Introduction to the suite
ASTROPH.PY and the accompanying files are designed to generate a
freestanding, maintenance-free web site for
listing files (or other
URLs), as seen
A PHP-enabled web site lists submitted articles, has an input form for
submitting additional articles of interest, and upon submission the
site automatically updates the PHP code. Items can be subsequently
deleted from the list using a password-protected PHP text editor. was created at UC Los Angeles
by Ian J. Crossfield
and Nathaniel Ross.
Re-use or modification is allowed and encouraged, so long as proper
acknowledgement is made to the original authors and institution.
Download & Contents:
All files are included in
this tarball , which includes the following
files: | HTML pages from a list of IDs/URLs
| | Python module used by
coffee_*.txt | Header/footer used in generating HTML and PHP
astro_coffee_sample.php | sample main web page
listmanager.php | Password-protected site to edit ID list file.
papers | ASCII file list of paper IDs/URLs
dregs.log | Logfile for submissions
Requirements & Installation
- Download the package and
untar (tar -xvfz astrocoffee.tar.gz).
- You need a web server with PHP and Python scripting enabled.
Plenty of web resources exist to guide you through configuration of
your particular web server.
- Copy the files to your server's directory for public
web resources.
- Set permissions. The *.php files, papers, and dregs.log will all
be continually updated, and so need to have read/write access enabled
(chmod 666). You will want to update the *.txt files to customize
your page, but after that they only need read access enabled (chmod
444), and similarly for, however, needs
executable access, so a chmod 555 would be more appropriate.
- Open the file "listmanager.php" in your favorite text editor. Set
the username and password variables at the top of the file to whatever
you want.
- At this point, everything should be set up. Open a terminal
window to the appropriate directory, and type './'. After
about a minute (see below for an explanation for the delay) the script
should exit. Type 'ls -lart', and you should see two new files,
"astro_coffee.php" and "astro_coffee_temp.php".
- Open a web browser, point it to
'http://yourserver/astro_coffee.php', and the page should pop up. A
file "astro_coffee_sample.php" is also included as an example of the
general format to expect for the file.
The guts -- How does it work? invokes a few fairly basic python commands for URL
retrieval, file I/O, and string manipulation, all wrapped up in a
colorful HTML/PHP candy shell -- see the source code for more details.
The PHP handles form submission and processing, and calls the
underlying Python script that collects data from web pages and writes
new HTML/PHP code.
As currently implemented (v0.3) page updates can take several minutes,
because a 30-second pause is inserted between retrieval of each
submission's info. This is to prevent sites from recognizing the
script as a rampaging robot.
Future revisions:
Anyone with a mind toward improvements is welcome to attempt
implementation of the following, or other, desired future features.
As always, keep the original authors in the loop.
- smarter handling of IO, file permissions, and general web security
- Preprint objects should have a standardized structure and
- "getinfo" subfunctions for other web pages (ADS, URLs,
- A locally generated article information database, so that
articles' data don't have to be re-loaded from the web each time
the script is run.
- Scripts should check for duplicate submissions
- Options for sorting by, e.g., web submission date, paper
submission date, type, etc.
- A web interface to view the logfile
- Other suggestions welcome!