Source code for transittime


Routines to make a chart of upcoming transit events.  The main
function to call is :func:`transitChart`, which has an example in its
documentation.  A fully automated chart-maker can be found in :func:`makeCharts`

   PyEphem --

   Numpy --

   :doc:`analysis` -- For importing planet-class objects.


   Print uncertainties in ephemeris when they're sufficiently large

2010-10-11 23:06 IJC: Updated with La Palma location.

2010-03-23 09:37 IJC: Written by IJC to duplicate Josh Winn's page @ MIT.

2011-08-09 13:21 IJMC: Copied over :func:`jd2gd` and :func:`gd2jd`.

2011-09-30 11:01 IJMC: Added moon separation.


    import analysis as an

import ephem
#from nsdata import jd2gd, gd2jd
from numpy import cos, pi, array, zeros, sqrt, isfinite, argsort
import pdb

AU = 1.49598e13
msun = 1.98892e33
mjup = 1.8987e30
rjup = 7.1492e9
rsun = 6.955e10
hr = 1./24.
planetkeys = ['tt', 'per', 't14', 'ra_string','dec_string']

# Create a 'star' object, then give it the target's RA and DEC
#target ='Rigel')
#target._ra, target._dec = p.ra_string,p.dec_string

[docs]def gd2jd(datestr): """ Convert a string Gregorian date into a Julian date using Pylab. If no time is given (i.e., only a date), then noon is assumed. Timezones can be given, but UTC is assumed otherwise. :EXAMPLES: :: print gd2jd('Aug 11 2007') #---------------> 2454324.5 print gd2jd('Aug 11 2007, 12:00 PST') #-----> 2454324.29167 print gd2jd('12:00 PM, January 1, 2000') #--> 2451545.0 :REQUIREMENTS: :doc:`matplotlib` :SEE ALSO: :func:`jd2gd` """ # 2008-08-26 14:03 IJC: Created # 2010-12-08 13:00 IJC: Removed "+ 3442850" from num2julian call # 2011-05-19 11:37 IJMC: Put the factor back in for error-catching... import matplotlib.dates as dates if datestr.__class__==str: d = dates.datestr2num(datestr) jd = dates.num2julian(d) if jd<0: jd = dates.num2julian(d + 3442850) print "You are probably using an old version of Matplotlib..." else: jd = [] return jd
[docs]def jd2gd(juldat): """ Convert a numerial Julian date into a Gregorian date using Pylab. Timezone returned will be UTC. :EXAMPLES: :: print jd2gd(2454324.5) #--> 2007-08-12 00:00:00 print jd2gd(2451545) #--> 2000-01-01 12:00:00 :SEE ALSO: :func:`gd2jd`""" # 2008-08-26 14:03 IJC: Created # 2011-01-22 16:24 IJC: Removed arbitrary (?) subtraction of 3442850 from 'd' import matplotlib.dates as dates d = dates.julian2num(juldat) gd = dates.num2date(d ) return gd
[docs]def nextTransit(planet, jd=None, dt0=0.0): """Return JD of the next transit of a planet after a given JD. If jd==None, the current date is used.""" # 2010-03-19 11:19 IJC: Created import datetime if jd==None: jd = gd2jd(str( transitNum = int((jd-( + dt0))/planet.per) return ( + dt0) +planet.per*(transitNum+1)
[docs]def nextEclipse(planet, jd=None, dt0=0.0): """Return JD of the next eclipse of a planet after a given JD. If jd==None, the current date is used. Note that this only works for planets on circular orbits -- eccentric orbits will be given an incorrect Eclipse time!""" # 2011-01-22 22:07 IJC: Created import datetime if jd==None: jd = gd2jd(str( transitNum = int((jd - ( + dt0))/planet.per) return ( + dt0) + planet.per*(transitNum + 0.5)
[docs]def getPerimeter(a, ecc): """Compute perimeter of an ellipse given its semimajor axis and eccentricity. This is only accurate to a few percent. """ # 2010-03-22 21:37 IJC: Created b = a*sqrt(1-ecc**2) p = pi*(3*(a+b)-sqrt((3*a+b)*(a+3*b))) return p
[docs]def getTransitDuration(p): """Compute duration of transit, in days. Units of inputs should be: Rp -- Jupiter Radii depth -- (none) a -- AU ecc-- (none) P -- days inc-- degrees """ # 2011-01-22 16:42 IJC: Added error-catching for odd, eccentric # orbits that aren't properly handled by this algorithm. I should # probably do it correctly! peri = getPerimeter(p.a, p.ecc) * AU/rjup vorb = (peri/p.per) term1 = (p.r*(1+1./sqrt(p.depth)))**2 term2 = (p.a*cos(p.i*pi/180)*AU/rjup)**2 if term1 > term2: ret = 2*sqrt(term1 - term2)/vorb else: print "%s: CANNOT COMPUTE TRANSIT DURATION!!!" % ret = 0.0 return ret
[docs]def getTransitTimes(planet, *arg, **kw): """ If no arguments passes, get info for the next 10 transits. If one (Julian) Date entered, print transits until that date. If two (Julian) Dates entered, print transits between those dates. If keyword eclipse==True, get the Eclipse times instead. """ # 2010-03-19 11:19 IJC: Created # 2011-01-22 22:08 IJC: Added eclipse keyword option nextEventFunc = nextTransit if kw.has_key('eclipse'): if kw['eclipse'] is True: nextEventFunc = nextEclipse dt0 = 0.0 if kw.has_key('dt0'): dt0 = kw['dt0'] if len(arg)==0: firstEvent = nextEventFunc(planet, dt0=dt0) nEvents = 10 elif len(arg)==1: firstEvent = nextEventFunc(planet,arg[0], dt0=dt0) lastEvent = nextEventFunc(planet,arg[0], dt0=dt0) nEvents = int((lastEvent-firstEvent)/planet.per+0.001) # roundoff else: # len(arg)==2 firstEvent = nextEventFunc(planet,arg[0], dt0=dt0) lastEvent = nextEventFunc(planet,arg[1], dt0=dt0) nEvents = int((lastEvent-firstEvent)/planet.per+0.001) # roundoff return [firstEvent+ii*planet.per for ii in range(nEvents)]
[docs]def getMoonAngle(jd, target, obs): """Returns the angle between a target and the moon (in radians). :INPUTS: jd : float or 1D numpy array Julian Dates of times target : target being observed obs : ephem.Observer observatory with latitude, longitude, and elevation set """ # 2011-09-30 09:56 IJMC: Created from getAirmassAndSunAlt if not hasattr(jd, '__iter__'): jd = [jd] JDwas1D = True else: JDwas1D = False moon = ephem.Moon() njd = len(jd) moonangle = zeros(njd, float) for ii in range(njd): t = jd[ii] target.compute(obs) moon.compute(obs) moonangle[ii] = ephem.separation(target, moon) if JDwas1D: moonangle = moonangle[0] return moonangle
[docs]def getAirmassAndSunAlt(jd, target, obs) :#, twilight=12, airmax=2.2): """ Return airmass and sun altitude at a set of times. INPUTS: JD -- a sequence of times target -- an object obs -- an ephem.Observer-class object Objects w/airmass>9.99 (or below the horizon) are set to 9.99 """ #2010-03-19 11:32 IJC: Created if not hasattr(jd,'__iter__'): jd = [jd] sun = ephem.Sun() njd = len(jd) airmass = zeros(njd,float) sunalt = zeros(njd,float) for ii in range(njd): t = jd[ii] target.compute(obs) sun.compute(obs) airmass[ii] = 1./cos(pi/2-target.alt) sunalt[ii] = 180*sun.alt/pi airmass[(airmass<0) + (airmass > 9.99)] = 9.99 return airmass, sunalt
def printflags(observable): nobs = len(observable) flagstring = '' for ii in range(nobs): if observable[ii]: flagstring += str(ii) else: flagstring += ' ' return flagstring def printstats(jd, sunalt, airmass, delim=' '): day = jd2gd(jd) ret = 'UT=%02g%02gZZZsun=%5.1fZZZz=%5.2f' %(day.hour,day.minute,sunalt,airmass) #ret = 'UT=%02g%02g sun=%5.1f z=%5.2f' %(day.hour,day.minute,sunalt,airmass) ret = ret.replace(' ', '=') ret = ret.replace('ZZZ', delim) return ret def printline(observable, jdCen, jd, sunalt, airmass, delim=' '): jd = array(jd).ravel() sunalt= array(sunalt).ravel() airmass = array(airmass).ravel() dCen = jd2gd(jdCen) njd = len(jd) if njd<>len(sunalt) or njd<>len(airmass): ret = 'input JD, sunalt, and airmass must have equal lengths\n' else: ret = printflags(observable) ret += '%s%07.6f' % (delim, jdCen) ret += '%s%i%s%2i%s%2i' % (delim*2, dCen.year,delim, dCen.month,delim, for ii in range(njd): ret += '%s%s' % (delim*2, printstats(jd[ii], sunalt[ii], airmass[ii], delim=delim)) return ret
[docs]def isGoodPlanet(planet): """Check if planet object has the necessary fields, and that they are non-empty.""" #2010-03-19 13:39 IJC: Created # 2011-01-22 16:47 IJC: Updated to check for finite values isGood = True for key in planetkeys: if not hasattr(planet,key): isGood = False break else: thiskey = eval('planet.%s' % key) if thiskey.__class__==str: if len(thiskey)==0: isGood = False break elif not isfinite(thiskey): isGood = False #else Do nothing return isGood
[docs]def transitChart(planets, date1, date2, obs='lick', airmax=2.5, twilight=12, tpad=1, cutoff=3, eclipse=False, delim=' ', chron=False, dt0=0.0): """ :INPUTS: planets : objects with the following fields: .per (period/days) .tt (transit ephemeris, JD) .t14 (transit duration, days) .ra_string (string; RA of target in hh:mm:ss) .dec_string (string; Dec of target in dd:mm:ss) date1, date2 : str Date strings (e.g., of the form "YYYY-MM-DD") bracketing the timespan for which transits/eclipses will be calculated. obs : str 'lick' or 'keck' or 'lapalma' or 'mtgraham' or 'mtbigelow' or 'andersonmesa' or 'kpno' or 'ctio' or 'cerropachon' or 'palomar' or 'cerroparanal' or 'lasilla' or 'calaralto' or 'lascampanas' airmax : float Maximum acceptable airmass twilight : float Minimum acceptable angular distance of sun below horizon, in degrees. tpad : float Number of hours by which ingress and egress should be padded cutoff : int Minimum number of acceptable "observational checkpoints." Valid values are 0-5, inclusive. A value of "5" will only show fully visible transits (pre-ingress, ingress, mid-transit, egress, post-egress), "0" will show ALL transits (even, e.g., those during daylight), and intermediate values will show fully visible transits and some number of partial transits. eclipse : bool If True, compute times of eclipses, not of transits. Note that eclipse times are all computed assuming circular orbits! delim : str Character(s) used to delimit the output text table chron : bool If True, sort all computed events (for ALL planets considered) by mid-event time. If False, events will be listed separately for each planet. dt0 : float Number of days by which to shift transit center time: a "fudge factor." A positive value here means that the output text table will show events occuring later than the '.tt' field of the planet object would otherwise indicate. Leave this set to "zero" unless you have a good reason to do otherwise! :EXAMPLE: :: import transittime as tt class planet: # Simplest valid planet class def __init__(self): return p = planet() p.per = 1.58040482, p.t14 = 2454980.7487955, 0.03661806 p.ra_string, p.dec_string = '17:15:18.94', '04:57:49.70' = 'GJ 1214 b' text = tt.transitChart(p, '2013-01-01','2013-12-31') :EXAMPLE: :: import analysis as an # requires :doc:`analysis` import transittime as tt from numpy import array planet_names = an.getobj() all_planets = map(an.getobj, planet_names) transit_flag = array([p.transit==1 for p in all_planets]) transiters = array(all_planets)[transit_flag] text = tt.transitChart(transiters, '2013-01-01', '2013-08-01') :NOTES: Always check transit predictions with at least two independent tools! Eclipse times are currently computed assuming circular orbits. Need to fix this... """ # 2010-03-19 11:39 IJC: Created # 2010-10-11 23:08 IJC: Updated with LaPalma location # 2011-01-22 22:11 IJC: Added eclipse flag # 2011-02-08 09:23 IJC: Added delim flag # 2011-08-23 16:43 IJMC: Set = # 2011-08-26 16:41 IJMC: Added 'chron' flag. # 2011-09-13 20:59 IJMC: Slightly modified planet header text # 2011-09-20 15:06 IJMC: Added 'mtgraham' observatory location # 2012-01-25 11:54 IJMC: Added 'cerropachon' # 2012-04-06 15:50 IJMC: Added 'palomar' # 2012-08-06 22:14 IJMC: Added cerro paranal and la silla and calar alto # 2012-09-05 08:52 IJMC: Added las campanas # 2013-01-15 10:11 IJMC: Added mtbigelow/catalina option, updated DOC text. if not hasattr(planets,'__iter__'): planets = [planets] nplanets = len(planets) jd1 = gd2jd(date1) jd2 = gd2jd(date2) ind = [1,2,3] # [01234] = [pre-, ingress, mid-transit, egress, post-] obs = str.lower(obs) observer = setupObservatory(obs) # Start making the text file lines: if eclipse: eventType = 'ECLIPSE' else: eventType = 'TRANSIT' init_header = ["%s listing between %s and %s, for %s observatory\n" % (eventType, date1,date2, obs)] init_header.append("The numerical string specifies which of the following events are visible:\n") init_header.append("0: pre-ingress\n1: first contact\n2: mid-%s\n3: fourth contact\n4: post-egress\n" % eventType ) init_header.append("where pre-ingress and post-egress have been padded by %f hours\n\n" % tpad) init_header.append('Criteria for observability: z<%f and sun_altitude<-%f deg\n\n' % (airmax,twilight)) init_header.append("Clock times below are UT, but HAVE NOT been corrected for heliocentricity\n\n") init_header.append("Created by Ian Crossfield (but based on Josh Winn of MIT's charts)\n\n") planetevents = [] eventcenters = [] ret = init_header for planet in planets: if not hasattr(planet, 'name'): = '(unnamed planet)' pheader = [] pfooter = [] pheader.append('\n') pheader.append('%s T0: %4.10f Per: %4.15f\n' %(, + dt0,planet.per)) if dt0<>0: pheader.append(' (all transit center times have been shifted by %4.10f days)\n' % dt0) if not isGoodPlanet(planet): planet.t14 = getTransitDuration(planet) pheader.append ('(transit duration missing; approximately computed: %3.2f min)\n' %(planet.t14*1440) ) if isGoodPlanet(planet): pheader.append(' HJD-midtransit UTdate-mid Ingress: Middle: Egress:\n') # Setup target object: target ='Rigel') = target._ra, target._dec = planet.ra_string,planet.dec_string target._pmra, target._pmdec = 0.,0. times = getTransitTimes(planet, jd1,jd2, eclipse=eclipse, dt0=dt0) ntimes = len(times) for ii in range(ntimes): tOffsets = array([-planet.t14/2-hr*tpad, -planet.t14/2, 0., \ +planet.t14/2,+planet.t14/2+hr*tpad])+times[ii] if not isfinite(tOffsets[0]): print "some of tOffsets were not finite." print "tOffsets>>", tOffsets pdb.set_trace() moonangle = getMoonAngle(tOffsets, target, observer) * 180./pi airmass, sunalt = getAirmassAndSunAlt(tOffsets, target, observer) observable = (sunalt<-twilight) * (airmass>0) * \ (airmass<airmax) #* (moonangle > moonlimit) if observable.sum()>=cutoff: thisline = printline(observable, times[ii], tOffsets[ind], sunalt[ind], airmass[ind], delim=delim) moonsep = '%5.1f' % min(moonangle) #ret = 'UT=%02g%02g sun=%5.1f z=%5.2f' %(day.hour,day.minute,sunalt,airmass) moonsep = moonsep.replace(' ', '=') thisline = thisline + (delim*2) + 'moonSep=' + moonsep + '\n' pfooter.append(thisline) #pdb.set_trace() else: pheader.append('planet object lacks a necessary field:\n') checkstr = ''.join(['%s: %s ' %(key,eval("planet.%s"%key)) for \ key in planetkeys]) pfooter.append('Checking for fields: %s\n' % checkstr) if len(pfooter)>0: ret = ret + pheader + pfooter planetevents = planetevents + \ ([line.replace('\n','\n') \ for line in pfooter]) if chron: eventcenters = map(float, [pe[6:20] for pe in planetevents]) chronindex = argsort(eventcenters) chronret = init_header + list(array(planetevents)[chronindex]) ret = chronret return ret #tOffsets = array([tCen-p.t14/2-hr, tCen-p.t14/2, tCen, tCen+p.t14/2,tCen+p.t14/2+hr]) #print, target.alt, 1./cos(pi/2-target.alt), sun.alt #
[docs]def makeCharts(path='/Users/ianc/temp/', obs=['lick', 'keck', 'cerropachon'], eclipse=[True, False], \ months=18, clobber=False, kw=None, planet_names=None): """Make transit charts for specified observatories for all planets. :OPTIONS: path : str directory in which to write text output obs : list of str observatories, acceptable to :func:`transitChart` eclipse : list of bool whether to compute eclipses (if True) or transits (if False). Note that eclipse predictions assume circular orbits! months : int Number of (31-day) months from present date for computations clobber : bool If true, overwrite file if it already exists. Otherwise, don't. kw : dict or None dict of keywords to pass to :func:`transitChart` planet_names : None or list of planet objects Planets for which table should be constructed. If "none", do it for all planets in the database. :REQUIREMENTS: :doc:`analysis`, :doc:`datetime`, :doc:`os` :SEE_ALSO: :func:`transitChart` """ # 2011-11-01 21:12 IJMC: Created to save me some time. # 2013-01-08 23:23 IJMC: Added planet_names option import datetime, os # Check inputs: if not hasattr(eclipse, '__iter__'): eclipse = [eclipse] if not hasattr(obs, '__iter__') or isinstance(obs, str): obs = [obs] if not kw.__class__==dict: print "Input 'kw' must be of type dict; thus 'kw' has not set any keywords." kw = dict() elif kw.has_key('chron'): print "'Chron' key is unnecessary (and ignored). ", print "Both chronological and non-chronological transit charts will be output." junk = kw.pop('chron') # Prepare dates: startdate = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) stopdate = startdate + datetime.timedelta(days=months*31) startstr = ('%s' % startdate)[0:10] stopstr = ('%s' % stopdate)[0:10] # Prepare list of planet objects: if planet_names is None: planet_names = an.getobj() all_planets = map(an.getobj, planet_names) else: all_planets = planet_names transit_flag = array([p.transit==1 for p in all_planets]) transiters = array(all_planets)[transit_flag] # Loop over all options: for thisobs in obs: format_params = (path, thisobs, startstr, stopstr) for doeclipse in eclipse: # Set output filenames: if doeclipse==True: cname = '%s%s_chronological_eclipse_chart_%s--%s.txt' % format_params sname = '%s%s_planet-sorted_eclipse_chart_%s--%s.txt' % format_params else: cname = '%s%s_chronological_transit_chart_%s--%s.txt' % format_params sname = '%s%s_planet-sorted_transit_chart_%s--%s.txt' % format_params # Generate transit charts: ctext = transitChart(transiters, startstr, stopstr, obs=thisobs, \ eclipse=doeclipse, chron=True, **kw) stext = transitChart(transiters, startstr, stopstr, obs=thisobs, \ eclipse=doeclipse, chron=False, **kw) # Write files to disk: if os.path.isfile(cname) and not clobber: print "File %s exists and clobber=False; not writing file to disk." % cname else: f = open(cname, 'w') f.writelines(ctext) f.close() if os.path.isfile(sname) and not clobber: print "File %s exists and clobber=False; not writing file to disk." % sname else: f = open(sname, 'w') f.writelines(stext) f.close() return