Alex Polanski , University of Kansas, 2019--2024. Radial velocity and transit measurements of planet mass, size, density, and composition. PhD with honors, now prize postdoctoral fellow at Lowell Observatory. |
Kate Wienke, University of Kansas, 2021--2023. Correlations in planetary properties; exoplanet phase curves and eclipses. Graduated 2024. |
Erica Gonzales , UCSC 2017--present. High-resolution imaging of substellar objects and other companions to planet host stars. NSF Graduate Research Fellow. Now in private industry. |
Marina Beltran, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, KU REU summer 2022. Modeling of exoplanet atmospheres using stellar chemical abundance profiles. |
Yanzhe Zhang, 2020-2022. Transit and RV analysis of exoplanet systems. Now grad student at UMass Amherst. |
Tom Mikal-Evans , 2018--2021. Transit and eclipse spectroscopy from space. Now Max Planck Group Leader at MPIA-ApEx, now faculty at U. Newcastle, Australia. |
Ethen Schmidt, University of Kansas, 2019--2021. Emission spectroscopy and atmospheric retrievals. Now engineer at Lockheed-Martin.
Kaz (formerly Sharon) Gary, University of Kansas, 2020--2021. Stellar abundances. Now grad student at OSU. |
Elisabeth Matthews , 2018--2020. High-resolution imaging of disks and planetary systems. Postdoc at Geneva Observatory, now at MPIA. |
Molly Kosiarek , UCSC 2016--2021. Radial velocity measurements of planet mass, density, and composition. NSF Graduate Research Fellow. Multiple papers published. Graduated and working in the private sector. |
David Berardo , MIT, worked together 2017--2020. Space-based transit photometry of interesting planets. NSERC Graduate Fellow, 2018. |
Nicholas Mehrle , MIT, worked together 2017--2020. High-resolution IR spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres. |
Xueying "Sherry" Guo , MIT, 2014--2019 (in my group since 2017). Space-based transit spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres. Graduated and now in private industry. |
Liang Yu , MIT, 2014--2019 (in my group since 2017). Discovering new transiting planets using novel techniques and K2+TESS data. Published a new K2 catalog in just 2 weeks. Graduated and now in private industry. |
Joshua Lothringer, UA/LPL, 2014--2019. HST transit spectroscopy of small and/or cool exoplanets. Postdoc at Johns Hopkins, Professor at UVU, now staff astronomer at STSc. |
Becky Flores, CSU Northridge ---> Georgia State, May 2018-May 2019. Analyzed 2-5 micron high-resolution spectroscopy to derive physical parameters of M dwarfs. Contributed to paper: Crossfield et al. (incl. Flores) (2019). Now a grad student at Georgia State. |

Arturo Martinez, UA/LPL ---> SDSU --> Georgia State, summer 2015. Observed and analyzed spectroscopy to derive physical parameters of M dwarfs. Paper published: Martinez, Crossfield, et al. (2017). PhD at Georgia State; now at NASA/Ames. |

Lauren Biddle UA/Steward ---> Lowell and NAU Astronomy. Now at UT Austin. Transit observations and analysis of GJ 3470b, published here. |
Kyle Pearson UA/Steward ---> UA/Steward ---> NAU Astronomy. Transit observations and analysis of GJ 3470b, published here. Grad student at UA/LPL, now at JPL. |
