(dot(xtw,xmatc)),dot(xtw,fdatc))
ccov = linalg.inv(dot(xtw,xmatc))
return coef, xmat.transpose(), ccov
[docs]def fitsin(pdat0,fdat0, efdat0, i2, xmat, phi=30, bsind=None):
"""Decorrelate data with 14 XYs, 14 offsets, and a sinusoid model.
phase data (14xN)
flux data (14xN)
error on flux data (14xN)
boolean time index array (14)
matrix generated for testing
phi -- either phi values to test, or number of evenly space phi
values to test.
bsind -- (N). bootstrap indices. Indices, 0-N inclusive and with
repetitions allowed.
# 2010-03-04 14:31 IJC: Created
if (not hasattr(phi,'__iter__')):
phi = linspace(0,pi,phi)
if bsind==None:
bsind = arange(i2.sum())
nsets,nper = pdat0.shape
ind3 = (bsind+i2.sum()*arange(nsets).reshape(nsets,1)).ravel().astype(int)
nphi = len(phi)
i3 = tile(i2,(14,1)).ravel()
sinchi = 1e6+zeros(nphi,float)
bestmod = 0; bestcoef=0; bestphi = -1
thisfdatc = concatenate((fdat0[:,i2].ravel(), [0]))
thisefdatc = concatenate((efdat0[:,i2].ravel(), [0.000001]))
thiswmatc = diag(1./thisefdatc**2)
# Use least-squares to test each phase offset:
for ii in range(nphi):
profile = -cos(2*pi*pdat0.ravel()-phi[ii])
thiscoef, thisxmat, thisccov = domodfit(profile[i3], thisfdatc, thiswmatc, xmat[:,i3])
thismodel = dot(thisxmat, thiscoef)
#thismodAll = thismodel.reshape(nsets,i2.sum())
residualErr = (thismodel-fdat0[:,i2].ravel())/efdat0[:,i2].ravel()
sinchi[ii] = sum((residualErr[ind3])**2)
if sinchi[ii]==min(sinchi):
bestmod = thismodel
bestcoef = thiscoef
bestphi = phi[ii]
return bestphi, bestcoef, min(sinchi), thismodel
[docs]def fithelper(param, func, pdat0, fdat0, efdat0, fdatc, wmatc, xmat, i2, i3, bsind=None, nsigma=5, retall=False):
"""Helper funtion for fitcurve -- XXX
Param -- either [phi_0] or [phi_0, inclination]
# 2010-03-29 20:50 IJC:
if bsind==None:
bsind = arange(i2.sum())
#print "bsind>>", bsind
nsets,nper = pdat0.shape
#print "nsets,nper>>", nsets, nper
# Select which time indices to use (same from all dither positions)
#print bsind.min(), bsind.max(), i2.sum(), nsets, nper
ind3 = (bsind+i2.sum()*arange(nsets).reshape(nsets,1)).ravel().astype(int)
if not hasattr(param,'__iter__') or len(param)==1:
phi = param
nfit = 1
elif len(param)>1:
phi, inc = param[0:2]
nfit = 2
if nfit==1:
profile = func((2*pi*pdat0.ravel()-phi) % (2*pi))
profile = func((2*pi*pdat0.ravel()-phi) % (2*pi), inc=inc)
thiscoef, thisxmat, thisccov = domodfit(profile[i3], fdatc, wmatc, xmat)
#plot(2*pi*pdat0.ravel()-phi[ii], profile, '.')
thismodel = dot(thisxmat, thiscoef)
#thismodAll = thismodel.reshape(nsets,i2.sum())
residualErr = (thismodel-fdat0[:,i2].ravel())/efdat0[:,i2].ravel()
keepIndex = abs(residualErr[ind3])<nsigma
chi = sum((residualErr[ind3][keepIndex])**2)
if retall:
ret = chi, profile, thismodel, thiscoef
ret = chi
return ret
[docs]def fitcurve(pdat0,fdat0, efdat0, i2, xmat, phi=30, bsind=None, func=cos, retall=False, args=None, nsigma=Inf):
"""Decorrelate data with 14 XYs, 14 offsets, and a curve model of
arbitrary amplitude.
phase data (14xN)
flux data (14xN)
error on flux data (14xN)
boolean time index array (14)
matrix generated for testing
phi -- phi values to test
bsind -- (N). bootstrap indices. Indices, 0-N inclusive and with
repetitions allowed.
func -- phase function, returning amplitude for an input phase
value in radians.
# 2010-03-04 14:31 IJC: Created
# 2010-03-30 09:20 IJC: Now accepts single-valued phi input as a starting point to guessing!
from scipy import optimize
if bsind==None:
bsind = arange(i2.sum())
listofphi = hasattr(phi,'__iter__')
nsets,nper = pdat0.shape
# Select which time indices to use (same from all dither positions)
ind3 = (bsind+i2.sum()*arange(nsets).reshape(nsets,1)).ravel().astype(int)
if listofphi:
nphi = len(phi)
sinchi = 1e6+zeros(nphi,float)
i3 = tile(i2,(14,1)).ravel()
bestmod = 0; bestcoef=0; bestccov = 0; bestphi = -1; bestprofile = 0
thisfdatc = concatenate((fdat0[:,i2].ravel(), [0]))
thisefdatc = concatenate((efdat0[:,i2].ravel(), [0.000001]))
thiswmatc = diag(1./thisefdatc**2)
if listofphi:
# Use least-squares to test each phase offset:
for ii in range(nphi):
if args.__class__==dict and args.has_key('inc'):
param = [phi[ii], args['inc']]
param = [phi[ii]]
sinchi[ii], profile, thismodel, thiscoef = fithelper(param, func, pdat0, fdat0, efdat0, thisfdatc, thiswmatc, xmat[:,i3], i2, i3, nsigma=nsigma,bsind=bsind, retall=True)
if sinchi[ii]==min(sinchi):
bestprofile = profile
bestmod = thismodel
bestcoef = thiscoef
bestphi = phi[ii]
if retall:
ret = bestphi, bestcoef, min(sinchi), sinchi, bestmod, bestprofile*bestcoef[0]+bestcoef[1],xmat
ret = bestphi, bestcoef, min(sinchi)
else: # just a single phi value passed in -- it's a guess!
if args.__class__==dict and args.has_key('inc'):
guess = [phi, args['inc']]
guess = [phi]
# Perform the optimization over phi_0 (and inc, if specified)
thisfit = optimize.fmin(fithelper, guess, args=(func, pdat0, fdat0, efdat0, thisfdatc, thiswmatc, xmat[:,i3], i2, i3,bsind, nsigma, False),retall=True, disp=False)
# Get the least-squares coefficients and best-fit model parameters.
thischi, profile, thismodel, thiscoef = fithelper(thisfit[0], func, pdat0, fdat0, efdat0, thisfdatc, thiswmatc, xmat[:,i3], i2, i3,bsind=bsind, nsigma=nsigma, retall=True)
if retall:
ret = thisfit[0], thiscoef, thischi, [thischi], thismodel, profile*thiscoef[0]+thiscoef[1],xmat
ret = thisfit[0], thiscoef, thischi
return ret
[docs]def makexmat(xpos, ypos, constraint=True):
"""Generate matrix for least-squares MIPS photometric detrending.
Generate the LSq dependent-variable matrix. The rows are:
0--constant pedestal, (ii*3+1)--dither position-dependent pedestal
offset, (ii*3+2)--dither position-dependent x-position
correlation, (ii*3+3)--dither position-dependent y-position
xmat = makexmat()
cleanedphot = dot(coef, xmat)
# 2010-04-01 17:38 IJC: Created
if xpos.shape != ypos.shape:
print "positional offset arrays must be of the same size!"
return -1
ndat = xpos.size
nsets, nper = xpos.shape
xmat = ones((ndat),float)
for ii in range(nsets):
thisIvec = zeros(ndat,float)
thisIvec[nper*ii:(nper*(ii+1))] = 1.
thisXvec = zeros(ndat,float)
thisXvec[nper*ii:(nper*(ii+1))] = xpos[ii]-xpos[ii].mean()
thisYvec = zeros(ndat,float)
thisYvec[nper*ii:(nper*(ii+1))] = ypos[ii]-ypos[ii].mean()
xmat = vstack((xmat, thisIvec,thisXvec,thisYvec))
if constraint:
xmat = hstack((xmat, array([0,1,0]*14+[0]).reshape(43,1)))
return xmat
[docs]def mcmc14xy(z, t, x, y, sigma, params, stepsize, numit,nstep=1,sumtol=1e20, xyord=1, prodtol=1e-6, fixc0=False):
Applies Markov Chain Monte Carlo model fitting using the
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
z : 1D array
Contains dependent data
t,x,y : 1D array
Contains independent data: phase, x- and y-positions
sigma : 1D array
Standard deviation of dependent (y) data
params : 1D array
Initial guesses for parameters
stepsize : 1D array
Array of 1-sigma change in parameter per iteration
numit : int
Number of iterations to perform
nstep : int
Saves every "nth" step of the chain
sumtol : float
Tolerance error, used as: abs(params[3:17].sum()/sumtol)**2
xyord : int
"xyord" determines the linear order of the polynomial in x and y.
allparams : 2D array
Contains all parameters at each step
bestp : 1D array
Contains best paramters as determined by lowest Chi^2
numaccept: int
Number of accepted steps
chisq: 1D array
Chi-squared value at each step
Numerical Recipes, 3rd Edition (Section 15.8); Wikipedia
2008-05-02 Kevin Stevenson, UCF
Started converting MCMC from IDL to Python while making upgrades
2008-06-21 Kevin Stevenson
Finished updating, current stable version
2008-11-17 Kevin Stevenson
Updated docstring
Simplified routine for AST3110 project and AST5765 class demo
2010-06-12 14:21 IJC: Modified for phasecurve test
2010-06-30 11:43 IJC: Added nstep option
2010-07-01 16:47 IJC: Added sum constraint for parameters 3-17.
2010-07-14 11:26 IJC: Added product constraints for parameters 3-17
import numpy as np
#Initial setup
numaccept = 0
nout = numit/nstep
bestp = np.copy(params)
allparams = np.zeros((len(params), nout))
allchi = np.zeros(nout,float)
#Calc chi-squared for model type using current params
if fixc0:
zmodel = phasesin14xymult_cfix(params, xyord, 0, t, x, y)
zmodel = phasesin14xymult(params, xyord, 0, t, x, y)
#print zmodel.shape, z.shape, sigma.shape
sum_offsetlevel = params[3:17].sum()
prod_offsetlevel = (1.+params[3:17]).prod() -1.
currchisq = (((zmodel - z)/sigma)**2).ravel().sum()
currchisq += (sum_offsetlevel/sumtol)**2 + (prod_offsetlevel/prodtol)**2
bestchisq = currchisq
#Run Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo algorithm 'numit' times
for j in range(numit):
#Take step in random direction for adjustable parameters
nextp = np.random.normal(params,stepsize)
if fixc0:
zmodel = phasesin14xymult_cfix(nextp, xyord, 0, t, x, y)
zmodel = phasesin14xymult(nextp, xyord, 0, t, x, y)
#ACCOUNT FOR individual pedestal offset levels:
sum_offsetlevel = nextp[3:17].sum()
prod_offsetlevel = (1.+nextp[3:17]).prod() -1.
nextchisq = (((zmodel - z)/sigma)**2).ravel().sum()
nextchisq += (sum_offsetlevel/sumtol)**2 + (prod_offsetlevel/prodtol)**2
accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq))
if (accept >= 1) or (np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= accept):
#Accept step
numaccept += 1
params = np.copy(nextp)
currchisq = nextchisq
if (currchisq < bestchisq):
#New best fit
bestp = np.copy(params)
bestchisq = currchisq
if (j%nstep)==0:
allparams[:, j/nstep] = params
allchi[j/nstep] = currchisq
return allparams, bestp, numaccept, allchi
[docs]def singleexp(params, t):
"""Model a simple, single-exponential function.
params: 2- or 3-sequence, defining the function as shown below.
t: sequence. Input time (presumed: since start of observations)
Functional form:
if len(params)==2:
F'/F = 1 - p0*exp(-t/p1)
elif len(params)>2:
F'/F = p2 * (1 - p0*exp(-t/p1))
# 2011-05-18 20:58 IJMC: Created
# 2011-06-03 11:49 IJMC: Normalized to unity.
if len(params)==2:
return 1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[1])
return params[2] * (1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[1]) )
[docs]def singleexp14(params, t):
"""Model a simple, single-exponential function.
params: 16- or 17-sequence, defining the function as shown below.
t: sequence. Input time (presumed: since start of observations)
Functional form:
if len(params)==2:
F'/F = 1 - p0*exp(-t/p1)
elif len(params)>2:
F'/F = p2 * (1 - p0*exp(-t/p1))
... with fourteen additional sensitivity parameters.
# 2011-10-31 15:51 IJMC: Created from singleexp
t = array(t, copy=False)
tsh = t.shape
if len(tsh)==1:
t_is_1d = True
t_is_1d = False
if len(params)==2:
ret = 1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[1])
ret = params[2] * (1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[1]) )
if t_is_1d:
return (ret.reshape(14, tsh[0]/14) * (1 + params[-14::]).reshape(14,1)).ravel()
return ret * (1 + params[-14::]).reshape(14,1)
[docs]def doubleexp(params, t):
""" Model Agol et al. 2010's double-exponential IRAC ramp
params - 4- or 5-sequence, defining the function as shown below.
t - sequence. Input time (presumed: since start of observations)
Functional form:
if len(params)==4:
F'/F = 1 - p0*exp(-t/p2) - p1*exp(-t/p3)
elif len(params)>4:
F'/F = p4 * (1 - p0*exp(-t/p2) - p1*exp(-t/p3))
# 2011-05-18 20:58 IJMC: Created
if len(params)==4:
return 1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[2]) - \
params[1] * exp(-t/params[3])
return params[4] * (1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[2]) - \
params[1] * exp(-t/params[3]))
[docs]def doubleexp2(params, t):
""" Model a different double-exponential ramp function.
params : 3- or 4-sequence
Parameters that define the function as shown below.
t : sequence.
Input time (presumed: since start of observations)
if len(params)==3:
F'/F = (1 - p0*exp(-t/p1)) * exp(-t/p2)
elif len(params)>3:
F'/F = (1 - p0*exp(-t/p1)) * exp(-t/p2) * p3
# 2011-10-27 15:50 IJMC: Created
if len(params)==3:
return (1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[1])) * exp(-t/params[2])
return (1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[1])) * exp(-t/params[2]) * params[3]
[docs]def doubleexp214(params, t):
""" Model a different double-exponential ramp function w/14 positional offsets.
params : sequence of length [(3 or 4) + 14]
Parameters that define the function as shown below.
t : sequence.
Input time (presumed: since start of observations). If not of
shape (14 x N), will be reshaped to that.
if len(params)==3:
F = (1 - p0*exp(-t/p1)) * exp(-t/p2)
elif len(params)>3:
F = (1 - p0*exp(-t/p1)) * exp(-t/p2) * p3
return (F * (1 + p[3/4::]).reshape(14,1) )
# 2011-10-27 15:50 IJMC: Created
from numpy import array
t = array(t, copy=False)
tsh = t.shape
if len(tsh)==1:
t_is_1d = True
t_is_1d = False
if len(params)==17:
ret = (1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[1])) * exp(-t/params[2])
elif len(params)==18:
ret = (1. - params[0] * exp(-t/params[1])) * exp(-t/params[2]) * params[3]
if t_is_1d:
return (ret.reshape(14, tsh[0]/14) * (1 + params[-14::]).reshape(14,1)).ravel()
return ret * (1 + params[-14::]).reshape(14,1)
[docs]def sin2_errs(params, eparams, nphi=1e4, ntrials=1e4):
"""Estimate the uncertainties from a double-sinusoid fit.
p[0] - p[1]*cos(phi + p[2]) + p[3]*cos(2*phi + p[4])
params : 5-sequence
parameters for the function, as defined immediately above.
eparams : 5-sequence
1-sigma uncertainties on parameters
ntrials : float
number of Monte Carlo trials to run
nphi : float
number of points in phase curve (0-1, inclusive)
(visibilities, peak_offset (rad), trough_offset (rad), true_vals)
# 2011-10-17 14:48 IJMC: Created
phi = np.linspace(0,1, nphi)[:-2]
vis = np.zeros(ntrials, float)
ploc = np.zeros(ntrials, float)
tloc = np.zeros(ntrials, float)
a,b,c,d,e = params
flux = a - b*np.cos(phi*2*np.pi + c) + d*np.cos(4*phi*np.pi + e)
peak_loc = (2*np.pi*phi[flux==flux.max()].mean())
trough_loc = (2*np.pi*phi[flux==flux.min()].mean())
visibility = (flux.max() - flux.min())/a
for ii in range(ntrials):
a,b,c,d,e = np.random.normal(params, eparams)
flux = a - b*np.cos(phi*2*np.pi + c) + d*np.cos(4*phi*np.pi + e)
ploc[ii] = (2*np.pi*phi[flux==flux.max()].mean())
tloc[ii] = (2*np.pi*phi[flux==flux.min()].mean())
vis[ii] = (flux.max() - flux.min())/a
return vis, ploc, tloc, (visibility ,peak_loc, trough_loc)
[docs]def model_fixed_param(varparam, fixedparam, fixedindex, func, *arg, **kw):
"""Allow modeling with some parameters held constant.
varparam : sequence
Primary parameters (which can be varied).
fixedparam : sequence
Secondary parameters (which should be held fixed.)
fixedindex : sequence of ints
Indices of parameters which should be held fixed, when passed to
func : function
Modeling function. Arguments
Thus if param = [10, 20, 50, 70] and holdfixed = [2], one would
set varparam = [10, 50, 70] and fixedparam = [20].
*arg : tuple
Arguments to be passed to `func`
**kw : dict
Keyword (optional) arguments to be passed to `func`
func(param, *arg, **kw)
# 2012-04-17 16:03 IJMC: Created
#nvar = len(varparam)
#nfix = len(fixedparam)
#nparam = nvar + nfix
#param = np.zeros(nparam, float)
param = list(varparam)
for fparam, findex in zip(fixedparam, fixedindex):
param.insert(findex, fparam)
return func(param, *arg, **kw)
[docs]def rotmod(param, airmass, rotang, phase=None):
"""Model the Bean & Seifert rotation angle effect.
param : 3- or 4-sequence
airmass : NumPy array
rotang : NumPy array
Instrument rotator angle, in radians.
phase : NumPy array, or None
Orbital phase (or time, etc.)
param[0] + param[1] * airmass * np.cos(param[2] + rotang) + \
param[3] * (phase - phase.mean())
# 2012-04-18 10:44 IJMC: Created
a, b, offset = param[0:3]
mod = a + b*airmass * np.cos(offset + rotang)
if phase is not None:
mod += param[3] * (phase - phase.mean())
return mod
[docs]def prolatesize(f, phase):
"""The projected size of a prolate ellipsoidal planet, viewed
edge-on, at a given orbital phase.
f : scalar
Ratio of large and small axes of the ellipsoid
phase : scalar or NumPy array
Orbital phase, in radians. 0 = transit, 1.57 ~ quadrature, etc.
Value by which to scale up the area of a circle (f=1).
Vickers 1996: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0032-5910(95)03049-2
# 2012-05-04 11:19 IJMC: Created.
return np.sqrt(np.cos(phase)**2 + f**2 * np.sin(phase)**2)
if False:
import analysis
import numpy as np
import transit
import phasecurves as pc
import analysis as an
planet = analysis.getobj('WASP-12 b')
npts = 200
hjd = np.linspace(planet.tt - .15, planet.tt + .15, npts)
phase_rad = planet.phase(hjd) * 2*np.pi
k_0 = (planet.r / planet.rstar) * (analysis.rjup / analysis.rsun)
k_eff = k_0 * np.sqrt(pc.prolatesize(1.8, phase_rad))
z = transit.t2z(planet.tt, planet.per, planet.i, hjd, planet.ar)
tlc_sphere = transit.occultuniform(z, k_0)
tlc_sphereLD = transit.occultquad(z, k_0, [.161])
tlc_prolate = np.array([transit.occultuniform(z[ii], k_eff[ii]) for ii in range(npts)]).ravel()
tlc_prolateLD = np.array([transit.occultquad([z[ii]], [k_eff[ii]], [.162]) for ii in range(npts)]).ravel()
#Find the most degenerate scaling (i.e., best-fit to spherical transit):
scales = np.linspace(.95,1.05,10)
ooo=[(np.array([transit.occultuniform(z[ii], scale*k_eff[ii]) for ii in range(npts)]).ravel() - tlc_sphereLD) for scale in scales]
y = [(o**2).sum() for o in ooo]
scalefit = polyfit(scales, y, 2)
bestscale = -scalefit[1]/(2. * scalefit[0])
tlc_prolate = np.array([transit.occultuniform(z[ii], bestscale*k_eff[ii]) for ii in range(npts)]).ravel()
ooo=[(np.array([transit.occultquad([z[ii]], [scale*k_eff[ii]], [.162]) for ii in range(npts)]).ravel() - tlc_sphereLD) for scale in scales]
y = [(o**2).sum() for o in ooo]
scalefit = polyfit(scales, y, 2)
bestscaleLD = -scalefit[1]/(2. * scalefit[0])
tlc_prolateLD = np.array([transit.occultquad([z[ii]], [bestscaleLD*k_eff[ii]], [.162]) for ii in range(npts)]).ravel()
#fvals = [1., 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0]
fvals = np.arange(0.9, 2.1, .1)
fvals = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8]
prolateModels = np.zeros((len(fvals), npts), dtype=float)
for jj, ff in enumerate(fvals):
k_eff = k_0 * np.sqrt(pc.prolatesize(ff, phase_rad))
ooo=[(np.array([transit.occultquad([z[ii]], [scale*k_eff[ii]], [.162]) for ii in range(npts)]).ravel() - tlc_sphereLD) for scale in scales]
y = [(o**2).sum() for o in ooo]
scalefit = polyfit(scales, y, 2)
bestscale_thisLD = -scalefit[1]/(2. * scalefit[0])
prolateModels[jj] = np.array([transit.occultquad([z[ii]], [bestscale_thisLD*k_eff[ii]], [.162]) for ii in range(npts)]).ravel()
snr = 600 # per-point SNR
ntransit = 20
niter = 20
allchisq = []
for ii in range(niter):
onevec = np.ones(npts, dtype=float)
noise = np.random.normal(0., 1., npts) / snr / np.sqrt(ntransit)
evec = np.ones(npts, dtype=float) / snr / np.sqrt(ntransit)
chisq = np.zeros((len(fvals), len(fvals)), dtype=float)
for jj in range(len(fvals)): # iterate over models to fit to
for kk in range(len(fvals)): # iterate over candidate models
thisfit = an.lsq((onevec, prolateModels[kk]), prolateModels[jj])
thismodel = thisfit[0][0] + thisfit[0][1] * prolateModels[kk]
chisq[jj, kk] = (((prolateModels[jj] - thismodel + noise)/evec)**2).sum()
allchisq = np.array(allchisq)
ylabel('$\Delta\chi^2$', fontsize=18)
xlabel('$R_{long}/R_P$', fontsize=18)
for jj in range(len(fvals)):
c,s,l = tools.plotstyle(jj)
dif = (allchisq[:,:,jj] - allchisq[:,:,jj].min(1).reshape(niter,1))
plot(fvals, dif.mean(0), 'o-'+c, label='%1.1f' % (fvals[jj]))
plot(fvals, dif.mean(0) + dif.std(0), '.--'+c)
plot(fvals, dif.mean(0) - dif.std(0), '.--'+c)
plot(xlim(), [9.21]*2, ':k', linewidth=3)
title('%i Transits Observed' % ntransit, fontsize=20)
noiselevel = 0.002
ntrials = 100
jj = 4
bestFitRatio = np.zeros(ntrials, dtype=float)
for ii in range(ntrials):
observation = prolateModels[jj] + np.random.normal(0, noiselevel, npts)
thesechisq = np.zeros(len(fvals), dtype=float)
for kk in range(len(fvals)): # iterate over candidate models
thisfit = an.lsq((onevec, prolateModels[kk]), observation)
thismodel = thisfit[0][0] + thisfit[0][1] * prolateModels[kk]
thesechisq[kk] = (((prolateModels[jj] - thismodel)/noiselevel)**2).sum()
#thisfit = np.polyfit(fvals, thesechisq, 2)
bestFitRatio[ii] = fvals[thesechisq==thesechisq.min()][0]
# f, depth, scale, LLD
def modelprolate(params, LLD=.16):
f, depth, scale = params[0:3]
k_eff = np.sqrt(depth * pc.prolatesize(f, phase_rad))
return scale * np.array([transit.occultquad([zz], [kk], [LLD]) for zz, kk in zip(z, k_eff)])
pc.errfunc([1.2, .0126, 1.], modelprolate, observation, np.ones(npts)/noiselevel**2)
guess = [1.1, .0127, 1.]
fitargs = (modelprolate, observation, np.ones(npts)/noiselevel**2)
ndim = len(guess)
nwalkers = 20 * ndim
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, pc.lnprobfunc, args=fitargs, threads=4)
p0 = np.random.normal(guess, np.abs(guess)/100., (nwalkers*5, len(guess)))
badp0 = ((p0[:,0] < 1) + (p0[:,1] < 0))
p0 = p0[np.nonzero(True-badp0)[0][0:nwalkers]]
#chisq = [pc.errfunc(par0, *fitargs) for par0 in p0]
#models = [fitargs[0](par0, *fitargs[1:-2]) for par0 in p0]
pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 1) # Burn-in
[docs]def prepEclipseMap(nslice, npix0, k, b, z=None):
"""Set up variables necessary for (DISCRETE!) eclipse-mapping.
nslice : int
Number of slices in model
npix : int
Number of pixels across the digitized planet face.
k : scalar
Planet/star radius ratio.
b : scalar
Transit impact parameter [always < (1+k) ]
z : 1D Numpy array
Transit crossing parameter (i.e., separation between geometric
planet and stellar centers) at epochs of interest.
slicemasks : Numpy array
[N x M x M] boolean array, one for each map cell.
timemasks : Numpy array
[N x T] boolean array. Equals true for the data indices which
contribute to the corresponding slice mask.
cumulative_ingress_masks, cumulative_egress_masks : 3D Numpy arrays
[nslice x M x M] boolean maps of planet occultation at various
stages, from :func:`prepEclipseMap`
ingress_zmasks, egress_zmasks : 2D Numpy arrays
[nslice x N] boolean maps of which slices correspond to which
z-indices, from :func:`prepEclipseMap`
# 2012-07-29 22:45 IJMC: Created
#npix0 = 200
#nslice = 10
#planet = an.getobj('WASP-12 b')
#k = (planet.r / planet.rstar) * (an.rjup / an.rsun)
#nobs = 200
#bjd = np.linspace(-planet.t14/1.8, planet.t14/1.8, nobs) + planet.tt
#z = transit.t2z(planet.tt, planet.per, planet.i, bjd, planet.ar)
import pdb
from pylab import *
# Define some useful constants. Note that we define everything in
# terms of planetary radii.
ik = 1./k
bik = b * ik
x0 = np.linspace(-1, 1, npix0)
pmask = np.abs(x0 + 1j*x0.reshape(npix0, 1)) <= 1
# Define z-points of contact points.
dx_contact1 = np.sqrt((1 + ik)**2 - (bik)**2)
dx_contact2 = np.sqrt((1 - ik)**2 - (bik)**2)
dxs = np.linspace(dx_contact1, dx_contact2, nslice+1)
dzs = np.abs(dxs + 1j*bik)
if z is not None:
nobs = len(z)
zk = z * ik
firsthalf = np.arange(nobs) <= (zk==zk.min()).nonzero()[0][0]
secondhalf = True - firsthalf
# Create the maps:
stary = x0.reshape(npix0, 1) - bik
egress_masks = np.zeros((nslice, npix0, npix0), dtype=np.bool)
egress_zmasks = []
for ii in range(nslice):
starx = x0 - dxs[ii+1]
srr = np.abs(starx + 1j*stary)
egress_masks[ii] = (srr <= ik) - egress_masks[0:ii].sum(0)
if z is not None:
temporal_mask = (zk < dzs[ii]) * (zk >= dzs[ii+1])
egress_zmasks.append(temporal_mask * firsthalf)
ingress_masks = np.zeros((nslice, npix0, npix0), dtype=np.bool)
ingress_zmasks = []
for ii in range(nslice):
starx = x0 + dxs[ii+1]
srr = np.abs(starx + 1j*stary)
ingress_masks[ii] = (srr <= ik) - ingress_masks[0:ii].sum(0)
if z is not None:
temporal_mask = (zk < dzs[ii]) * (zk >= dzs[ii+1])
ingress_zmasks.append(temporal_mask * secondhalf)
ingress_masks = ingress_masks[::-1] * pmask
egress_masks = egress_masks*pmask # place in correct order
cumulative_ingress_masks = np.cumsum(ingress_masks, axis=0)[::-1]
cumulative_egress_masks = np.cumsum(egress_masks[::-1], axis=0)
ingress_masks = ingress_masks[::-1]
egress_masks = egress_masks[::-1]
# Switch into correct frame (sloppy of me!!!):
temp = egress_zmasks
egress_zmasks = ingress_zmasks#[::-1]
ingress_zmasks = temp#[::-1]
egress_zmasks = egress_zmasks[::-1]
# For large slice number, it's significantly faster to instantiate
# a too-large array, then trim it, than to append to a growing list.
all_masks = np.zeros((nslice**2, npix0, npix0), dtype=bool)
all_zmasks = []
all_binzmasks = np.zeros((nslice**2, nslice*2), dtype=int)
iter = 0
eg_iter = 0
gress_id = np.zeros((nslice**2,2), dtype=int)
for mask1, zmask1 in zip(egress_masks, egress_zmasks):
in_iter = 0
for mask2, zmask2 in zip(ingress_masks, ingress_zmasks):
temp = mask1 * mask2
if temp.any():
all_masks[iter] = temp
if z is not None:
all_zmasks.append(zmask1 - zmask2.astype(int))
all_binzmasks[iter, in_iter] = -1
all_binzmasks[iter, nslice + eg_iter] = +1
gress_id[iter] = in_iter, eg_iter
iter += 1
in_iter += 1
eg_iter += 1
# Trim the excess slices:
all_masks = all_masks[0:iter]
all_binzmasks = all_binzmasks[0:iter]
gress_id = gress_id[0:iter]
if z is None:
ret = all_masks
all_zmasks = np.array(all_zmasks)
ret = all_masks, all_zmasks, all_binzmasks, ingress_masks, egress_masks, ingress_zmasks, egress_zmasks, gress_id
return ret
[docs]def map2lightcurve(map, z, k, cumulative_ingress_masks, cumulative_egress_masks, ingress_zmasks, egress_zmasks, alt=False):
"""Take a 2D planet map, and convert it into an eclipse light curve.
map : 2D Numpy array
[M x M] square map of planet surface brightness
distribution. Note that map.sum() corresponds to the
fractional eclipse depth.
z : 1D Numpy array
length-N planet crossing parameter z (i.e., distance between
planet and stellar geocenters in units of stellar radii).
k : scalar
planet/star radius ratio
cumulative_ingress_masks, cumulative_egress_masks : 3D Numpy arrays
[nslice x M x M] boolean maps of planet occultation at various
stages, from :func:`prepEclipseMap`
ingress_zmasks, egress_zmasks : 2D Numpy arrays
[nslice x N] boolean maps of which slices correspond to which
z-indices, from :func:`prepEclipseMap`
lightcurve : 1D Numpy array
length-N light curve, normalized to unity in eclipse.
# 2012-07-30 10:57 IJMC: Created
npix0 = map.shape[0]
nslice = cumulative_ingress_masks.shape[0]
nobs = z.size
ingress = (cumulative_ingress_masks * map.reshape(1,npix0, npix0)).reshape(nslice, npix0**2).sum(1)
egress = (cumulative_egress_masks * map.reshape(1,npix0, npix0)).reshape(nslice, npix0**2).sum(1)
if alt:
ret = np.concatenate((ingress, egress))
lc = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=np.float32)
lc[z >= (1.+k)] = map.sum()
for ii in range(nslice):
lc[ingress_zmasks[ii]] = ingress[ii]
lc[egress_zmasks[ii]] = egress[ii]
ret = lc+1
return ret
[docs]def visit_offsets(visitcoef, masks):
visitcoef : 1D NumPy array
offsets from unity for each of N HST visits
masks : 2D NumPy array, N x M
Set of boolean masks for each of N visits (not orbit!),
assuming M total observations.
Note that visitcoef[0] will be set so that the quantity
(1. + visitcoef).prod() always equals unity.
# 2012-12-21 11:16 IJMC: Created
nvisits = masks.shape[0]
visitcoef[0] = 1./(1. + visitcoef[1:]).prod() - 1. # enforce constraint
mod = (masks * visitcoef.reshape(nvisits, 1)).sum(0)
#mod = (masks * visitcoef.reshape(nvisits, 1))[masks] # <--- slower!!
return 1. + mod
[docs]def unwrap_joint_params(params, jfw_indices):
"""Unwrap parameters that are jointly constrained.
params -- 1D NumPy array
The P *non-redundant* parameters to the input function --
i.e., any parameters which are to be jointly fit (i.e., both
held to the same, floating, value) are included only once.
jfw_indices : sequence of scalars and sequences
A length-P sequence of scalars and sequences. Each element
jfw_indices[i] indicates the indices in the unwrapped set of
parameters that will be assigned the value of params[i].
The final value of jfw_indices should be an integer equal to
the length of the final set of unwrapped parameters.
import tools
import numpy as np
npts = 100
snr = 20.
params = [1, 0.5, 1, 1]
x = np.linspace(0, 1, npts)
y = np.polyval(params, x) + np.random.randn(npts)/snr
jointpars = [(0, 2), (0, 3)]
joint_guess = np.array([1, 0.5])
jfw_indices = [[0, 2, 3], [1], 4]
full_params = tools.unwrap_joint_params(joint_guess, jfw_indices)
# 2013-04-30 17:06 IJMC: Created
njfw = len(jfw_indices) - 1
n_jfw_params = jfw_indices[-1]
if hasattr(params, 'dtype'):
dtype = params.dtype
dtype = np.object
new_params = np.zeros(n_jfw_params, dtype=dtype)
for ii in xrange(njfw):
ind = jfw_indices[ii]
if hasattr(ind, '__iter__') and len(ind)>1:
for subind in ind:
new_params[subind] = params[ii]
new_params[ind] = params[ii]
return new_params
[docs]def wrap_joint_params(params, jointpars):
"""Wrap parameters that are jointly constrained.
params -- 1D NumPy array
All parameters, some of which may be jointly constrained.
jointpars -- list of 2-tuples.
For use with multi-function calling (w/npars
keyword). Setting jointpars=[(0,10), (0,20)] will
always set params[10]=params[0] and
import tools
import numpy as np
npts = 100
snr = 20.
params = [1, 0.5, 1, 1]
x = np.linspace(0, 1, npts)
y = np.polyval(params, x) + np.random.randn(npts)/snr
jointpars = [(0, 2), (0, 3)]
all_params, joint_indices = tools.wrap_joint_params(full_params, jointpars)
wrapped_params = tools.unwrap_joint_params(all_params, joint_indices)
nparam = len(params)
njoint = len(jointpars)
ret_ind = []
ret_par = []
already_joint = []
all_joint = []
for joint_constraint in jointpars:
j0 = joint_constraint[0]
if j0 in already_joint:
ind = already_joint.index(j0)
all_joint += list(joint_constraint[1:])
all_joint += list(joint_constraint)
for ii in xrange(nparam):
if ii in all_joint:
return ret_par, ret_ind
[docs]def ramp2p(params, phase, args=dict(n=3, guess=[1, -0.16, 4.2])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 2 (positive) from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 3-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + np.exp(-r[1]*phase + r[2]))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. + np.exp(-params[1]*phase + params[2]))
[docs]def ramp2n(params, phase, args=dict(n=3, guess=[1, 26.6, 7.8])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 2 (negative) from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 3-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. - np.exp(-r[1]*phase + r[2]))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. - np.exp(-params[1]*phase + params[2]))
[docs]def ramp3p(params, phase, args=dict(n=4, guess=[1, -0.16, 4.2, 0.1])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 3 (positive) from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 4-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + np.exp(-r[1]*t + r[2]) + r[3] * (t - 0.5))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. + np.exp(-params[1]*phase + params[2]) + \
params[3] * (phase - 0.5))
[docs]def ramp3n(params, phase, args=dict(n=4, guess=[1, 141, 57.7, 0.123])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 3 (negative) from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 4-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. - np.exp(-r[1]*t + r[2]) + r[3] * (t - 0.5))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. - np.exp(-params[1]*phase + params[2]) + \
params[3] * (phase - 0.5))
[docs]def ramp4p(params, phase, args=dict(n=5, guess=[1, -0.068, 2.33, 0.933, -20.5])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 4 (positive) from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 5-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + np.exp(-r[1]*phase + r[2]) + r[3] * (phase - 0.5) + r[4] * (phase - 0.5)**2)
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. + np.exp(-params[1]*phase + params[2]) + \
params[3] * (phase - 0.5) + \
params[4] * (phase - 0.5)**2)
[docs]def ramp4n(params, phase, args=dict(n=5, guess=[1, -3.7e-4, -0.94, 0.087, -1.08])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 4 (negative) from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 5-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. - np.exp(-r[1]*phase + r[2]) + r[3] * (phase - 0.5) + r[4] * (phase - 0.5)**2)
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. - np.exp(-params[1]*phase + params[2]) + \
params[3] * (phase - 0.5) + \
params[4] * (phase - 0.5)**2)
[docs]def ramp5p(params, phase, args=dict(n=5, guess=[1, -0.32, 2, -0.08, 2])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 5 (positive) from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 5-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + np.exp(-r[1]*phase + r[2]) + np.exp(-r[3]*phase + r[4]))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. + np.exp(-params[1]*phase + params[2]) + \
np.exp(-params[3]*phase + params[4]))
[docs]def ramp5n(params, phase, args=dict(n=5, guess=[1., 20, 83, 8.1, -0.1])): #-0.16, 4.4, -0.16, 0.43])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 5 (negative) from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 5-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. - np.exp(-r[1]*phase + r[2]) - np.exp(-r[3]*phase + r[4]))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. - np.exp(-params[1]*phase + params[2]) - \
np.exp(-params[3]*phase + params[4]))
[docs]def ramp6(params, phase, args=dict(n=4, guess=[1, 0.053, 0.0040 , 0.4])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 6 from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 4-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + r[1] * (phase - 0.5) + r[2] * np.log(phase - r[3]))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
if params[3]>=phase.min():
params[3] = phase.min() - np.diff(phase).mean()/1e6
return params[0] * (1. + params[1] * (phase - 0.5) + params[2] * np.log(phase - params[3]))
[docs]def ramp7(params, phase, args=dict(n=5, guess=[1, 0.034, 0.35, 0.005, 0.35])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 7 from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 5-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + r[1] * (phase - 0.5) + \
r[2] * (phase - 0.5)**2 + \
r[3] * np.log(phase - r[4]))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
if params[4]>=phase.min():
params[4] = phase.min() - np.diff(phase).mean()/1e6
return params[0] * (1. + params[1] * (phase - 0.5) + \
params[2] * (phase - 0.5)**2 + \
params[3] * np.log(phase - params[4]))
[docs]def ramp8(params, phase, args=dict(n=4, guess=[1, 0.0096, 0.35, 5.3e-4])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 8 from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 4-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + r[1] * np.log(phase - r[2]) + \
r[3] * np.log(phase - r[2])**2)
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
if params[2]>=phase.min():
params[2] = phase.min() - np.diff(phase).mean()/1e6
return params[0] * (1. + params[1] * np.log(phase - params[2]) + \
params[3] * np.log(phase - params[2])**2)
[docs]def ramp9(params, phase, args=dict(n=6, guess=[1, 0.003, 0.6, 0.009, 0.35, 4e-4])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 9 from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 6-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + r[1] * (phase - 0.5) + \
r[2] * (phase - 0.5)**2 + \
r[3] * np.log(phase - r[4]) + \
r[5] * np.log(phase - r[4])**2)
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
if params[4]>=phase.min():
params[4] = phase.min() - np.diff(phase).mean()/1e6
return params[0] * (1. + params[1] * (phase - 0.5) + \
params[2] * (phase - 0.5)**2 + \
params[3] * np.log(phase - params[4]) + \
params[5] * np.log(phase - params[4])**2)
[docs]def ramp10(params, phase, args=dict(n=2, guess=[1, 0.2])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 10 from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 2-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + r[1] * (phase - 0.5))
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. + params[1] * (phase - 0.5))
[docs]def ramp11(params, phase, args=dict(n=3, guess=[1, 0.14, -1.9])):
"""Model Ramp Eq. 11 from Stevenson et al. (2011).
params: 3-sequence
parameters that define the function, as shown below.
phase: NumPy array.
Orbital phase (or more generally, 'time')
Functional form:
ramp = r[0] * (1. + r[1] * (phase - 0.5) + r[2] * (phase - 0.5)**2)
# 2013-12-07 14:08 IJMC: Created.
return params[0] * (1. + params[1] * (phase - 0.5) + params[2] * (phase - 0.5)**2)