
  • Syllabus (PDF)
  • Office hours: See the syllabus.
  • NO CLASS: There will be no class on Feb 11, Mar 18, Mar 20, Apr 1, and Apr 3.

PSets and solutions

No. Topics Pset Due Solutions
1 Radiation and interiors 01 Feb 13 solutions
2 Transport, Distributions, Eqns of State 02 Mar 6 solutions
3 Interiors 02 Mar 25

Course Outline

No. Date Topic Readings, Slides, and Notes
1 - W01L1 2025/01/21 Introduction to A794. Stellar evolution. Stars. Planets.
2 - W01L2 2025/01/23 Radiation: Intensity, Flux, Luminosity, Blackbodies
3 - W02L1 2025/01/28 Stellar Structure Equations
  • Pinsonneault & Ryden, Chapter 2
  • Kippenhahn & Weigert, Chapters 2, 4, 7, 8
  • MIT 8.901 notes, Sec. 11
4 - W02L2 2025/01/30 Energy Transport: Radiation, Conduction, Convection
5 - W03L1 2025/02/04 Ionization, Boltzmann, Saha
6 - W03L2 2025/02/06 Equations of State: Maxwellian, Ideal Gas, Radiation
  • Pinsonneault & Ryden, Chapter 3
  • Kippenhahn & Weigert, Sec. 13.1, Chp. 15
W04L1 2025/02/11 NO CLASS
7 - W04L2 2025/02/13 Equations of State: Fermi-Dirac, Degeneracy
  • Pinsonneault & Ryden, Secs. 9.1, 9.2
  • Kippenhahn & Weigert, Chps. 35, 36, 37
  • MIT 8.901 notes, Secs. 20, 21, 22
2025/02/18 NO CLASS: Winter Weather
2025/02/25 NO CLASS: Winter Weather
8 - W05L1 2025/02/25 Nuclear Fusion
  • Pinsonneault & Ryden, Chp. 5
  • Kippenhahn & Weigert, Chp. 18
  • MIT 8.901 notes, Secs. 14, 15
9 - W05L2 2025/02/27 Polytropes & Modeling Interiors
  • Pinsonneault & Ryden, Sec. 6.2
  • Kippenhahn & Weigert, Chp. 19
  • MIT 8.901 notes, Sec. 13
10 - W06L1 2025/03/04 Opacity, extinction, cross-sections, & optical depth
11 - W06L2 2025/03/06 Radiative Transfer Equation: solution; general form
Plane-parallel stellar atmosphere; limb darkening
Gray stellar atmosphere
The Eddington Approximation
Stellar Chromospheres and Coronae
Planet Interiors and Mass-Radius relations
Temperatures and Albedos
Temperature Profiles
Adiabats, dry and moist
Convection and convective stability
Transmission Spectra
Greenhouse effects
Atmospheric circulation, global temperatures, and phase curves
Atmospheric chemistry
Clouds and Condensation

External Readings

Exams and Projects


A comprehensive final exam will be taken in class during Finals week. Time and date and topics TBD.

BONUS: Fellowship Application

An additional 10% of course grade (i.e., a full letter grade) is available to any student who writes a quality, submittable application for a major multi-year scholarship or fellowship (e.g. NASA FINESST, etc.). The application must be sent to Prof. Crossfield at least one week before the official submission deadline (so he can give you feedback to help improve it). Drafts for fellowships due after the last day of class must be turned in one week before the last lecture of class.